The Wheat Report Wheat Report is here to provide you with the news and events of the gospel world. We shall expose you to various venues that cater to the Christian community. We are also an avenue of exposure for independent gospel artists and individuals that are using their talents to glorify God. We provide a bi-weekly feature on our internet radio broadcast along with a newsletter and website spotlight.en-usthewheatreport@yahoo.comhttp://www.thewheatreport.comangelic_1pages/THE-WHEAT-REPORT-THE-BREAD-OF-LIFE-FOR-THE-GOSPEL-WORLD/83326157069ajwheat2470mm150265ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3568931435 ARE DECISIONS... by thewheatreport0, 4 Sep 2015 14:37 GMTA habit is a decision you make once that is carried out again and again. You are making decisions all the time and those decisions directly affect the way your life unfolds. Your level of success and fulfillment depends on how often and how well those decisions line up with your dreams. Certainly when you ‚ „ re contemplating the big, noticeable decisions, you make sure they align with your values and purposes. But what about all the little momentary decisions you ‚ „ re constantly making? Those seemingly small decisions have great power because there are so many more of them. And they ‚ „ re decisions you can often make without even thinking about them. Those unthinking decisions are known as habits. Remember, a habit is a decision you make once that is carried out again and again. Though each action done by habit may be small, the cumulative effect on your life can be enormous. The way to move your life in the direction you choose, is to make sure that all your many habits are working with you rather than against you. Take the time and make the effort to align your habits with your goals and dreams. Improving those little habits can truly be the biggest decision you make.46503MOTivation, you, life, encouragement,TWR, THE WHEAT REPORT, BLOG, HABITS, TGIFNew day, New month, New opportunities... by thewheatreport0, 1 Sep 2015 13:22 GMTToday I challenge you to open your mind and your heart to the newness of life that comes with each moment. There is always more to learn, experience, appreciate and enjoy, no matter how much you €™ve already done. In order to learn something new you must first accept that you do not know it. To fully understand another person, you must let go of your desire to make blind assumptions and judgments about that person. If you would turn down the volume and intensity of your own chattering thoughts, you can hear the music of life. If you stop expecting to see what you €™ve always seen before, new and wondrous beauty will appear in front of your eyes. When you continue to perform a task the exact same way you €™ve always done it, your effectiveness cannot improve very much. So today choose to be open to new ideas and techniques, and you can vastly accelerate your performance. If you cynically think you €™ve experienced it all, you €™ll close yourself off from much of life €™s richness. If you consider yourself smarter than everyone else, you €™ll be supporting and advancing your own growing ignorance. As today dawns, you have been blessed with a whole new world of possibilities. Choose to allow yourself to know and acknowledge their newness, and bring the best of those possibilities to life.46402motivation, you, life, encouragement,TWR, THE WHEAT REPORT, BLOG, new, month, opportunitiesblogs/9-2015/46402-motivation-you-life--s.jpgYOUR INTENTIONS... by thewheatreport0, 24 Aug 2015 13:18 GMTImagine for a moment what would happen if you could do away with all those negative, self-defeating intentions. Imagine the spectacular results of giving free reign to your positive, creative, productive intentions. Intention can be a powerful force. For it is with intention that thoughts are transformed into results, that goals are achieved, that dreams are brought to reality. The intentions you are following are the ones you really, truly have adopted and empowered with your commitment. What matters are not the intentions you merely talk about, but the ones you actually bring to life with your actions. Every genuine intention leads to a result. Every intention puts you solidly on the path toward whatever you intend. The trouble is that your intentions so often are contradictory, and end up working against each other. For doubt and fear are intentions just as surely as are confidence and desire. In fact, you are completely free to choose your own intentions, and the ones you choose will determine the results you get. So choose those intentions that truly move you forward, and leave all the rest behind. 46129MOTivation, you, life, encouragement,TWR, THE WHEAT REPORT, BLOG, INTENTIONSblogs/8-2015/46129-motivation-you-life--s.jpgMake a Good Impression.... by thewheatreport0, 20 Aug 2015 17:56 GMTThe key to making a good impression is to live with authenticity, honesty, genuine compassion and generosity. People form their impressions not on how you appear, but on how well you treat them. People will remember what you do much more vividly than they remember what you say. If you seek credibility, seek to establish that credibility with your actions and not just your words. Relationships are not built on mere pronouncements. Valuable relationships grow from shared experiences, reliability, consistency and truthfulness. The way to be believed next time, is to do what you say you €™ll do this time. The way to gain trust is to earn it by being always trustworthy in matters large and small. Remember, the key to making a good impression is to live with authenticity, honesty, genuine compassion and generosity. I challenge you to be valuable, be useful and be original. Be truly interested and willing to make a difference. The way to consistently look good is to be good, and honest and helpful. Love life and all who live it, put that love into action, and you €™ll always make a great impression. 46065motivation, you, life, encouragement,TWR, THE WHEAT REPORT, BLOG, good impressionNO NEGATIVITY.... by thewheatreport0, 14 Aug 2015 16:58 GMTLimitless abundance and great value are here to be found in this moment. What a shame it would be if any little bit of useless negativity were to block that abundance from your awareness. Negativity is a waste of your precious time. You deserve much better, so give the very best of life to yourself. When you catch the slightest bit of negativity creeping into your thoughts, I challenge you to visualize yourself taking hold of it and then simply letting it drop to the ground. Feel the spark of energy that comes from your newly gained freedom, and step positively forward. Worries are worthless, so don €™t bother with them. Resentment over a difficult situation actually makes that situation worse, so remind yourself there €™s no point in it. Remember, limitless abundance and great value are here to be found in this moment. What a shame it would be if any little bit of useless negativity were to block that abundance from your awareness. Joy and fulfillment are your destiny, so let them flow freely from you. Rise above the pettiness that often threatens to draw you in, and give your focus to the good things that truly matter. From this day forward, give your precious time the respect and appreciation it so richly deserves. Fill it with beautiful, meaningful, positive purpose. 45927MOTivation, you, life, encouragement,TWR, THE WHEAT REPORT, BLOG, NO NEGATIVITYWHAT IF..... by thewheatreport0, 7 Aug 2015 13:39 GMTIf you could choose the life you live, how would it be? If you could choose your surroundings, what would they look like? If you could choose the people with whom you associate, who would they be? If you could choose your activities, what would you be doing? If you could choose your thoughts, what would you think? If you could choose your feelings, how would you feel? If you could choose your priorities, what would they be? If you could choose to commit your time, your energy and your skills to something, what would it be? If you could choose how to spend the next moment, what would you do with it? What would you do if you knew that all your choices, in each moment, in each circumstance, would mold and shape the life you live? The good news is, you can choose, now and in every moment to come, and those choices add up to the life you live. So remember each time to choose the best.45764MOTivation, you, life, encouragement,TWR, THE WHEAT REPORT, BLOG, POSITIVE, IFPRICELESS POSSIBILITY by thewheatreport0, 6 Aug 2015 19:27 GMTDon ‚ „ t be afraid or ashamed of what you truly desire. That desire is a window into the valuable and unique purpose that is at the heart of you. Possibility can be a frightening thing because it is so vast. There are so many choices available to you, it ‚ „ s difficult work figuring out which ones to follow. One of the most important things you will ever do is to understand exactly what you wish to do. It may seem intimidating, and yet it can be easy when you simply let yourself be you. Remember don ‚ „ t be afraid or ashamed of what you truly desire. That desire is a window into the valuable and unique purpose that is at the heart of you. A mere machine is able to follow instructions, and can do so very well. Your job is to follow your heart, and that ‚ „ s a much more important job. You are a living expression of truth. There are gifts you have to give that cannot ever come from anywhere else. Feel those urges that come from the heart of you, and give them life. Create the priceless beauty that is yours alone, right now, to create. 45748MOTivation, you, life, encouragement,PRICELESS, POSSIBILITYblogs/8-2015/45748-thewheatreport-motiva-s.jpgIt's all about YOU... by thewheatreport0, 31 Jul 2015 13:46 GMTThere is great treasure in your authenticity. There are beautiful possibilities that spring from the genuine person you are. Did you know that your most important job is to be you? There are contributions you can make, and gifts you have to give, that no one else can duplicate. You have a perspective that is unique and valuable. Share the insights and energy that come from that perspective. You have feelings and longings that flow from the core of who you are. Express those feelings and fulfill those longings in your own special way. Remember that there is great treasure in your authenticity. There are beautiful possibilities that spring from the genuine person you are. Through you, life experiences itself in a way that is unique and special. Live true to the best of who you are. Let your own bright and distinct light shine. Use this opportunity to make a difference in a way that only you can do.45562motivation, you, life, encouragement,EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED by thewheatreport0, 21 Jul 2015 13:49 GMTEverything in your world is interconnected. When you create value in one place, that value casts its light in additional places as well. Everything in your life has an influence and an interaction with everything else. When you make an improvement in one area of your life, watch many other areas begin to benefit. Your positive thoughts and actions often have immediate and direct results. They also have indirect results that can continue far beyond the obvious. A small kindness offered to just one person can end up benefiting countless others. The love you give will always, in ways that you may never even realize, come back to you. Success and fulfillment do not occur in isolation. You ‚ „ ll receive no great benefit from being positive about only a few things if you take a negative approach in other areas. Today I challenge you to focus all your awareness and intention in a positive, fulfilling direction. Then, all the many connections will organize in such a way as to move you quickly forward.45212MOTivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, CONNECTEDblogs/7-2015/45212-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgYour Happiness... by thewheatreport0, 17 Jul 2015 14:54 GMTYour happiness does not come from the moment, or the surroundings, or even from the people around you. It comes from you, and from your decision to feel its positive power. It is simple and easy to be happy. The hard part is convincing yourself, and getting past your own resistance to happiness. Don't assume that just because things are one way or another, there is no possibility of happiness. You know precisely how to be happy, how to create the feeling of happiness within yourself and how to express it within any context. You €™ve done it many times in a whole lot of different situations. Remember that your happiness does not come from the moment, or the surroundings, or even from the people around you. It comes from you, and from your decision to feel its positive power. Today I challenge you to go ahead and skip right over all those reasons why you can €™t be happy. Instead, think of the times when you have been happy and recall the strategy you €™ve always used to bring that happiness to life. This is your day, your moment. Choose to activate that very same strategy right now. Choose to bring the positive power of your own happiness to this very moment. 45104motivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, happinessIT ALL MATTERS... by thewheatreport0, 16 Jul 2015 16:14 GMTYour attitude and your outlook on life truly matter. They have a powerful influence over what kind of difference you are making, in the big decisions and the small ones too. Every little thing you do makes a difference. Each action, each word you speak, each thought you think will in some way change things for you and your world. As you move through life, you are constantly leaving consequences in your wake. The nature of those consequences is what makes up the quality of your life.Even the smallest things make a difference. And those small things can quickly add up to a big influence. Remember, it your your attitude and your outlook on life that truly matter. They really do have a powerful influence over what kind of difference you are making, in the big decisions and the small ones too. Today I challenge you to see the world as a beautiful place, filled with positive possibilities. If you do, your actions, your thoughts, your consequences will take on the color of that positive perspective. I want you to get your spirit that everything, every moment, every person, every stirring in your heart matters. Let yourself love and value life, and be overjoyed at the positive difference that each of your moments can make.45067MOTivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, MATTERSblogs/7-2015/45067-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgRaise Your Expectations by thewheatreport0, 14 Jul 2015 13:55 GMTIf you're disappointed with the results you're getting, it's not because your expectations are too high. It's because those expectations are not high enough to pull you forward. It can be tempting to lower your expectations when things are not going your way. Yet the most realistic response is not to lower your expectations, but in fact to raise them higher. It may seem that lowering your expectations so they're more in line with your reality would protect you from disappointment. Yet lowering your expectations is sure to bring on even more disappointment. Chose today to raise your expectations to the point where they become so meaningful and compelling that you cannot help but fulfill them. Choose those expectations that will drive you in each moment to do what must be done to reach them. Remember today that when the going gets rough, the answer is not to give up on your dreams. The answer is to grab on to those dreams, and to put them front and center in your life. Today is the day you begin to set your expectations high, connect solidly and consistently with them, and those expectations will give a positive, effective direction to your life. Choose today to expect the very best, and let those expectations drive you to live out your most cherished dreams.44950motivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, expectationsblogs/7-2015/44950-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgChoose to Encourage by thewheatreport0, 9 Jul 2015 13:40 GMTIt has been proven over and over that you cannot force other people to do the right thing. What you can do, and what has been found to be extremely effective, is to encourage them. If you offer threats, intimidation and low expectations, you'll get resentment and poor performance. When you assume and expect the worst of others, you're very likely to get it. I challenge you today to choose to expect the best, and to offer opportunities for those expectations to be met. People won't always live up to your positive expectations, in fact most people would prefer to do what's best for everyone concerned. Just about everyone responds positively to positive, genuine encouragement. The key it to let others know, clearly, precisely and in positive terms, what you expect, and let them know you have faith that they'll meet those expectations. Today I challenge you that instead of looking for ways to control, that you look for opportunities to support and encourage. Instead of conducting detached transactions, seek to build ongoing relationships. If you offer the encouragement to do what is right, what is good, what is valuable and positive, you should not only expect but get the best.44794motivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, encourageblogs/7-2015/44794-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgHappy New Month.... by thewheatreport0, 1 Jul 2015 12:53 GMTIt's a new month so wake up, open your eyes and look around you. Today is full of opportunities, they are everywhere. There is plenty of work to be done starting today. There are all sorts of effective, fulfilling ways to do it. The world is alive with all kinds of challenges. I challenge you to pick a particularly difficult and meaningful one, creatively work your way through it, and bring new prosperity to yourself and others. Today, challenge you to jump into the real-life adventure that sparkles beneath the rising sun each morning. A new day filled with richness is ready to be lived. Fortune favors those who choose to see it coming. Prosperity belongs to those who work to bring it to life. Choose today to report for duty in the service of your highest vision. This is when life gets good. Happy New Month.44575motivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, month,julyblogs/7-2015/44575-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgTHE VALUE OF CHANGE by thewheatreport0, 26 Jun 2015 16:19 GMTYou are fortunate to live in a world where there are things you can change and things you cannot. Both have much value. The things you can change can enable you to create, to achieve, to express yourself, and to improve the world in which you live. The things you cannot change give you the opportunity to grow stronger, to develop real wisdom, patience, acceptance, flexibility and effectiveness. There is much you can learn from the things you cannot change. And there are countless ways to positively apply that learning toward the things you can change. Remember there will always be things that you can change, and there are things that you cannot change. The things you cannot change give you a base from which to work. The things you can change give you an ever-increasing world of possibilities. When you accept what you cannot change and find positive ways to deal with it, you lay the groundwork for success. When you understand what you can change and find positive ways to put that change to work, success and achievement are yours. You are fortunate to live in a world where there are things you can change and things you cannot. As each moment arrives, you're in a position to make the best of it all.44435MOTivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, CHANGEblogs/6-2015/44435-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgYour Potential... by thewheatreport0, 24 Jun 2015 18:38 GMTLife is often described many ways. Did you ever stop to think that life is biased? Yes, life is biased toward the positive. Just think, you can only fall so far, but there is no limit to how high you can soar. There are points at which life cannot get any worse, but there is no point at which things cannot get better. It is true that you can only lose so much, but there is no limit to what you can gain. With every setback that life gives you there comes a real opportunity to grow and move forward. The same with every triumph, further triumphs become more likely. You have to realize that in every situation there is positive potential. Yes, the risks are there. Yet the risks are finite. Possibilities are infinite. Consider the incredible upside potential of your own life. No matter where you are, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, your possibilities always outweigh your problems. It is your perspective that will unleash your potential. Realize that those positive possibilities are yours for the living. 44367motivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, potentialblogs/6-2015/44367-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgEMBRACE TODAY by thewheatreport0, 19 Jun 2015 13:48 GMTToday don't get bogged down attempting to resist or deny what has already happened. Put your energy into using what you have to make life better than ever. Spend the day embracing the beauty, the joy, the wonder and the abundance of life. At the same time, embrace the challenges, the setbacks, the disappointments and the difficulties. Run joyfully toward life and embrace it with open arms. Each day brings its own treasure in the flavors, aromas, sights, sounds, situations, experiences and interactions that come your way. Be genuinely thankful for every moment, whatever it may contain. For in each moment is your opportunity to fully live, to grow, to learn, to experience, to share and to create unique, lasting value. Welcome the ever-changing richness of life as it dances before your eyes in ways you've never seen before. Join passionately in that dance and be a part of the richness. Follow the winding path as it moves up, down, over and around through the steadily increasing abundance and fulfillment of your life. Know more fully, as each moment passes, the profound joy of being.44213MOTivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, EMBRACE TODAYblogs/6-2015/44213-motivation-change-vie-s.jpgYOU ARE PEACE by thewheatreport0, 18 Jun 2015 13:35 GMTPeace asks nothing other than your willingness to allow it, to accept it, and to experience it. The peace you seek is always there. It sits quietly and calmly beneath everything else that has been piled on top of it. I challenge you to let go of the anger, let go of the fear, let go of the anxieties, the arrogance and resentments. What you are left with is the peace that has been there all along. Remember, peace asks nothing other than your willingness to allow it, to accept it, and to experience it. When you release all else from your awareness, peace is what you will find still remaining. Peace does nothing and yet it enables so very much. Peace allows you to solidly connect with what is truly meaningful and valuable in your life. When your efforts come from a perspective of peace, they become much more effective. Peace gives great clarity to your thinking and immense depth to your understanding. Peace is there, waiting to be uncovered. Let go of all the negativity that serves no purpose, and let the quiet, calm power of peace fill your day.44191MOTivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, pEACELittle Problems... by thewheatreport0, 17 Jun 2015 13:43 GMTIf there's some little problem that's been nagging you and slowly draining you, now is a great time to do something about it. The big, urgent problems get your attention, as well they should. Because they are so serious, you'll naturally take them seriously and quickly do something about them. The smaller, nagging, everyday problems don't have that same sense of urgency. They don't usually grab your attention and demand to be solved. Yet those little problems can wear you down over time. They seem almost too trivial to do anything about, so you can be tempted to just let them continue draining your energy and resources, day after day. For example, a slow drip from the faucet in your bathroom sink doesn't seem like much, and yet it can end up wasting hundreds or thousands of gallons of water. Eventually, even the little problems can have a big impact. Fortunately, the little problems don't take much effort to solve. It's mostly just a matter of taking them seriously and taking the time to do it. Remember, if there's some little problem that's been nagging you and slowly draining you, now is a great time to do something about it. Free yourself, one by one, from the little problems, and it can make a big positive difference in your life. 44155motivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, problemsBE DIFFERENT by thewheatreport0, 16 Jun 2015 16:12 GMTIf you don't like what you see, you have the opportunity to change it by changing the way you are. If there is darkness all around you, that's an opportunity for you to shine your own special light. When things around you seem too noisy, hectic and out of control, be extra calm, peaceful and patient. If the people in your life seem too greedy and selfish, that's the time to be extra loving, giving and sincerely compassionate. When the world seems a bit too confused and aimless, be extra focused and purposeful. For the world outside will soon reflect back to you the energy you give it. Even a small beacon in the darkness will shine for a long, long way. Choose to be the difference that makes a real difference, and your efforts will bear abundant fruit. When things around you seem to be at their worst, that's when you can accomplish the most by being your best. That's when you can truly make a valuable, much-needed positive difference. When trouble and confusion surround you, see the situation as the opportunity that it is. Shine your positive light in the face of negativity, and you will change your world.44123MOTivation, change, view, happiness, inspiration, twr, the wheat report, life, DIFFERENTblogs/6-2015/44123-motivation-change-vie-s.jpg