Royce Reed Considering Dwight Howard Lawsuit In Light Of Diddy Situation

Royce Reed has told VladTV that she is considering a lawsuit against Dwight Howard. Reed's musing comes after Cassie sued, and settled, with Diddy over historic abuse allegations. Reed has made no secret that she suffered at the hand of Howard and has not ruled out filing a lawsuit of her own. However, Reed also acknowledged that a settlement was not a substitute for the recovery she believed she needed to continue to do.

Furthermore, Reed also doubted that Howard would ever make it back to the NBA. "I believe, as a collective, they [the NBA] don't care for him. I think it's just the drama in general. You're talking about a billion-dollar industry. And you're talking about someone who is bringing all this drama into that environment. And it's not [good] drama like Travis Kelce dating Taylor Swift," Reed said. Howard did receive some attention in the offseason, namely from the Warriors. However, the team chose not to sign Howard. Many experts believe that teams simply didn't have space or the resources to accommodate Howard, his demands, or his potential drama.

Read More: Royce Reed Says Dwight Howard Was "Freaky" But Didn't Know He's Bisexual

What Has Royce Reed Said About Dwight Howard?

Reed has spent 2023 making some bold claims about her ex. "This man is evil. Y'all fall for it every time. Ask him why he's telling a 12yo he's gay bcuz he hadn't "touched anything" or watching porn with them? Better yet, why it took 4.5 years to fire the nanny that molested 2 of his kids. I got time today. He took this little boy from this grandmother that raised him and kept her in court for 2yrs only to give him to his parents while he was overseas. GTFOHWTBS. So while y'all constantly out here pointing fingers at me, understand there's a reason why!" Reed wrote on Instagram in July. She also claimed that Howard had asked her to be the "matriarch" of his "polyamory quest", something she refused to do. Furthermore, she finished her posting with the claim "I have videos and texts. I keep everything."

She reiterated claims about Howard's desire for polyamory during her interview with Carlos King. Reed revealed that Howard had come to her on numerous occasions to express a desire for him to see other women and for them to have experiences with other women. However, Reed says that she shut down the topic every time it was raised. Of course, it's not the first time that Reed has brought up Howard in the interview. In a previous part, Reed painted a scathing picture of indifference on the part of Howard towards her pregnancy. As Reed tells it, Howard tried to ditch her as soon as she told him she was pregnant. Howard allegedly tried to get her to sign an NDA while also demanding that she not put his name on the birth certificate or the baby registry.

Read More: Dwight Howard Delivers Message About Satan While Bumping Drake: Watch

The post Royce Reed Considering Dwight Howard Lawsuit In Light Of Diddy Situation appeared first on HotNewHipHop.


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