TCM Blog Talk MINISTRY OF SALVATION, HEALING, DELIVERANCE AND GIVING | Promoting LOVE, CARE and CONCERN. TCM Blog Talk is the blog ministry of The Children's Mite written and spoken by Mrs. Terry B. King, aka Evangelist King. As you read, listen and meditate on God's spoken Word, the Holy Spirit will flush out EVERY spirit that is not of Him-giving you a "clean" sweep from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet in Jesus' mighty name. Get prepared for a Holy Ghost showdown as you listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! Shalom. en-usmiteworks@thechildrensmite.orghttp://www.thechildrensmite.orgmiteworksthechildrensmitethechildrensmite115968mm150265ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3568931435 MESSAGE TO DELIVERANCE MINISTERS by thechildrensmite0, 8 Nov 2015 15:23 GMTBe careful. Devils are tricky. When you minister deliverance to a woman who is wearing false hair, do not lay your hand upon her head because the false hair is a hindrance to her deliverance. Instead, touch her forehead. The demons will then react because of the anointing of God touching the woman. I ministered deliverance to a young woman wearing false hair. When I went to lay my hand upon her head, the LORD stopped me. I then looked at her and said, This hair MUST go! When I said that, the demon (and the woman) reacted and began very angry with me. When I mentioned the false hair, I saw when the demon smirked. It was exposed and did not like it. This experience raised a concern. How many women wearing false hair have been prayed for deliverance and did not receive because the demon spirit attached to false hair is hiding deep in them? Selah.50633thechildrensmite,deliverance,spiritual nuggetblogs/11-2015/50633-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgPatience in Suffering (for Christ's Sake) by thechildrensmite0, 6 Nov 2015 19:39 GMTJames 5:7, "So, brothers, be patient until the LORD returns. See how the farmer waits for the precious 'fruit of the earth' €" he is patient over it until it receives the fall and spring rains." Tune in and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio>50544thechildrensmite,deliverance,holy spirit talkblogs/11-2015/50544-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgWhy Some Personal Prophecies Have Not Come To Pass? by thechildrensmite0, 5 Nov 2015 20:14 GMTEvangelist King is hosting call-in deliverance sessions EVERY Wednesday and Thursday at 2 pm (EST). If you're in need of healing and deliverance and is not ashamed to share your session, call 724-444-7444 and enter call ID 139732 or visit <a href="javascript:launchURL('')"></a>. Priority will be given to first-time callers. ALL CALLS ARE RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. WARNING! DEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS MAY BE PRESENT. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio>50473thechildrensmite,deliverance,sessionblogs/11-2015/50473-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgMoroto Food Distribution, October 2015 by thechildrensmite0, 4 Nov 2015 15:08 GMTA MESSAGE FROM EVANGELIST KING: Dear Hearts, a little means a lot. $150 fed six families in Moroto and served as encouragement that someone cares. Be caring and give. Visit us at <a href="javascript:launchURL('')"></a> and put a smile in someone's heart. Please indicate that your donation is for the Karamoja Uganda Mission. Shalom € Note from TCM Karamoja Regional Rep, Rita: On behalf of the orphans, thanks so much for the funds, they were extremely happy. This time each family got 10Kgs of Posho, 5Kgs of Beans, 4bars of Soap, 2Buckets of Detergent, 2Kgs of Sugar, 5Pkts of Salt. For more information, visit <a href="javascript:launchURL('')"></a> <center><a href="javascript:launchURL('')"><img src="" border="0" /> Watch Video on YouTube</a></center> 50350thechildrensmite,deliverance,givingblogs/11-2015/50350-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgA LITTLE MEANS A LOT by thechildrensmite0, 4 Nov 2015 14:12 GMTWhat a precious sight &#45;&#45; To see a smile on faces! These people were given food by someone who doesn't even know them. They are thankful for the little things in life. I'm looking forward to seeing more smiles. For more information on MiteWorks International Network, visit our <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">website</a>. Shalom. (Photo taken by Rita, TCM Regional Representative in Moroto, Uganda; October 2015)50341thechildrensmite,deliverance,givingblogs/11-2015/50341-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgYou are Running from Nothing by thechildrensmite0, 1 Nov 2015 12:49 GMTSatan will have us running from nothing. I am reminded of a movie where a young boy was being monitored by his father as he traveled. Whenever harm would come to him, his father would alert him. One day when travelling, wild animals were approaching him. When they found him, he threw stones at them and then they chased him. He ran; and at a certain point, the wild animals stopped chasing him, but the young boy kept on running and running. Then his father shouted with a loud voice, you are running from nothing, but the boy continued to run until he was exhausted. Dear Hearts, this reminded me of some of God''s children. Sometimes we will fight and run from Satan (and his demons) and they are not chasing us, but we will keep on fighting and running until we are exhausted and faint and give up. Satan is a master at allusions. He will make us see and hear something that is not there or not real. He will make us believe that others are out to get us when it is only in our own mind. Dear Hearts; LIKEWISE, our Heavenly Father is saying to us, Stop! You are running from nothing! Therefore, let us KEEP our eyes and mind on things above (Heavenly things), then our heart will remain in perfect peace. Shalom and Selah.50155thechildrensmite,deliverance,spiritual nuggetblogs/11-2015/50155-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgStay Updated . . . by thechildrensmite0, 31 Oct 2015 15:19 GMT. . . by installing <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">Holy Ghost FIRE Radio Podcast</a> on your mobile device. Shalom.50131thechildrensmite,deliverance,announcementblogs/10-2015/50131-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgThe Judgment of God by thechildrensmite0, 29 Oct 2015 17:57 GMT(A Word from Morning Prayer) Luke 8:17 says, For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nothing is covered up that will not be known and come out into the open. The Judgment of God is coming upon the hypocrites of the church! BEWARE! Selah. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio>50016thechildrensmite,deliverance,holy spirit talk,prayerblogs/10-2015/50016-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgLet LOVE Lead by thechildrensmite0, 29 Oct 2015 16:49 GMTDear Hearts, when you pray for a person, do not pray in fear. You are praying for them because you fear something bad is going to happen to them. Unknowingly, you pray in fear. Fear is leading you to pray instead of the Holy Ghost. When you allow fear to lead you to pray, then your prayers becomes or are psychic or mind prayers and Satan rides on such requests or prayers. Let LOVE, the Holy Spirit, lead. I say that to say this. This morning I received an email from a sister I ministered deliverance a few days ago. She meant well and thought it was well. She stated the reason of her prayer for me and upon reading it, the spirit of fear was attached to it. There are MANY people who means well, but unknowing do not know Satan uses them. Such people when God has given us a chance, we lead them in the right direction. In conclusion, do not pray in or due to fear. Pray in and due to LOVE. Selah.50009thechildrensmite,deliverance,spiritual nuggetblogs/10-2015/50009-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgMorning Prayer - Archives by thechildrensmite0, 29 Oct 2015 16:05 GMTJoin us for Morning Prayer EVERY Tuesday and Thursday at 8 am (EST). Call Listener # 516-531-9552. Or from the mobile app, press the call button. To listen/download the archives, click <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">here</a>. If you have not done so, be sure to install TCM Blog Talk mobile app. Shalom.50003thechildrensmite,deliverance,prayerblogs/10-2015/50003-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgSalvation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by thechildrensmite0, 29 Oct 2015 11:34 GMTIn Acts chapter 8, the ministry of Philip in Samaria is recorded. As we study this account, it becomes evident that salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit are two separate experiences. Shalom. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> Watch the entire <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">video</a> series.49980thechildrensmite,deliverance,holy spirit seriesblogs/10-2015/49980-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgFIRE Prayer against Addictions by thechildrensmite0, 28 Oct 2015 21:57 GMTBut the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you (John 14:26). <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> 49953thechildrensmite,deliverance,prayerblogs/10-2015/49953-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgDeliverance from Worry of Getting Married by thechildrensmite0, 28 Oct 2015 18:50 GMTDear Hearts, it is not the desire of EVERY young woman to marry. Some women have chosen not to marry and their choice does not make them to be strange just because they desire to stay single. It is their choice. Now there is a difference when it is not their choice and spirit spouse decides for them. It is amazing how some young women desire to marry is so strong; and when they marry, they later decide to leave their spouse for some reason. Then they keep on marrying. Do you not know that the idea of marrying can be made into a god? Jesus Christ told us to cast ALL our cares upon Him and this includes the desire to marry. He knows who and when is BEST. Just trust Him and wait on Him. Then your end result will not be sorrow. Shalom and Selah. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> Be sure to watch the <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">video</a> of the meeting.49925thechildrensmite,deliverance,prayer,meetingblogs/10-2015/49925-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgDeliverance from Spirit Wife by thechildrensmite0, 28 Oct 2015 18:09 GMTWARNING! DEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS IS PRESENT Julbens heard about us through Farah. He also was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Around six or seven years old he was walking down the street and saw a man who had set up a big television in a parking lot. He was showing pornographic movies. He then, purposely, walked down that street and watched the movies. He then started having sex at the age of seven. At the age of 17, he began having sexual intercourse in his dreams with the spirit woman who would come in the likeness of famous people such as Beyonce. The spirit woman would follow him around as though it was his wife. He could see the spirit wife following him, wherever he went the spirit wife went. The spirit wife would even sleep with him in his bed. Through a prophetic word he realized he was in a spiritual coma. Therefore, he cried out to the Lord to lead him to someone to confess his sins or wrongdoings and to use them in delivering him from the spirit wife. With permission, tune in and hear Julbens testimony and deliverance. Shalom. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> RECORDING SHARED WITH PERMISSION49920thechildrensmite,deliverance,sessionblogs/10-2015/49920-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgDeliverance from Marine Demons by thechildrensmite0, 28 Oct 2015 17:54 GMTWARNING! DEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS IS PRESENT Farah is from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Her grandmother was a High Priestess and dedicated her to Satan before she was born. At the age of five, she was sexually molested and tried many times to commit suicide. This molestation continued throughout her childhood from one family member to another. Farah knew that Satan had planned for her to serve him in his kingdom of darkness; but our LORD Jesus Christ had ALREADY planned the course for her life. After over 10 years of experiencing sexual intercourse in her dreams, Farah knew that the LORD was not pleased. She began to seek help from many churches and to her amazement she was told that it was the will of God for her to experience sex in her dreams since she was unmarried. Contrary to what they said, Farah knew that it was wrong. She cried out even more unto the LORD for help. She was then lead by the Holy Spirit to one of our videos on <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">YouTube</a>. She called us seeking deliverance. Our LORD and Savior, Christ Jesus, delivered Farah from torment, oppression and depression from the: 1) Spirit of Belial (Satan); 2) Spirit of Lesbian; 3) Spirit of Coast of the Sea; 4) Spirit of Snake; 5) Spirit Husband; 6) Spirit of Suicide; 7) Spirit of Fear; 8) Spirit of Lucifer; 9) Spirit of Jezebel 10) and many more. REMEMBER Christ Jesus is ALWAYS ready and willing to set us free in His Name. Shalom. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> RECORDING SHARED WITH PERMISSION49918thechildrensmite,deliverance,sessionblogs/10-2015/49918-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgHoly Ghost FIRE Deliverance Meeting 10-24-15 by thechildrensmite0, 28 Oct 2015 13:00 GMTGalatians 5:19-21 tells us the perfect evident of what the old nature does. Christ Jesus REFUSES to coexist with demons. Listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! Sometimes you just need 'Holy Ghost' hands laid upon you. For information on our next upcoming meeting, check our website <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">calendar</a> for dates and locations. Hope to see you there! Shalom. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> Be sure to watch the <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">video</a> of the meeting.49881thechildrensmite,deliverance,prayer,meetingblogs/10-2015/49881-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgAre There Children In Hell? by thechildrensmite0, 28 Oct 2015 11:05 GMTI ministered deliverance to an American woman whose mother and grandmother are witchcraft priestesses. Her husband also joined the craft and had sex with her grandmother. Then her grandmother took her four year old son and molested him and her husband taught him the craft. Her son is now 13 years old. He summon demons and the demons teach him how to curse his mother. He molested his four year old sister. After I ministered deliverance to the mother, she brought her children and they were ministered deliverance. I asked the little boy what age was he when he began to talk to demons. The boy understood because he is of age according to the LORD God. The boy said six. I shared with him the story of Earthquake Kelley who at the age of four began to summon demons for power and he died at the age of 13 and went to hell. Because of the prayers of his mother, the LORD God snatched him out of hell and sent him to the man of God to be helped. I asked the little boy IF he wanted to go to hell because that is the TRUE plan of those demons. It is to kill him and bring him to hell to be tormented forever when he died. The little boy said no. He then repented and those spirits were thrown out of him. PRAISE God, dear hearts, for his Godly mother who was not scared to fight against the demons who would manifest in her home due to her son rebellion. By her faith in God, she fought for her family and now her family is TOTALLY free in Jesus mighty name. Selah. Be sure to watch <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">Earthquake Kelley testimony</a> on Sid Roth Its Supernatural.49876thechildrensmite,deliverance,spiritual nuggetblogs/10-2015/49876-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgFIRE Prayer against Spirit Jezebel by thechildrensmite0, 27 Oct 2015 20:53 GMTDeliverance prayer against spirit Jezebel, spirit husband, witchcraft, evil altars and false tongues. Receive as point of contact, the FIRE prayer of the Holy Ghost in Jesus' mighty name. Visit our <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">website</a>. Shalom. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio>49840thechildrensmite,deliverance,sessionblogs/10-2015/49840-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgSpecial Holy Ghost FIRE Deliverance Session Meeting by thechildrensmite0, 26 Oct 2015 19:58 GMTIn or near the Raleigh, NC area and in need of healing and deliverance, come and be set TOTALLY free in Jesus' mighty name. You just may need 'Holy Ghost' hands laid upon you! Visit our website <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">calendar</a> for venue location. We hope to see you there! Shalom. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> You can also watch the <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">video</a> of the message.49756thechildrensmite,deliverance,session,announcementblogs/10-2015/49756-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpgBad Company Ruins Good Character by thechildrensmite0, 26 Oct 2015 18:51 GMT1 Corinthians 15:33 (CJB), "Don't be fooled. Bad company ruins good character." Tune in and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! Shalom. <audio controls=""><source src=""></source>If you cannot see the audio controls, <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">listen/download the audio file here</a></audio> You can also watch the <a href="javascript:launchURL('')">video</a> of the message.49750thechildrensmite,deliverance,holy spirit talkblogs/10-2015/49750-thechildrensmite-deli-s.jpg