Hell Vel (La'Velle Ramsey) was born in Cleveland Ohio on January 8,1990. Growing up Hell Vel was very talented and driven. His determination to be great made him standout from the rest. Anytime you saw Vel he was spittin verses. His uncle was a DJ in the 80s, who loved when he hopped on the mic. The flow of a 10 year old caught the attention of a local rap group who wanted Hell Vel in the group. At the time is mother didn't want him in the group because she felt he was too young. Vel back then... Didn't know what to do next or who different. Growing up around gun violence, drug dealers, robbers, killers ect... Vel still managed to keep his head on straight.
Vel attended John F. Kennedy high school where he played varsity football as a sophomore to his senior year. He also wrestled and placed in senate championships and won other tournaments. At age 16 he had his first son. Couple years later he graduated from JFK high school making him the first grandson of his family to do so. At age 20 he had a second son. This meant he had to work several different jobs and he kept a side hustle to provide for him and his family. Vel felt that he could do better and that this no longer was enough. Struggles came upon that made him lean to the streets a little more for solutions. He always kept in mind that he wanted to be a M.C. but it was a dream put on hold due to reality. Five years later he had another son so he decided to become more stable and established. With a daughter also... he had to really buche wanted to be in life, which started something different.
Being a young black male in the streets of Cleveland, he was always exposed to something going down. Shortly after he landed a nice job that paid him well, Which is the boost he needed to get back to his visions of being a M.C. and sharpening his craft.
A few years pass and Vel meets platinum recording artist and Rock And Roll Hall Of Famer M.C. Brainz. Brainz was working on a project with different rappers and Vel was referred by someone to be a part of it. Immediately Vel established that he wasn't a mumble rapper, but a M.C was in the building. After they were done getting Vel's verse on the project, Brainz asked Vel to come back for a vibe session a couple weeks later. From that day on they been making hit records and building a empire. With Brainz on the beat and Vel on the lyrics... These two have come up with their own unique style of hiphop street music. Some songs to make you think and then there's others that make you turn up and let loose! Outside of the music they have a brotherhood and a productive business relationship. One eat we all eat is their motto.
His first album "cleVELand" introduced Hell Vel to the world, now the new masterpiece is complete! Releasing on SLumdogzEnt/BrainyBeats... Hell Vel is ready to take the world by storm with no warning! His first single off the new album "Hood Fantasies" drops March 2023 on all platforms and at his official website! Also the video, shot by Logan Kyngston is fire and highlights a smoother side of this King! Drops March 1st! Again... With Vel on the lyrics and Brainy on the beats... You're in store for nothing but HEAT! Keeping the hiphop well culture ALIVE!
Artist name: Hell Vel
Website: www.hellvel.com
Lable: Slumdogzent
Production comapny: BrainyBeats
Manager: B. Davis
Phone: 216-255-2757
Email: hellvelmanagement@gmail.com
Social Media Links...
"Hood Fantasies" video link :
YouTube channel :