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The Souljazz Orchestra

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Contrary to what a first glance may suggest, the Souljazz Orchestra is known for many more styles than the two shared by the group's name. Not only is this five-piece collective fluent in the sounds of soul and various jazz classifications, but we're also likely to hear the multicultural band blend in flavors ranging from anywhere between Afro, Caribbean and Latin styles. In anticipation of their forthcoming project, Solidarity, we're treated to "Cartão Postal" ("Postcard"), a samba and semba infused track certain to get your blood boiling. And since many of you, much like myself, are not fluent in Portuguese, it's important to note that the song's lyrics are said to make light of the tourist overrun beach landscapes often surrounded by impoverished communities.

It sounds like we're all screaming on the topic of economic inequality regardless of the language. Given the lighthearted feel of the music coupled with a message calling for social change, we're left with a fun yet thought-provoking tune. What more can you ask for other than a translation? Check out the stream below for a sample of what's yet to come on the September 18th release of Solidarity. In the meantime, grab that copy of Rosetta Stone and mark your calendar for a SoulJazz Orchestra live show coming to your neck of the woods this fall. - via Soulbounce.com