Yung Miami Trends On Twitter Following Diddy Security Footage

The news has gotten worse and worse for Diddy as 2024 has gone on. After he took to Instagram earlier this month asking fans to show their love for him and claiming the truth would come out eventually, many believed there would be more drama soon. That came to fruition this morning when CNN shared a newly leaked hotel security camera video. In the video Diddy seems to be physically assaulting Cassie, something she accused him of in a lawsuit filed last year. Like with much of the Diddy news, fans subsequently pivoted to asking what his most recent girlfriend Yung Miami thinks about it.

Yung Miami's real name Caresha was on Twitter's trending topics just a few hours after the video leaked. Some fans took to the platform to try and separate Miami from the ongoing events involving Diddy. Others claim that her association with the rapper may end up ruining her career. Others went digging for receipts that her affiliation with the rap mogul went pretty deep. Backlash to that saw even more fans claiming people were more upset with Caresha than with Diddy himself. Check out a few of the tweets discussing her involvement below.

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The leaked video is only the most recent incident in months of months of trouble dating back to last week. It follows a period of relative silence following the March raid of two of his properties by the federal government. They were in connection with an investigation into sex trafficking that is believed to still be ongoing. The rap world has continued to react to Diddy news as its revealed including dozens of reactions to the newly leaked video.

What do you think of Yung Miami finding herself trending on Twitter following new disparaging Diddy news? Do you agree that fans are getting more upset with Caresha over the new video than they are over Diddy himself? Let us know in the comment section below.

Read More: Yung Miami's New Era Is All About Yams
The post Yung Miami Trends On Twitter Following Diddy Security Footage appeared first on HotNewHipHop.


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