Tickets now on sale for EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2025 - 'One Week: Endless Possibilities'

EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wisconsin - (December 5, 2024) - Advance tickets are now on sale for the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in convention, which will be held July 21-27, 2025. The 72nd edition of "The World's Greatest Aviation Celebration" hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association takes place at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh.
"As the excitement builds for the world of flight returning to Oshkosh in 2025, we wanted to ensure that advance tickets are available for those who enjoy giving AirVenture tickets as holiday gifts," said Rick Larsen, EAA's vice president of communities and member programs, who coordinates AirVenture features and attractions. "Even at this time of year, aviation enthusiasts around the world are planning for their own AirVenture experience and sharing photos, videos, and memories of past trips to Oshkosh."
EAA AirVenture 2025 programming plans are already underway, encompassing this year's "One Week: Endless Possibilities" tagline. More details on specific aircraft, events, and personalities will be announced as they are confirmed. EAA officials will also be present at this month's International Council of Air Shows convention to solidify the air show lineup for 2025.
Along with AirVenture admissions, other items available for advance purchase include camping credentials, auto parking passes, and Aviator Club tickets (both North and South locations), as well as B-25 and Ford Tri-Motor flights. A special "Oshkosh Bound" T-shirt is also available for those already planning their journeys to AirVenture, as well as a unique way to gift wrap those holiday AirVenture passes. All advance purchase items are available at
In 2024, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh saw a record attendance of 686,000 from an all-time high 94 nations.
About EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is "The World's Greatest Aviation Celebration" and EAA's membership convention. Additional information, including advance ticket and camping purchase, is available at For more information on EAA and its programs, call 800-JOIN-EAA (800-564-6322) or visit