Southern Royalty Productions

Southern Royalty Productions

Southern Royalty Productions pageants are so much more than just pageants! Our system is carefully designed to grow your confidence, teach you life-long skills such as public speaking and presenting yourself in front of an audience, all while gaining the competitive edge to succeed in whatever fields you may choose in your future. Aside from the unmatched prizes and crowns we award our contestants each year, you and your family will create lifelong memories and friendships while gaining the skills necessary to succeed not only in this competition, but also in life! 

Cultivating a beautiful heart and blessing those around you with love, charity and consideration is what will make you a Southern Royalty Queen! Naturally, there is a hint of competition in the air, as expected with many beautiful women altogether, ultimately competing against one another. However, many including myself choose to see it differently, the real beauty of these pageants is the hearts of these contestants. 

We are leaders and our mission is to support and rally around good causes, uplift others, and promote growth in our local communities!

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