Dreams Woven Support Networkhttp://www.blackvibes.com/dwsnetwork/Katherine Waddell Founder Of Dreams Woven Support Network Her Story... Saturday night, sitting in my parking space in front of my town home, tears poured out of my eyes as if someone had died. Monday morning was just around the corner and I would have to return to my job. No one hated me at work, (that I knew of) and I did not hate the job or anyone there. What was happening to me was that I was not able to live my dream. Finally, getting out of the car at 3 a.m. and making my way into my town home the tears continued. I lay in bed all day on Sunday, dreading Monday. I got myself together and I went to go get the answer to know what to do next. When I arrived at my mom's I sat on the side of her bed, swollen face and all. She asked, "What's the matter?" I said, "I want to live my dream." She said, "Then do it." I said, "You don't understand, I don't want to go to my job in the morning." I could not believe that my mother was saying for me to live my dream. She was the very person I KNEW would tell me to return to work. She told me, "Hell, you need to be happy, so live your dream." (read more on the website)en-usdreamswoven2013@gmail.comhttp://www.dreamswovensupportnetwork.orgdwsupportnetdreamswoven0mm150265ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3568931435http://www.blackvibes.com/images/bvc/109/22092-photos-tab-header.jpg0dwsnetworkhttp://www.blackvibes.com/dwsnetwork/http://www.blackvibes.com/images/users/18143-dwsnetwork.jpgThe four most dangerous toxins to the brain (courtesy of Woody McManus)http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-health-fluoride/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-health-fluoride/Posted by dwsnetwork0http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-health-fluoride/#commentsTue, 8 Jul 2014 13:00 GMTA healthy mind is a terrible thing to lose, but due to man-made chemicals, the threat of brain function destruction is always present. These are potentially the most offensive perpetrators to the mind, but the good news is that there are easy ways to avoid them. Fluoride The decision to add fluoride to most public drinking water systems as a way to fight tooth decay has perhaps had the most insidious and widespread effect on the brains of people across North America. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has reported on a study which found that fluoride is linked to lower IQ, even at the ranges added to U.S. water supplies. In all, FAN said that 34 studies now link fluoride to lower IQ levels in humans, while many other studies link fluoride to learning and memory impairment, fetal brain damage and altered neurobehavioral function. One study sponsored by UNICEF found that IQ was reduced at just 0.88 mg/l of fluoride, a level that is considered within optimal range and is added to U.S. drinking water systems that serve over 200 million Americans every day. Removing fluoride from your water supply is often as simple as installing a high-quality water filter. Read entire blog here: <a href="javascript:launchURL('http://beneficialhealthliving.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-four-most-dangerous-toxins-to-brain.html?spref=fb')">http://beneficialhealthliving.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-four-most-dangerous-toxins-to-brain.html?spref=fb</a>35172Business, Health, Fluoride, Woody McManus Jr, Beneficial Health Livingblogs/7-2014/35172-business-health-fluor-s.jpgWhat Is Your Street Value? (Courtesy of A Suite Collaboration)http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation-35170/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation-35170/Posted by dwsnetwork0http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation-35170/#commentsMon, 7 Jul 2014 21:51 GMTWhat is your street value? It's whatever you say it is. No one and I mean no one can set or determine that price but you. Learn to "set it and forget it" (in the immortal words of Ronco). Learn to say it with a confident smile. But first, figure out exactly WHAT that value/price is and then dig your heels in. People will balk at what you ask for - that's o.k., they are not who you cater to. Others will not blink - they are your bread and butter, keep them close to the vest, very happy and well taken care of with extra goodies and special treats on occasion (at no extra charge). The squeaky wheel gets the grease and your kindness and niceties to this group of people will go much further in your marketing efforts than any promotional event or flyer ever could because these are your word of mouth Marketing & Promotion team (M&P Team). If you cannot determine exactly what you believe your dollar value to be, do a couple of things first to begin your calculations (and then if you still can't figure it out - give me a call to set up a Clarity conversation and we will develop that number together). Let's start with the below list. Write a dollar value (or a 'yes') next to each example and this will total up to just the beginning rate of what ballpark you should be charging in (push hard to determine the dollar value and not just a "yes" answer): Educated in the field your offering More than five years' experience in the arena New in the arena Have a list of happily satisfied customers that wouldn't hesitate to vouch for you Using personal equipment (computer, printer, phone, camera, etc.) Purchased software Using personal office supplies (ink, paper, tape, staples, etc.) Using personal electricity Using automobile (gas, insurance, mileage, etc.) Customer/vendor talking time used (project description, meetings, etc.) Amount of time spent on project What are others at your level charging (per: hour, project, day, etc.) Follow me? This is just your STARTING point, your VALUE goes up from here because you are not out just to make the bare minimum, you are out to make a profit. Now, you can't very well charge a commanding rate and you aren't very well knowledgeable/educated formally or hands on, have limited experience, not delivering on the goods or can't say yes to 90% of the above! Your professional acumen, demeanor, products, services, quality, attention to details, follow up and follow through must be on point - especially if you want repeat and new business and to spend as little money as possible on M&P because your very satisfied clientele WILL be your M&P Team. Connect with me today to discover exactly what your commanding value is through a simple Clarity conversation. Also, let's determine how BCC - Small Business Management Services can assist your Entrepreneurial and Small Business endeavors by being your personal Business Concierge. We will also connect you to the people you should have in your circle of influence by having you discover a different networking activity that you didn't know was possible. Start at "Networking From The Waist - Up!" with us each month. For more information go to: www.BeCrystalClear.net written by: CL Reed BCC - Small Business Management Services (The Entrepreneur's & Small Business Concierge) Helping You Upstart & Grow Your Business www.BeCrystalClear.Net35170Business, Entrepreneur, Motivation, Inspiration, Educationblogs/7-2014/35170-business-entrepreneur-s.jpgYou will lose friends after this...http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation-35169/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation-35169/Posted by dwsnetwork0http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation-35169/#commentsMon, 7 Jul 2014 21:36 GMTWho is in your circle of influence? This question may seem for some to be irrelevant. You may feel that you do not discriminate because discriminating is bad. Well, I am here to shed a little light on that for you. While I do that you will have to go through your mind and take inventory of the people you are currently associated with and welp, things are about to get a bit uncomfortable. So if you want things to remain the same in your life then stop reading this blog post right now.... So you are still here? Well here we go. You may have heard that you are the sum total of the FIVE, YES 1-2-3-4-5 closest people around you. Now, take a mental inventory of who you are hanging around with, who you are kicking it with, who you roll with and you will learn really quickly what YOU are all about. Sure you will argue that you are all unique individuals, well are all of you unique individuals in a growing forward movement? Here are some clues to help you out: What books are you reading? (Not reading any books ummm...) What classes are you attending? Where are you networking? Personally or professionally have you tried any new ventures? Have you closed off any part of your life and chalked it up to having to do without that part? If ANY of your responses results in you participating in a routine that causes stagnation, you need to start today doing something different. No matter how very little, do something different. In your current situation ask yourself this question, "How is this helping me gain financial freedom, the relationships I desire, and developing parenting skills." These are just a few of the questions that you should ask yourself. One of the most effective changes you can make will be to get a better 5 around you. You will not make a huge announcement to the individuals about how they are the rotten apples in your world. But you will need to arrange to be in new places to draw new people your way. Here are some ways to get a new 5: By picking up new and different books, those will certainly open you up to new possibilities. Join a meet up group in your city to meet new people. Go to a new cafe and talk to strangers, get uncomfortable! I told you that you will lose some friends with this post. Until next time, Have a Super Day!35169Business, Entrepreneur, Motivation, Inspiration, Educationblogs/7-2014/35169-business-entrepreneur-s.jpgThinking about becoming an entrepreneurhttp://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation/Posted by dwsnetwork0http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-entrepreneur-motivation/#commentsMon, 7 Jul 2014 21:07 GMTDear Wanna Be Entrepreneur, There are levels to this thing. You don't run out an become an entrepreneur. It's not until you have cried a lot, been shunned some more, and broke down quite a bit that you are at least on the right track. You have to be prepared to cry often. Sit awake at night because your passion won't let you sleep. You have to forfeit going to some events and doing some things you like because your passion has summoned you. You will not always have the money you want when you want it. You will be tried on every side by every person you need to borrow money from when you are not generating any money. And on top of that you don't know when or if you can pay them back. Are you a risk taker? If you are not a risk taker then this may not be for you. And you know what? It's alright if it isn't for you. Playing it safe does not make you a smart entrepreneur, it makes you someone who is playing it safe. Entrepreneurs seek and pursue opportunities. They are major problem solvers. They want to make things better for others in some way. So ask yourself, do you have the stomach to take risks? 35167Business, Entrepreneur, Motivation, Inspiration, Educationblogs/7-2014/35167-business-entrepreneur-s.jpgThe inconvenience of your schedulehttp://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-goals-schedule/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-goals-schedule/Posted by dwsnetwork0http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-goals-schedule/#commentsMon, 7 Jul 2014 20:55 GMTThis is a tough topic to approach. You are in business and you want to be available whenever one of your customers need you, right? WRONG! They will wear you out and quite possibly take you to an early grave if you are not careful. You want to live your dream by serving your purpose here on Earth, but isn't happiness apart of that? If you, have to think about the answer to that question then you need to keep reading. You are in a business which has allowed you to make money with what you were born to do. Unfortunately, knowing proper boundaries has not been a strong suit if you find that you dread customer interaction. Of course, the first 100 times I encountered the gnawing feeling of "oh no, not that client again", it was hard to put my foot down and mean it. It was not only hard for me to put my foot down, but it was also scary to turn away money. At least I thought it was money, it turned out to be a freaking headache. After not saying no when I should have, I dealt with regrets about not saying no. I dealt with the struggle to get the customer to understand I really did have office hours. I struggled with not being readily available for fear someone else would get my clients. The truth is no matter if you have one person or 100 people wanting your service you would benefit from having boundaries. You would benefit by making yourself follow the guidelines of a real business owner. Striving to punch in and out on time will not only allow you to keep your sanity, but you will discover when you really need it that your customers will know when you are open for business. Strive to be the best at what you do and people will wait to do business with only you.35165Business, Goals, Schedule, Motivation, Inspirationblogs/7-2014/35165-business-goals-schedu-s.jpgA Big Stephttp://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-living-your-dream-motivation/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-living-your-dream-motivation/Posted by dwsnetwork0http://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/dwsnetwork-business-living-your-dream-motivation/#commentsMon, 7 Jul 2014 20:41 GMTLiving your dream is a big step! Joining a group of other people you believe to be like minded is unnerving, especially if you have been burned before. One of my radio show commentators has a motto with her company that says "Together is Better". I believe this, but it is not always easy to work with others. There could be a perceived personality conflict, there could be some integrity issues, or it could be that you all just don't work well together, but you like each other otherwise. That last one is the strangest to me, "I like you as a person, I just can't work with you." Take into account that being an entrepreneur is an independent endeavor that can be supported by others. You will have to figure some things out that were not taught to you in a class room setting. Have no fear though, there are others out there who have left some guidance for you. Give yourself a hand for taking a chance on YOU, by living your dream. Then give yourself another hand for joining a network of others that are heading in the same direction you are. Enjoy your day!35164Business, Living your dream, Motivation, Inspiration, Start up businessblogs/7-2014/35164-business-living-your--s.jpg