New Life Life Ministry is located in Miami, FL and founded by our anointed leader Apostle Barbara Boyce.en-uscomnewlifeministry305@gmail.com MORNING INSPIRATION ON SNDS RADIO!! by newlifeministry0, 3 Apr 2016 01:30 GMT<strong><center> Tune in each and every Sunday morning to SNDSRADIO.COM for Sunday Morning Inspiration and listen to sermons from Apostle Barbara Boyce &amp; New Life's Ministerial Staff!! </center></strong>58988NEW LIFE MINISTRY, SUNDAY MORNING INSPIRATION, SERMONS, RADIO STATION, APOSTLE, MINISTERS, GOSPELblogs/4-2016/58988-new-life-ministry-sun-s.jpgCAN YOU LOVE ME WHEN I DON'T LOVE YOU by newlifeministry0, 15 Feb 2016 20:33 GMT<center> Join us on Thursday Night with Prophetess Angie Powell </center><center><b> CAN YOU LOVE ME WHEN I DON'T LOVE YOU </center></b>56415NEW LIFE MINISTRY, SPECIAL TEACHING, CAN YOU LOVE ME WHEN I DON'T LOVE YOU, PROPHETTESS ANGIE POWELblogs/2-2016/56415-new-life-ministry-spe-s.jpgWHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT by newlifeministry0, 15 Feb 2016 19:16 GMT<center> Join us on Wednesday Night </center><center><b> WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT </center></b>56413new life ministry, what's love got to do with it, bible study, minister tiffany rodriguezblogs/2-2016/56413-newlifeministry-new--s.jpgFAMILY & FRIENDS DAY!! by newlifeministry0, 15 Feb 2016 17:38 GMT<center><b> Invite your family, friends & COME FELLOWSHIP WITH US </center></b>56416new life minsitry, family & friends, black historyblogs/2-2016/56416-new-life-minsitry-fam-s.jpgTOOLS FOR LOVE by newlifeministry0, 10 Feb 2016 20:00 GMT<center>Tonight's Bible Study Teaching </center><center><b>TOOLS FOR LOVE</center></b><center>56160NEW LIFE MINISTRY, BIBLE STUDY, TOOLS FOR LOVEblogs/2-2016/56160-new-life-ministry-bib-s.jpgPASTOR APPRECIATION by newlifeministry0, 22 Sep 2015 21:00 GMT<center>Join us as we Honor our Awesome Leader </center><center><b>Apostle Boyce</center></b><center>September 22-25</center><center>Service Starts Nightly at 7:30pm</center> <center>And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. - Jeremiah 3:15</center>47508New Life Ministry, Pastor Appreciationblogs/9-2015/47508-newlifeministry-new--s.jpgPASTOR APPRECIATION by newlifeministry0, 2 Sep 2015 21:00 GMT<center>Your cordially invited</center><center>to</center> <center>Celebrate</center><center><b>Apostle Boyce</center></b><center>Pastor Appreciation</center><center>September 22-25</center> <center>And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. - Jeremiah 3:15</center>46459New Life Ministry, Pastor Appreciationblogs/9-2015/46459-new-life-ministry-pas-s.jpgBREAKING FINANCIAL CURSES!! by newlifeministry0, 2 Sep 2015 20:15 GMT<center>Tonight's Bible Study Topic: BREAKING FINANCIAL CURSES</center> <center>Under the direction of the Holy Spirit & Apostle Barbara Boyce!</center> <center>CONNECTING WITH GOD IS OUR GOAL!!</center> <center>Wednesday Night at 7:30pm</center> 46457New Life Ministry, Bible Study, Breaking Financial Cursesblogs/9-2015/46457-new-life-ministry-bib-s.jpgFather's Day by newlifeministry0, 22 Jun 2015 00:45 GMT<center> HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO THE FATHERS, GRANDFATHERS, UNCLES & GODFATHERS OF NEW LIFE MINISTRY <center> 44273new life ministry, father's dayblogs/6-2015/44273-new-life-ministry-fat-s.jpgREVIVAL - PROPHET MARKELL MCKOY by newlifeministry0, 18 Jun 2015 01:50 GMT<center> NEW LIFE MINISTRY PRESENTS <center> <center> THE HEALING & DELIVERANCE REVIVAL <center> <center> JULY 15-17, 2015 <center> <center> <strong> COME AND BE BLESSED <center> <strong>44179new life ministry, revival, healing, deliverance, prophetblogs/6-2015/44179-new-life-ministry-rev-s.jpgNEW LIFE ANNUAL PICNIC by newlifeministry0, 18 Jun 2015 01:45 GMT<center> NEW LIFE MINISTRY ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC <center> <center> SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2015 <center> <center> AMELIA EARHART PARK <center> <center> COME FELLOWSHIP WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS <center> 44178new life ministry, picnicblogs/6-2015/44178-new-life-ministry-pic-s.jpgLET'S TALK WOMEN'S MINISTRY by newlifeministry0, 18 Jun 2015 01:30 GMT<center> THE WOMAN WHOSE HEART WON'T HEAL PART 2 <center> <center> JOIN THE LADIES OF NEW LIFE MINISTRY <center> 44177new life ministry, women's ministry, woman, heart, heat, let's talkblogs/6-2015/44177-new-life-ministry-wom-s.jpgMother's Day by newlifeministry0, 10 May 2015 15:45 GMT<center> HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO APOSTLE BOYCE & ALL THE MOTHERS, GRANDMOTHERS, GODMOTHERS,& AUNTS OF NEW LIFE MINISTRY </center> <center> <strong> A Mother's Love There are times when only a mother's love Can understand our tears, Can soothe our disappoints And calm all of our fears. There are times when only a mother's love Can share the joy we feel When something we've dreamed about Quite suddenly is real. There are times when only a mother's faith Can help us on life's way And inspire in us the confidence We need from day to day. For a mother's heart and a mother's faith And a mother's steadfast love Were fashioned by the angels And sent from God above. &#45;&#45;Author Unknown </strong> </center> 42893NEW LIFE MINISTRY, MOTHER'S DAYblogs/5-2015/42893-new-life-ministry-mot-s.jpgLET'S TALK WOMEN'S MINISTRY by newlifeministry0, 5 May 2015 00:30 GMT<center> JOIN THE LADIES OF NEW LIFE MINISTRY <center> <center> Psalms 34:18 - The LORD [is] nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. <center>42705NEW LIFE MINISTRY, LET'S TALK, WOMEN'S MINISTRY, THE WOMAN, HEARTblogs/5-2015/42705-new-life-ministry-let-s.jpgBIBLE STUDY by newlifeministry0, 22 Apr 2015 22:30 GMT<center> Under the direction of the Holy Spirit & Apostle Barbara Boyce, join us in learning what the WORD of GOD says!! </center> <center> <strong> CONNECTING WITH GOD IS OUR GOAL </strong> </center> <center> Wednesday Night at 7:30pm </center>41332newlifeministry, bible studyblogs/3-2015/41332-newlifeministry-bible-s.jpgFAMILY & ANGER MANAGEMENT by newlifeministry0, 24 Mar 2015 23:15 GMT<center> SPECIAL TEACHING: FAMILY & ANGER MANAGEMENT </center> <center> APOSTLE BOYCE </center> <center> WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 </center> <center> 7:30PM </center> 41433BIBLE STUDY, FAMILY, ANGER MANAGEMENTblogs/3-2015/41433-bible-study-family-an-s.jpgNEW SNIPPETS OF SERMONS/BIBLE STUDY UPLOADED!! by newlifeministry0, 22 Mar 2015 03:05 GMT<center> LISTEN TO SNIPPETS OF THE LATEST SERMON/BIBLE STUDY FROM APOSTLE BOYCE & PROPHET MCKOY </center> <center> Power Of The Word Of God - Apostle Boyce </center> <center> Kingdom of God is About Rigteousness - Prophet McKoy</center> <center> Why We Need to Study the Bible - Apostle Boyce </center> <center> On the Edge of A Miracle - Apostle Boyce </center> <center> Faith is Now - Prophet McKoy </center> <center> Order Your Copy Today </center> <center> Coming Soon to ITUNES/AMAZON FOR PURCHASE </center>41394SNIPPETS, SERMONS, BIBLE STUDY, APOSTLE, PROPHETblogs/3-2015/41394-snippets-sermons-bibl-s.jpgHAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY APOSTLE by newlifeministry0, 10 Mar 2015 17:45 GMT<center> HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY </center> <center> <b> APOSTLE BARBARA BOYCE </b> </center> <center> <center> MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY... WE LOVE YOU!! </center>41151APOSTLE, HAPPY BIRTHDAYblogs/3-2015/41151-apostle-happy-birthda-s.jpgAPOSTLE BARBARA BOYCE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION by newlifeministry0, 8 Mar 2015 14:20 GMT<center> SUNDAY, MARCH 8th </center> <center> NEW LIFE MINISTRY WILL BE CELEBRATING </center> <center> <b> APOSTLE BARBARA BOYCE </b> </center> <center> 70th BIRTHDAY </center> <center> JOIN US IN CELEBRATING AND HONORING OUR AWESOME LEADER!! </center>41103BIRTHDAY, CELEBRATIONblogs/3-2015/41103-birthday-celebration--s.jpgAPOSTLE BOYCE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION by newlifeministry0, 1 Mar 2015 01:50 GMT<center> SUNDAY, MARCH 8th </center> <center> NEW LIFE MINISTRY WILL BE CELEBRATING </center> <center> <b> APOSTLE BARBARA BOYCE </b> </center> <center> 70th BIRTHDAY </center> <center> JOIN US IN CELEBRATING AND HONORING OUR AWESOME LEADER!! </center>40915APOSTLE, BIRTHDAY, CELEBRATIONblogs/2-2015/40915-apostle-birthday-cele-s.jpg