Seen On The Scene: Quavo's White X Cognac Hosts Intimate ESPY's Dinner Celebrating Women In Sports

Seen On The Scene: Quavo's White X Cognac Hosts Intimate ESPY's Dinner Celebrating Women In Sports

Quavo's White X Cognac ESPy Dinner Celebrating Women In Sports Source: Jerritt Clark / Getty

Quavo's spirits brand White X Cognac hosted a private ESPY dinner celebrating the amazing women in sports entertainment.

On July 12, Quavo's spirit brand White X Cognac took over Lavo Restaurant in Hollywood and hosted an exclusive dinner celebrating women in sports. Agents, public relations professionals, athletes, and more women across the industry were treated to an intimate gathering for the ESPYS while in town. The theme of the evening was excellence and recognition.

Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY DinnerSource: Jerritt Clark / Getty

The theme goes hand in hand with Quavo's vision for the spirit which he reveals represents "bossing up." The brand also showcases what it takes to be great including "standing out, working hard, and rewarding yourself for succeeding."

All the attendees represent all the values White X Cognac represents making the ESPY dinner a no-brainer.

"Since I'm new to the table, I wanted to bring my own flex," Quavo previously told BET about White X Cognac. "We wanted to make sure people could touch it. I wanted to stamp it in Atlanta first and make some noise for my city, so it's only right if I come through the door with it."

"They're coming with a fresh, new look," he added. "They needed someone who set trends. It's a smoother drink that still helps you think a little bit brighter, so now we're here."

Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner
Quavo's White x Cognac ESPY Dinner

Notable guests included Jordan Robinson, Nina Parker, Marisa Johnson, Cierra Brooks, Mimi Brown, Brittney Elena, and more. The dinner was the perfect companion for the 2024 ESPY Awards which Serena Wiliams hosted. If you missed the ESPYs you can catch a recap of all the big winners here.

You can order Quavo's White X Cognac to try at home for yourself via Blockbar.




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