KEIANNA JOHNSON, my name is Keianna. I am a wife, mom of 5, a successful entrepreneur, a writer and........a former PEOPLE PLEASER! I can not pinpoint the exact day I wondered off to travel the road of a people pleaser, but I've walked that path for as long as I can remember. A social butterfly, naturally, I am a passive person. I work best in structured environments. I enjoy being helpful towards others and I value my close relationships as if I am guarding my life. I do not like to lose. The foundation of who I am is loyalty. What's interesting about this drug called "People Pleasing" is that a chronic people pleaser will tell you that they are not a people pleaser at all. When it came to being angry (passive/aggressive), I had no problem speaking up and defending myself by any means necessary. I thought my ability to defend myself was a strength, but the real power I later learned is the capacity to stand on my beliefs. I am still a work in progress in this area of my life because I have operated in this manner since I was a child. The good news is, I am acutely aware of who I am. Thank God he isn't through with me yet. One of my favorite quotes in life is, 'To Thyne Own Self Be True" Truth moment: I was a people pleaser because I had low self-esteem. Self-esteem for me had nothing to do with me being pretty because I always knew I was cute. The truth is, I had a terrible habit of putting myself down. I had a bad habit of putting myself and my soul on a platter to be eaten by wolves. I was overextending myself. Surrounded myself with wolves in sheep's clothing and not cutting those relationships off because I felt it wasn't the "Godly" thing to do. I had the audacity to get angry when things didn't work out in my favor. My life was a dangerous concoction of brown and white liquor, and I would wonder why I was always sick. Real change didn't happen for me until I had enough. Enough with overly caring about folks and their problems. Enough with being self-conscience. Enough with caring about what people think of me. Enough with being loyal to fake people. Enough with kissing butt. Enough with all forms of self-sabotage. Enough with the drama. I wanted to be happy. The only way I can ever be truly happy is to rid myself of the craziness that surrounded me and BE MYSELF! With no apologies. I created this site to help others who are like myself. You, yes YOU are something special. Take back your power to live your life happy. Live for you and most importantly, be yourself. If you struggle with people pleasing, low self-esteem, always worrying about what other people are thinking of you, self-sabotage, overextending yourself, taking care of everyone else needs but forget to take care of yourself.....This site is for you. Here you will be uplifted and restored to live your best life. TODAY!en-uscomkeianna_johnson@yahoo.comhttp://keiannajohnson.comkeiannajohnsonsKeiannaJohnsonskeianna_johnson115968ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/9421626631ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3568931435 ChiKeiannaJohnson12/30/1899 12:00:00 AMkeianna Women's History Month by keianna0, 29 Mar 2018 04:00 GMTMalala Yousafzai Hello Everyone! Happy Thursday! I know. I know. The month of March is more than halfway over, and this is my first post celebrating National Women's History Month. When thinking of who I wanted to feature for National Women's History Month, I decided to highlight a young woman whose words touched me in an extraordinary place in my heart. Today I choose to celebrate Malala Yousafzai. I had the pleasure of visiting my son school to watch the documentary He Named Me Malala. Malala explained throughout the film how the Taliban is not a Religion, but an Ideology. She discussed her near-death experience of being shot in the face by a member of the Taliban for speaking boldly of the importance of education for girls. Although being severely injured was a horrific experience, she doesn't regret using her voice to stand up for what is right and continue till this day to speak on behalf of young women. &nbsp; Watching this documentary was fascinating to me because Malala refuses to give up. She didn't allow her tragedy to force her to change her mind about education for girls. She is the living example of one of my favorite quotes by the late Malcolm X: If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. Because of Malala stance on education, she has made a concern once isolated to her hometown a Worldwide matter of contention. Malala spirit for change reminds me so much of the young people fighting for reconstruction in America as it relates to the racial injustices as well as the push for stricter gun laws with the hopes of preventing a mass shooting in a school. These young people are on fire. They are sick of the ancient way meditating problems in this country. It would be nice to live in a World where everyone treated their neighbor with an equal amount of respect. But the foundational systems aren't built on equality. Unfortunately, the fight for change is a lifelong old dirt road leading to nowhere, which is sad. I end this post with a few quotes by Malala that stood out to me while watching the documentary about her life experience. It better to live like a lion for one day than to live like a slave for 100 years. If I keep silent, I lose the right to exist. Education gives you the power. It makes you independent, and confident. There is a moment you have to choose to be silent or stand up. Let fear die and LIVE! Share your thoughts. Who would you like to highlight for National Women's History Month that has made an impact in your life? via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>97859Living Unapologetic, Self Empowerment, Uncategorized, #womenhistorymonth #planet5050 #hb2 #heforshe blogs/3-2018/97859-national-womens-histo-s.jpgKids Fashion Segment: Crazy8 by keianna0, 16 Mar 2018 16:42 GMT#Age-Appropriate Clothing Trends For Kids Part1 Happy Fridayyyyy! How are you guys doing? I know our typical once a week chat happens on Thursdays. However, things didn't turn out yesterday as planned. So I decided to bless you guys with a smooth, light heart kids fashion trend read on today. Crazy8 is a clothing store that sells the latest kids styles and trends size 0-14. On Sunday, March 4th, I received an email from Crazy8 informing me of a huge sale they were having on kids clothes for Spring. I couldn't pass on this particular sale because everything was literally under $25. I love Crazy8 clothing for my daughter because the quality is excellent yet affordable and the clothing designs are age-appropriate. Here are a few items I purchased and the price. &nbsp; <a href="''" target="_blank"></a> <a href="<a ''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src=";h=150" title="happy birthday tomy dear husband(2)" /> happy birthday tomy dear husband(2)</div> </a> &nbsp; <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src=";h=150" title="29216879_1520134894952649_7396442340983832576_n" /> 29216879_1520134894952649_7396442340983832576_n</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src=";h=150" title="29177514_1520134924952646_7628198973844488192_n" /> 29177514_1520134924952646_7628198973844488192_n</div> </a> &nbsp; <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src=";h=150" title="29186652_1520134854952653_7385588078158544896_n" /> 29186652_1520134854952653_7385588078158544896_n</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src=";h=150" title="29196338_1520134964952642_4302028548652138496_n" /> 29196338_1520134964952642_4302028548652138496_n</div> </a> The Sparkle Star Dress price $11.65. I like this dress because it stops at an age appropriate length for a 10-year-old girl. The BB Stripe Cold Shoulder Romper price $22.18. I love the romper because it isn't took tight on her body and I like the thick shoulder straps. Pink Giraffe Graphic T price $5.30. T-shirt fits nice. I purchased 6 Graphic T's in all. Stay tuned for fashion post part2 (March 29th) Light Wash Skinny Jeans price $9.54. Although these jeans are considered skinny, they are not to tight on her body. She has enough room in her jeans to run and play. The Blue Chamb Shoes price $22.18. My daughter say the shoes are comfortable. Stay tuned for the next Kids Fashion post scheduled for March 29, 2018. I will share more fashion photo's and commentary on why I choose to support this brand of kids clothing. I also want you guys to know that today's post is not sponsored. My blog is not monetized. I paid for all the clothes with my own money. Operating my site is solely out of love for writing and sharing my thoughts from my corner of the world. Thank you guys for your support. Until next time. For more information about Crazy8 visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Also follow me on <a href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a> to view more kid fashions photos. &nbsp; via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>96967Kids Fashion, Uncategorized, #childrensfashion #fashion #kidsfashion #crazy8 #kidsclothes #kidsclothblogs/3-2018/96967-kids-fashion-segment-s.jpgHow To Stay Focus When Everything Seem To Be Going Wrong? by keianna0, 8 Mar 2018 21:33 GMT#ProtectingYourPeace #SelfCare None of us are oblivious to being disappointed. Excuse my French, but shit happens. Even while trying to do all the right things, sometimes conflict seems to come out of nowhere. That's life right? Although life happens, most of us are taught to make lemonade out of the sour lemons that have been tossed in our direction. And yes that sounds sweet, but what about the feelings of sadness, anger, confusion, and lack of trust deriving from the situations we sometimes find ourselves associated? The recipe for developing pink lemonade doesn't sound as easy to create? The Truth About Business &amp; Personal Let me share with you something that is real. Our obligations and or responsibilities do not change because the unexpected has happened. Sallie Mae, the mortgage, water, phone or power companies do not care to hear our sob stories. Our bills have a due date. They must be paid on time. It is hard sometimes to separate what we are feeling personally between what must have a successful conclusion professionally. For me, there have been plenty of times I've allowed myself to become distracted by an outside force that made me furious to the point I had a hard time accomplishing my goals. I quickly learned that I could not allow life circumstances or the pettiness of this World to interfere with my career. I am not going to lie by pretending it isn't an inward fight in protecting my peace. However, No one is ever that important that will let me mess up the opportunity to take care of my family or run my business. I have to make a living (MONEY) to maintain my life. Trying to work while distracted will show in your body language. And So The Questions Are.... How do we conquer our emotions after having hurt feelings? How do we stop focusing on what is wrong and began getting back into the swing of being productive? Below are a few suggestions to the questions listed above: <strong>Reposition Yourself:</strong> Assess the situation. Figure out what happened. Distinguish between the facts or fiction. Be honest about your true feelings on the matter. Pray. Make A decision. Find a way to move forward. <strong>Eliminate Chit-chat:</strong> Limit casual telephone conversations, social media interaction with acquaintances and messy people. Communicating with people who do not have your best interest at heart will only stir up more negativity. <strong>Create Musical Playlist:</strong> Began creating a musical playlist of your favorite songs that have the power to keep you uplifted. Allow the songs to feed your inner spirit. Listen to them over and over again until you believe the messages in the song. <strong>Social Media:</strong> If your job requires you to use social media as a marketing tool, stay laser focus on your work. There are ways you can schedule a post in advance or plan your post before you share. Share and keep it moving. You do not have to engage online. <strong>Motivate Yourself:</strong> Pep-talks with yourself is 100% effective. Remind yourself if it isn't about business/productivity; you do not want any parts of it. Write down all the things that bring you happiness and plan to do them all. Put a smile on your face. <strong>Journal Daily: W</strong>riting out your feelings on paper (unedited) is a great way to keep you from communicating with a person who has gossipy lips. When presented with the opportunity to go back and revisit your writing, you will learn the good and the bad things about yourself as well as how to make the necessary changes to become a better person. In conclusion, I write this weeks blog post to empower us all. Healing thyself is possible. We have the power to master the separation between business and personal. We can put a name to our business associates and separate them from our genuinely intimate relationships. If we take action in protecting our peace: doing whatever it takes to keep ourselves in a clear head-space, the likelihood of experiencing sadness which often lead to depression, procrastination, retreating or feeling shame will be at a minimum. We can not allow anyone or anything to take food out of our mouths and the roof from over our heads. We will work at our highest level of success if we began to take our self care and mental health seriously. You Gotta Nourish Yourself In Order To Flourish Personally And Professionally. via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>96636Self Care, Self Empowerment, Self Improvement, Uncategorized, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Self Care Dablogs/3-2018/96636-how-stay-focus-when-e-s.jpgComing Of Age Book Signing by keianna0, 1 Mar 2018 18:01 GMTWith Photo's On Sunday, February 25th from 3 pm- 5 pm, Ansylla Ramsey (Holistic Hair Care Specialist and International Educator) host an event in celebration of me writing my first book, Coming Of Age: The Easy Guide to Healthy Hair Care for Teens. The book launch/signing was one of the happiest days of my life. The room filled with so much love, laughter and honor by my beloved family, friends, clients, and supporters. I am appreciative of their excitement for me becoming a new author. I've worked extremely hard for 2-years for this moment to come to past. I am very proud of myself for being able to fulfill something I have always wanted to do. My book Coming Of Age; symbolizes to me that I can do anything I set my mind to do. A special thank you to my event sponsors. Skylars Sweet Treats Instagram <a href="" target="_blank">Skylars_Sweet_Treats</a> Bobeam Natural Hair Products Instagram <a href="" target="_blank">Quita_Bobeamceo</a> Ansylla Ramsey Instagram <a href="" target="_blank">Ansylla.Speaks</a>,<a href="<a" target="_blank"> MyHairitage</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">WellnessInRealLife,</a> Chi Chi Sophistication Kids Natural Hair Studio Instagram<a href="" target="_blank"> ChiChi_Sophistication</a> Instagram <a href="" target="_blank">Keianna_Johnson</a> Photos will regularly post on Coming of Age: The Easy Guide to Healthy Hair Care for Teens Instagram <a href="" target="_blank">ComingOfAgeBook</a> all week long. <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384181032207" /> received_10214384181032207</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384154071533" /> received_10214384154071533</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384148831402" /> received_10214384148831402</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"></a> <a href="<a ''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384127870878" /> received_10214384127870878</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src=";h=113" title="received_10214384135511069" /> received_10214384135511069</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src=";h=113" title="received_10214384141031207" /> received_10214384141031207</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src=";h=113" title="received_10214384143751275" /> received_10214384143751275</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384153151510" /> received_10214384153151510</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image9"><img id="bvimg9" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384153751525" /> received_10214384153751525</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image10"><img id="bvimg10" src=";h=113" title="received_10214384157991631" /> received_10214384157991631</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image11"><img id="bvimg11" src=";h=113" title="received_10214384160671698" /> received_10214384160671698</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image12"><img id="bvimg12" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384161351715" /> received_10214384161351715</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image13"><img id="bvimg13" src=";h=150" title="received_10214384155991581" /> received_10214384155991581</div> </a> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>96200Uncategorized, Coming Of Age Book Signingblogs/3-2018/96200-coming-age-book-signi-s.jpg400 Writing Prompts by keianna0, 22 Feb 2018 23:43 GMTFive Questions Answered: 400 Writing Prompts Book. Hello Everyone, Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a great week thus far. I am excited, yet a little stressed about my first book signing happening in four days. I am praying for a successful event. For the most part, the planning is going well. The only thing left to do is my hair and choose my outfit. I can't wait to share the outcome of my event with you next Thursday. Last week there wasn't a blog post planned, and I didn't want another week to pass without writing here on So this week I am choosing five random questions from my 400 Writing Prompt book, gifted to me by a friend, yet purchased from FiveBelow. I enjoy my 400 Writing Prompt Book because it gives me the opportunity to write about different subjects and challenge me to think outside the box. Today's blog post is all about having fun and sharing the first thoughts that come to mind. Random Questions <strong>1.) If you could indulge in anything without consequences, what would it be?</strong> I would plan a vacation for my husband and I and leave for an entire month. I would allow my children to stay home alone with everything they need to take care of themselves. I wouldn't tag along a cell phone or any other communication device. Our vacation would be a time to rejuvenate ourselves, get back to having fun, living stress-free with no responsibilities. We can lay back on the beach and remember our love-bird years before children. Traveling kid-free, with no worries would be nice. <strong>2.) In what way are you a trendsetter in your social circle?</strong> I wouldn't say I am a trendsetter as it relates to fashion because all of my friends are creative with their styles. However, I am a trendsetter in living unapologetically. I know a lot of my friends look at me crazy for sharing my life with the world via blogging/social media, but I enjoy sharing bits and pieces of who I am. I love speaking LIVE on video because I no longer have issues with showing my face without makeup. I have never been as confident in myself as I am today. Speaking my mind and promoting the causes I love allows me to walk to the beat of my drum. <strong>3.) If you found yourself in OZ, what would you do differently than Dorothy?</strong> If I were in OZ, I would sell the dog, Toto. Toto is a liability. There had been plenty of times where Dorothy was trying to stay focused on finding her way back home, in which Toto jumped out of her hands causing Dorothy to cry, scream and become stressed-out over the possibility of losing her beloved dog. I would sell him during the beginning part of my journey to ensure I stay focus on getting myself back home. <strong>4.) Talk about your favorite pair of shoes and why you love them so much.</strong> I am in love with these knee-high boots from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. These boots were gifted to me by one of my beloved clients for Christmas. I love these boots because they fit comfortably over my calf. It doesn't matter what outfit I wear with these boots, I look and feel sexy. <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src=";h=401" title="27332080_1508002896165849_6674154664951209497_n" /> 27332080_1508002896165849_6674154664951209497_n</div> <strong>5.) What gives you the most inner peace?</strong> I enjoy time alone. Sitting alone gives me the time to deal with my emotions while providing the opportunity for me to be vulnerable to find my inner peace from within. I also enjoy music. Music has been a keep point in my life that allows me to express myself via lyrics and song. To find inner peace, I must be free from distractions. Thank you guys for playing along. Share your thoughts. Do you have a 400 Writing Prompt Book? If so, what do you like about the book? Which of the questions above were your favorite? &nbsp; via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>95782Uncategorized, writing, I Write, Writer, 400 Writing Promptsblogs/2-2018/95782-400-writing-prompts-s.jpgI Used CreateSpace Platform To Self Publish My Book. by keianna0, 8 Feb 2018 05:00 GMTVideo <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /> Watch Video on YouTube</a></center> &nbsp; Again, I am very appreciative of Amazon and Createspace for giving authors like myself a platform to have creative control of the content we create. I am pleased with the outcome of how my book turned out. The response from my family, friends, top leaders in my industry, as well as from clients, has been awesome. The celebration of my book, Coming of Age, is a highlight of my life I will never forget. If you reside in the Maryland, D.C. or Virginia Area, feel free to register to attend my book signing that will be happening at the end of this month. Click the Eventbrite link for more information <a href=";h=ATOfK-YvYwIQ-8IVyk1tbQmfR7uKH9Y0dXA1UdZWuqFrE9O_5UuxHZPYGExpmmtMUIwPSC36F0-cjiy_33vy5yN4RCpRNAzyH52mFIyXe6QRoQitn_At5QY0lcSGhSRVpi66mr6X6ynotnZPI5-kbP2c2TkddEGNGKqUaYyobU0xZeyMpXUR7pzBztIprN7mXkgAn_1oRq8sM1b8tWEgCMKRCPKXNPjz2hcATiwtJVAhhk9rXhg487KDQAvoYiqbqfm6otJML6hScvcgaady-mfdTzJWFQ7PI_1iTfZorA" target="_blank"></a>. I can not wait to meet you. Have a fabulous day. via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>94875Self Empowerment, Uncategorized, Author, createspace, Growth, I Write, Lifestyle, self publishing, VGuess Who Is An Author? by keianna0, 1 Feb 2018 16:26 GMTComing of Age: The Easy Guide to Healthy Hair Care for Teens. Hello Everyone! Happy February 1st! I hope you all are enjoying your day. I am having a good morning thus far. Today is my oldest son birthday. He is now seventeen. We are planning a intimate family dinner, surrounded by balloons, ice cream and cake. So I will be busy ensuring my son feels the love on his special day. Today is also the day, I share with all of you my resent adventure of becoming an author. I WROTE A BOOK YALL! The title of my book is, Coming of Age: The Easy Guide for Healthy Hair Care for Teens. My book launched online January 12, 2018. Coming of Age: The Easy Guide to Healthy Hair Care for Teens. Book written by Keianna Johnson. My tween/teenage clients inspired me to wrote my book Coming of Age. Most of them have been coming to me for hair care and braiding services since they were young. But it seems that once they turn 12-years and older, everyone expects them to know how to care for their hair on their own but forget to teach them. I wanted to create a tool guide for the young ladies so they wouldn't feel stressed-out about their hair. My desire is for every girl to be confident in her ability to make healthy hair care and styling chooses for her hair on her own. My book is AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! I am not just saying that, it really is stunning. Mrs. Gloria Erickson, owner of London Lane Designs and Publishing Services, designed my entire book. Her communication and customer service skills were the best. I will most definitely use her professional services again. If you have plans of writing a book and is looking for a designer, contact Mrs. Gloria at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and or Facebook at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> To purchase my book, Coming of Age: The Easy Guide to Healthy Hair Care for Teens, click <a href=";qid=1515431907&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=Coming+of+Age%3A+The+Easy+Guide+to+Healthy+Hair+Care+for+Teens" target="_blank">HERE</a>! Books are sold at Amazon &amp; Barns and Noble. Also, there is an option to 'LOOK INSIDE' the book for free via Amazon, however that option is only for desk top, laptop and table. P.S. Are you an author? Post your book information in the comment section. I would love to support you by purchasing your book. &nbsp; via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>94294Living Unapologetic, News & Updates, Self Care, Self Empowerment, Uncategorized, Author, dc authors,blogs/2-2018/94294-guess-who-is-author-s.jpgUnapologetic Living: My Why. by keianna0, 29 Jan 2018 17:23 GMTVIDEO <a href="" target="_blank"></a> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>93684Living Unapologetic, Self-Discovery, Uncategorized, Growth, Lifestyle, Self Examination, Self-esteemblogs/1-2018/93684-unapologetic-living-m-s.jpgIt's Possible To Accept Others Without Compromising Who We Are. by keianna0, 25 Jan 2018 23:53 GMTLet's Be Honest. The bright side of living unapologetically/free is standing on my convictions. Convictions are far different from being motivated to do something. I fight every day, within myself, to stand firm on what I believe to be true, allowing my truth to guide my life and not let the pressure from anyone change my mind. Coming to terms with what I will allow in my personal space and openly share my standards for my life used to be scary for me to vocalize. Because I never, ever wanted to hurt someone elses feelings. Being honest never hurts anyone. Being a liar hurts only you. -Unknown I have always thought about the feelings of others, but what about me? What about my impressions of discomfort? I had to learn to be comfortable with being honest with myself about my feelings of things happening around me. <strong>My Truth</strong> My personality do not mesh well with narcissistic personalities....Or people who are not humble. Super Christians get on my nerves as well as people who only deal with others when it benefits them. These kinds of people are not kind. But, I do not want to be the kind of person who complains about what everyone else is doing. Being negative, also, isn't very kind. I recently discovered that there are ways I can accept people for who they are without compromising who I am. Below are a few key suggestions I will like to share with you. <strong>Three ways we can choose our battles without compromising our energy.</strong> 1.) Choose wisely the kinds of conversations we entertain: If someone is engaging in a conversation we do not like, instead of expressing our opinion, discreetly remove ourselves from the discussion. 2.) Limit negative phone conversations: We all have someone in our lives who speak negatively ALL THE TIME! Instead of disowning them, merely limit our conversations with them. Instead of talking with them four days a week, define the call to once a week. 3.) Follow our intuition: It isn't a crime to turn down an invitation. We do not have to attend events that make us feel uncomfortable. It is OK to kindly inform our friends of our absents. Just as long as we do not decline at the last minute. I hope today's blog post gave you more insight on how you can take back your power to be yourself. Trust me, the journey to live free takes practice, but I believe if we really want to live our lives unapologetically, there will be times we will have to make choices that goes against the desires of others. &nbsp; via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>93136Living Unapologetic, Self-Discovery, Uncategorized, Lifestyle, Self Empowerment, Stay True To YourseMy Sanity Plan. by keianna0, 18 Jan 2018 22:11 GMTNew Year. New Me. Choosing My Energy. Just like you, I am a woman who wears many hats. I am a wife, mother of Five children ages 5-16, an entrepreneur, blogger and an author. In order to experience some level of order in my life, I had to create a plan to keep my life centered. Having a Sanity Plan is essential for me to keep my head above water to ensure I am the best person I can be. The central theme of my Sanity Plan is: Choose Your Energy. Choosing my enthusiasm reminds me that I am 100% in control of my life. I do not want to associate with anything that doesn't allow me to be my best self. My Sanity Plan consists of three major components: Not involving myself in other peoples affairs. Be mindful of my associations with people and events. Television programs, Social interactions must reflect my inner peace. The reason why choosing my energy is crucial to me is because there was a time in my life I unknowingly surrounded myself with drama. Being the oldest child, I was always in the middle of adverse family affairs between my siblings and my cousins. If there was a problem in the family, I was the one listening to the family gossip over the phone and giving advice based on what I heard which caused more problems. Because I had a bad habit of picking sides, I found myself being isolated from people I care about which made the environment all the more toxic. I later realized that all of this unnecessary wasted energy was not worth it. I needed to mind my own business. Choosing my energy is a daily process for me. I have since pulled myself away from being the point of contact when the family drama unfolds. I remind myself to be very careful of who I am chatting with on the phone. What has helped me with my sanity is that I send almost every phone call to voicemail. That way I can pick and choose which phone call is worth my time. I also pick and choose which text messages I respond to. My sanity level has become better because I am no longer in the loop of the drama. What I've learned from creating a Sanity Plan was that 80% of the drama I had in the center of my life was built outside of my home. It wasn't my husband, children or business causing chaos in my life. It was everyone living outside of the four walls of my house. Coming to terms with my reality let me know that I was 100% at fault for the position I put myself in. No one else was to be blamed but me. When I began to focus on my own affairs, I learned there was more time to balance my home/business life. On days I would work late styling hair, I would utilize my crock pot to create yummy meals for my family. At the end of my business day, dinner was already made. My husband is off work every single Monday. I too decided to take off work on Mondays to spend quality time with him alone. Sundays are fun days with my children. They love the trampoline park. Oh, I can't forget my self-care days. I recently took a trip to New York with friends. I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself. It was the best time ever. Staying focused on my Sanity Plan is teaching me how to balance my life. Minding my own business has been great for my quality of life as well as for my husband and children. I can now show up to the family functions happy. I do not know everybody's secrets, and my lips are sealed. Do you have an action plan set in place to keep you focus on your lifestyle goals? Feel free to share your thoughts. P.S. Also Follow Me on<a href="" target="_blank"> Instagram</a>. &nbsp; &nbsp; via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>92537Self Care, Self Improvement, Uncategorized, Lifestyle, My Sanity Plan, Self Examination, My Sanity PHappy Birthday: Our Site Is A Year Old! by keianna0, 4 Jan 2018 05:00 GMTYear One Of Liberation! Liberated; adjective 1.) (of a person) showing freedom from social conventions or traditional ideas, especially with regard to sexual roles. 2.) (of a place or people) freed from imprisonment, slavery, or enemy occupation. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Today January 4th is our birthday! created out of liberation. I was tired of being held, hostage by everything that didn't derive from me or my thoughts. I merely wanted the freedom to do what I wanted to do without apologizing for exercising my right as an adult to live the way I have chosen to live. I am happy to say in the year 2017 I did just that and was able to share my life experiences here with you. I enjoyed interacting with those of you who left comments on my blog post this past year. In those moments I have learned I wasn't alone in my quest to live in freedom. I believe everyone at some point or another is searching for the opportunity to break free from the judgmental mentality of others, stereotypes, slander and the side-eyes of stupidity. It is tiring trying to fight up against the madness. It should be easy to be yourself, right? Primarily speaking of the fact we are all adults. But you and I know that it isn't as easy as it should be. One reason being everyone wants to be right. I know for me, I hate when a person wants me to see the good in them automatically, yet they are always unwilling to see the goodness in other people. When they speak, they still highlight the faults of the other person. I often wonder to myself, "DAMN! Is it that hard to keep your mind from festering in negativity?" Anyway, living out my truth also showed me who I can honestly open myself up too. My sister Trina (who often get a bad rep, yet is the very person who will give you her last dime) has been one of my number one supporters. Yes, we fall short and have fights like any other sister relationship, but when talking to Trina, there is never any hidden motives which are refreshing. While wanting other to accept me as I am, I too had to learn to extend the same courtesy in return. Trina and I over the years have had moments of explosive disagreements due to life circumstances. If I can be honest for a moment, I used to impose my views about life onto her and try to force her to live the life I live. As time turned into days, months and years, I eventually understood that life is a journey. We all have a purpose in life which will lead us down our own individual paths. And because we are both believers in God, anything meant to destroy our lives will be turned around for good. That is a promise from God himself. Once I realized my judgemental mentality against my sister, I had to teach myself to stop that behavior because I detest everyone who has tried to impose their views about life on me. I eventually learned I couldn't have it both ways. I must treat my sister the way I would like someone to treat me. Once I began to walk out my motto of unapologetic living, my sister and I relationship has grown into something beautiful. Although we both have flaws, I know for a fact she is genuine. There is nothing no one can say or do that will make me believe anything different about her. She has my back, and I have her back! Period. I end this post by encouraging you to examine yourself. We reap what we sow. If we want to have the liberty to live in harmony with ourselves, we have to also extend the same level of respect to those around us. It feels so good to live apologetically right? We must also allow people to live, make mistakes, learn from their mistakes and live again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KEIANNAJOHNSON.COM FAMILY! Until next time. Live in peace. New Years Resolution: What are you liberating yourself from in 2018? What character flaw can you change that will allow those around you to live in freedom? Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Unapologetic</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self-Discovery</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Uncategorized</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Growth</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Happy Birthday</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">happy new year</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Lifestyle</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Life</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Examination</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Transition</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">true story</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=4137&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>91296Living Unapologetic, Self-Discovery, Uncategorized, Growth, Happy Birthday, happy new year, LifestylIyanla Vanzant: Tapping the Power Within. by keianna0, 30 Nov 2017 05:01 GMTBook Club Series Introduction &nbsp; Unapologetic living for me is all about taking back my power to be myself without shame. Without caring about the boxes, people try to put me in. Without being upset about the lies, people have created with the hope of destroying my character. Without hiding or trying to convince people, I am kind, worthy or desperately screaming, "PICK ME! PICK ME! I promise I am loyal. I promise am good." I do not need validation to live. I have to own that fact by walking it out, doing what is right for me. My soul is entirely open after shattering the glass wall with a steel baseball bat. The wall, built up by others (with my assistance) was designed from the very beginning to paralyze me. It was designed to keep me down and always second guessing myself. For many years I did not love myself. My confidence was so low that I believed every negative word someone said about me even if it wasn't accurate information. I am no longer the number one fan of the #BreakKeiannaDown campaign. I am however the leader of the #TakingBackMyPower club. Even though boundaries have become the number one staple of my life, I am still managing to be comfortable with the choices I make for myself. I've realized having barriers in life are designed to keep me safe and growing in the right direction. Creating this blog is a symbol of me being ready to live free, honest and sincere in every way. I've finally evolved to the point of being cool with people not liking me, especially those who have never meant me any good. Self Discovery I have had some mind-blowing discoveries about myself. I learned the reason why there was so much craziness happening around me was that I never wanted to eliminate anyone from my life. I have always fought for the underdog. I had a fascination with seeing the underdog overcome adversity. I knew what it felt like to be rejected and I didn't want to be a person who dismissed other people, so I kept everyone around not understanding that people are in my life for a reason, a season and a lifetime. I was holding on to relationships that were never in my best interest. A tragic discovery was realizing 50% of the people in my life was using me for their personal gain. They got away with it because I allowed it to happen. Not letting go permitted situations to last for far too long. Creating havoc in my life. If I can travel deeper into my truth, I knew I was being used but didn't have the guts to shut the factory down unless I was angry. I never had the willpower to shut a situation down outside of angry. Which is one reason why I kept my anger in my back pocket because I knew if I couldn't save myself, my violence can do anything to protect me? I never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings. Me not speaking up or creating boundaries created more harm than good. Since making the necessary changes, life is not perfect but has been going in a positive direction. Taking things one day at a time. What did Iyanla say? Iyanla Vanzant, Tapping the Power Within. A Path to Self-Empowerment for Women. Tapping the Power Within, I found Iyanla Vanzant book in my local thrift store. I paid $1.99 for a book initially costing $24.95. The book is in perfect condition, with the bounce CD located in the back of the book unopened. I listened to the CD to jump start my excitement to read the book. The central theme of the CD that spoke to my spirit as I have a right to be bodacious! I have a right to follow my own inner authority. I have a right to do what is best for me. Iyanla spoke about "Taking my rightful place" letting the old things GO! She provided Seven tools to help her readers live their best life. The Seven tools are: Never underestimate your own need and ability to affect change. Mind your own business first Seek harmony Replace external referencing with inner authority Stop being bad and wrong Take your rightful place Go for the JOY I am committed to my healing. I can't live FREE if I am broken. Every door that was designed to keep me living beneath my potential has been exposed. I see things so much clearer, but I do understand taking my rightful place will require me to be sharp, open, and honest with myself. I will not continue to allow people to dump their madness in my life like I am their personal trash dumpster. I am not a dumpster. Affirmation I am Keianna Johnson. I am funny. I am creative. I am loyal. I can sing. I am a hard worker. I am honest. I am a good person at my core. I am bold. I have a calling on my life as an intercessor and missionary. I have the heart for people. I am a writer. I am friendly. I have discernment. I am a professional hairstylist. I am a submissive wife. I am a momma bear. I am appreciative. I indeed have the heart for God. I am good. Whether anyone notices or not.....I AM GOOD! My intentions for this series is to learn new tools that will allow me to tap into my power within. I will be reading a chapter a week also writing a blog post on my discovery. Look for the hashtag #TappingThePowerWithin on the blog subheader. Feel free to share your thoughts. Self-empowerment: What are you working on that will make your life better? Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Unapologetic</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Empowerment</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Improvement</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Uncategorized</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Lifestyle</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Empowerment</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Examination</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Transformation</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=4130&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>88842Living Unapologetic, Self Empowerment, Self Improvement, Uncategorized, Lifestyle, Self Examination,blogs/11-2017/88842-iyanla-vanzant-tappin-s.jpgI Am Thankful For LOVE! by keianna0, 23 Nov 2017 17:35 GMTThanksgiving. A day highlighted in celebration of gratitude. It is a day set aside for us to plan a meeting place, cook our favorite dishes, share a large meal and laughter with those who genuinely love us. Our families. Our Friends. What am I thankful for? My heart is continually in a state of gratitude. God has been good to my family and me. Everyone connected to me is blessed including my friends, acquaintances, business partners, and my clients. I am surrounded by an enormous amount of support. I am surrounded by pure love. I can honestly say everyone in my inner circle LOVES me for me. I do not take for granted the security that has been established in my relationships. I in return love them too. The year 2017 isn't over yet, but all the things God has given me the strength to accomplish from my vision board has come to pass except for one major project I've been patiently waiting for since June. I am not going to lie, it has been stressful waiting without answers. However, God put it on my heart to find a plan B a couple months ago. Plan B is already mapped out and in motion if the original plan does not work out. I am so thankful to God because he has ensured me that no matter what happens, I WILL BE AN AUTHOR IN JANUARY 2018! I am grateful that my hero gives me peace of mind. I know God loves me. I love him too. A moment of silence I am thankful for my loved ones who have passed away. I reflect on the value they left behind that has made my life better. I miss my grandmother and Aunt Bo terribly. I miss my grandmother smile and our casual conversations. I also miss my beloved Aunt Bo. I miss seeing her at family functions. I miss how she would give me the side-eye every time I said something crazy or provocative. It is interesting how annoying my Aunt side-eye used to be to me, and now that she is gone, I miss it.....a whole lot. Anyway. I salute them both. I am thankful to have had a personal relationship with women who were of substance. My grandma and aunt were godly women who lived a good life. I miss their warm embrace. I miss their love. Even though they are no longer here physically, I love them with all my heart. I am thankful for you When I created eleven months ago, my goal was to become a freedom builder. I planned to give people hope and the tools they need to find themselves. I wanted everything I wrote to come from my personal experiences either good or bad, I wanted to share it on this platform to show those who are going through life transitions that they are not alone. Life is a process. Life change. People change, and we reverse. I wanted my readers to see when a person refuses to give up, they will be successful. Thank you for reading my blog post, commenting and sharing my content with your audience. I appreciate you. I love you. I close this post with one of my favorite songs by Hezekiah Walker; Grateful. Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great day. What are you thankful for? <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /> Watch Video on YouTube</a></center> &nbsp; &nbsp; Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Unapologetic</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Uncategorized</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Family Time</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">gratitude</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Life</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Thanksgiving</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=4101&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>88501Living Unapologetic, Uncategorized, Family Time, gratitude, Living Life, Thanksgiving, I Am ThankfulFive Budget-Friendly Self Care Purchases From fiVe BELoW. by keianna0, 9 Nov 2017 17:46 GMT#SelfCare: Mind, Body, &amp; Spirit. No matter who you are, there are levels of responsibility in life that can not be ignored. Being a caregiver is one of them. It doesn't matter if you are a man, woman, young or old there are people in our lives who depend on us to assist them to thrive and grow. Taking care of our responsibilities aren't always easy especially during those times we lack sleep, proper nutrition, or are fatigued. When we are feeling this way, we are not useful to anyone not even ourselves. Personally speaking, when I am not well-rested, depression kicks in. It is hard for me to see sometimes past how I feel to be proactive enough to get things done. When I am not feeling my best, I often retreat inside myself. Because I do not want those close to me to explore my cranky vibes, I must take charge of my mind, body, and spirit. <strong>Truth Moment</strong> Between January and June, I had a very consistent Self-Care Plan. I worked out four days a week. The results from being active were terrific. There were no aches and pains in my body. I stretched daily, was more flexible (hubby was indeed delighted) and I was wearing my clothes so nicely to the point I didn't need a waist trainer. My body had a ton of energy, and I felt strong. Since January 1, I have been determined to take better care of myself. But like many people, I have fallen off the wagon. Because I am aware of how my body feels when I am consistently active, I am ready to resume taking better care of myself. Lord knows I do not want to have a stroke or a heart attack. Both of these chronic illnesses seem to be a consistent pattern that has run rampant in my family over the past couple of years. Especially with the recent death of my Aunt, I am still in shock of her untimely passing. <b>Feel Better/Look Better On A Budget.</b> If you're thinking what I am thinking, then you recognize that today is the best day to get back into the groove. I've decided not to wait until January 1st, to get back into my groove. If you are ready to take better care of yourself but also wish to keep the cost low, here are five budget-friendly self-care purchases from fiVe BELoW that will help jump start your affordable workout plan. Green Juices &amp; Smoothies Book cost $5 Jump Rope cost $4 DumbBells cost $4 each Walking weight cost $3 each Resistance Bands cost $5 Total Cost of investment in your self-care plan is $28. Who would have thought a self-care workout plan at home would require a complete cost under $30? <a href="''" target="_blank"></a> <a href="<a ''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src=";h=100" title="DSC_0634" /> DSC_0634</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src=";h=100" title="DSC_0636" /> DSC_0636</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src=";h=100" title="DSC_0637" /> DSC_0637</div> </a> Let us join in together as we take better care of ourselves. We can do anything we set our minds to do. Let's plan to get moving 30 minutes a day, three to four days a week, using the affordable tools be purchased from fIve Below. Also, tag me in your self-care purchases from <a href="" target="_blank">fiVe BELoW</a> on my Facebook Fan Page <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. I would love to shout you out and interview you for your latest affordable workout equipment. Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Care</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Empowerment</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Improvement</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Uncategorized</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Budget-Friendly</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Five Below</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Care</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self-Motivation</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Transition</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image9"><img id="bvimg9" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image10"><img id="bvimg10" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image11"><img id="bvimg11" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=1795&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>87770Self Care, Self Empowerment, Self Improvement, Uncategorized, Budget-Friendly, Five Below, Self-Motiblogs/11-2017/87770-five-budgetfriendly-s-s.jpgCooking Class: Sur La Table by keianna0, 26 Oct 2017 19:23 GMTUnapologetic Fun It is always a great time when I visit my younger sister in North Carolina. Every time I visit her, I can always count on her to create themed experiences centered around a whole lot of fun. The theme she created for our fun weekend was Posh.....We had a chic, swanky good ole time the entire week, especially during our cooking class at Sur La Table. Sur La Table is a chain retailer that sales upscale cooking and dining supplies. Sur La Table, depending on the location, also offer hands-on-cooking classes. The area we visited was in the Northcross Commons in Huntersville, North Carolina. The hands-on-cooking course was taught by the energetic Chef Kathy. Chef Kathy was a fantastic instructor. She was funny, personable and very engaging while teaching. We were split up into two groups, four people to a team. My sister and I were teamed up with a married couple. We laughed the entire time while drinking wine. We made a great team. The assistant staffers were also terrific. They kept our cooking stations clean while we cooked. Each meal was prepared using fresh ingredients. Below are the dishes Chef Kathy taught during our class. Fall Greens Salad with Smoked Bacon, Apples and Spicy Pecans Seared Steak with Bourbon-Shallot Butter Butternut Squash, Swiss Chard, and Gruyere Gratin Chocolate-Espresso Pot de Cr me <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src=";h=150" title="22687984_1486578508308288_2616829202376062071_n" /> 22687984_1486578508308288_2616829202376062071_n</div> </a> <a href="''" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src=";h=150" title="22491811_1486578628308276_415206046094608048_n" /> 22491811_1486578628308276_415206046094608048_n</div> </a> &nbsp; The food was delicious! If I had to choose my favorite meal of the dishes listed above, it would be the Seared Steak with Bourbon-Shallot Butter. That butter made the steak taste so yummy. I will be testing out this recipe at home with my family during the holidays. Attending the class allowed bonding to take place between my sister and I. Strangely, we both discovered that this was our very first time alone as an adult. We have two other siblings. It really was a great first time for us. I am grateful she decided to plan this fun outing for us. I would definitely recommend attending cooking classes at Sur La Table. The class atmosphere as ritzy. It is the perfect outing for couples, girls night out and in my sister case a place (something she does with her employees) to bring your work staff for team building exercises. For more information on Sur La Table, visit the website at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Also to view more pictures of our experience at Sur La Table, follow me on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> &amp; or <a href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a>. Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Unapologetic</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Uncategorized</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Cooking Class</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Family Time</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">happiness</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Huntersville North Carolina</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Lifestyle</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Life</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Sur La Table</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Upscale</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image9"><img id="bvimg9" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image10"><img id="bvimg10" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=3634&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>87040Living Unapologetic, Uncategorized, Cooking Class, Family Time, happiness, Huntersville North Caroliblogs/10-2017/87040-cooking-class-sur-la-s.jpgVideo Blog: Sharing My Feelings Of Losing My Aunt. by keianna0, 12 Oct 2017 14:31 GMTUnderstanding My Personal Grieving Process. &nbsp; &nbsp; Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">News &amp; Updates</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self-Discovery</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Uncategorized</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Grieving Process</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Life</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Examination</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Transition</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Video blog</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Vlog</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=3555&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image9"><img id="bvimg9" src="" title="" /></div> </a> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>86301News & Updates, Self-Discovery, Uncategorized, Grieving Process, Living Life, Self Examination, TranShowing Compassion To Those Who Have Experienced A Great Loss. by keianna0, 5 Oct 2017 14:44 GMTIn Time Of Bereavement. Recently on October 1, my family experienced a devastating loss of my beloved Aunt Bo who has suffered many years with her health. Knowing there was a 50/50 chance of survival, we also knew the quality of her life would most likely decline. So when God called her home, I believe everyone was at peace with the fact my Aunt Bo is no longer suffering in her body, However, beginning the process of coping with the reality that we will no longer physically see her again is horrifically overwhelming. Every action and reaction to the news of her loss is valid from: Her children Her grandchildren Her siblings Her extended family (nieces, nephews, etc.) Her Friends Are all experiencing what life will be like from this day forward without her having an active part. Dictionary Overwhelmed: verb 1. To overcome completely in mind or feeling: overwhelmed by remorse. 2. To overpower or overcome, especially with superior forces; destroy; crush. Viewing the above definition of what it means to be overwhelmed by pain, is all the more important to find mercy in the heart when people are reacting to a situation that has completely rocked their world. I am blessed to have a family who has locked arms together in our time of bereavement. But what about the many families we see who have experienced trauma due to a death of a loved one and are judged for their reaction to having a broken heart? There isn't enough mercy for people who are overcome with grief. We see it every day, a huge lack of compassion for the grieving. It seems like no one has a desire to help those who are in need anymore... I honestly felt compelled to write this particular blog post because I too had to recognize that not everyone reacts to pain in the same manner. Not everyone is robust enough to hold their emotions together. Some people lash out in pain. There are those who cry in pain. Some people are afraid when they are in pain and began to operate from a place of fear. Some individuals have a history of substance abuse who relapse in pain. And then there are those who completely shut down physically and emotionally when they are in pain. When a person is in pain, nothing else matters except how the pain feels and the strong desire to wish the pain would go away. But in the case of death, there is no reversal of time. Death in a physical sense is permanent. The healing process can take years for a person to get used to not ever seeing their loved one again. I encourage everyone who is reading today's post, be mindful of what you say and how you treat those who are grieving. Ask yourself, "How can I assist in making things easier?" It doesn't take much to make a person smile or be a little more understanding of someone else feelings. The circle of life is everything that lives must die. There will come a time that life as you know it will not be the same. How would you want someone to assist in making life more comfortable? &nbsp; Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Improvement</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Uncategorized</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Depression</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Facts About Life</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Family Time</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Life</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Transition</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=3252&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>85933Uncategorized, Self Improvement, Depression, Facts About Life, Family Time, Living Life, Transition,blogs/10-2017/85933-showing-compassion-th-s.jpgRaise The Bar: Are You Practicing What You Preach? by keianna0, 21 Sep 2017 04:01 GMTStandards: Beliefs and Actions On One Accord. Dictionary Raise The Bar: lower (or raise) the standards that need to be met in order to qualify for something. WOW! We are one day away from the first day of Fall which is my favorite season. It is something about the Fall that makes me want to clean up the clutter. Instead of only focusing on packing away Summer clothes, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms and washing dishes, I am also conducting an inventory of myself, my thoughts and actions. Making sure my standard for living and actions are matching up with what I proclaim. Dictionary Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. Living life from day to day and going through the motions have made me comfortable in many areas of my life. Like most people, I have turned a blind eye to somethings that need my undivided attention. The truth of the matter is I do not want to be the kind of person who gives wonderful advice on how to live free, yet living in bondage. Or be the kind of mother who has high expectations for her children yet living a life filled with mediocrity and procrastination. What is important to me? <strong>God</strong>-Having a real relationship with my creator. <strong>Self</strong>-Mind, Body &amp; Spirit <strong>Family</strong>-Husband &amp; Children; those living within my four walls. <strong>Business</strong>- Services &amp; Clientele <strong>Network</strong>-Family, Friends, Industry Why is raising the bar necessary for me? I have been examining myself and my responsibilities. I've realized that I only have a short window to make things right. Realizing I will not be alive forever. Realizing I will not always have my children living at home with me. Realizing I will not be young forever. Realizing that nothing last forever. I have to DO what is required of me right now. I have a handful of responsibilities that can not be neglected. If I neglect any of these things, it will not only be devastating to me but also to everyone associated with me, especially my children. <strong>The standard of living: Putting God FIRST!</strong> It is time for me to become more active in attending a faith-based fellowship with my husband &amp; children. At least once a week I need to dedicate time for worship service. Raising the bar to cultivate my family moral compass. <strong>The standard of living: Building Up My Household.</strong> Set aside one day a week to have fun with my hubby and kids. Create more family memories and just enjoy us for who we are. Raising the bar to be present with the ones I love. <strong>The standard of living: Home.</strong> My home needs some cosmetic improvements inside and outside. Instead of spending money spontaneously, I need to put a few bucks to the side to splash some fresh paint on the walls, take these ugly borders off the walls in the kitchen (dreadful) and began to spice up my plant beds. Raising the bar to put love into my home. <strong>The standard of living: Real Writers WRITE! </strong>I desire to become an awesome writer. To achieve my goal as a writer, I must write every single day. Meaningful manuscripts are birth from putting forth an effort. I am raising the bar to put forth 100% effort to support this platform. <strong>The standard of living: I Am A Professional Hairstylist:</strong> My goal is to continue to learn, focus on my clients and practice healthy haircare. I plan to elevate my business uniquely. Raising the bar to walk fearfully, executing what it means to be Chi Chi Sophisticated. <strong>The standard of living: Molding My Real Relationships. </strong>Indeed support honor, be honest and loyal to those who have been here for me. I am raising the bar to never turn a blind eye to what isn't good for me and extending myself to the real people who have respected the role I play in their lives. <strong>The standard of living: Support My Community.</strong> Continue to support community causes that mean a lot to me. Daughters of Ester. RAINN, Natural Hair Industry, and Our Natural Kids. Raising the bar to stay focus on WHY these causes are important to me. <strong>The standard of living: Read A Book.</strong> One of the oldest methods of learning is to read a book. I do not want to neglect my intellect. I also want to show my appreciation to my author friends. Raising the bar by expanding my mind through a book. Truth moment: It took me a lot of time to think and analyze areas of my life where the bar needs to be lifted up. I have to be proactive in getting the work done. I am responsible for building my family up as well as accountable to keeping my mind in the correct place. I encourage you to make a checklist of your morals and values. Be honest about if your lifestyle represents what your beliefs/standards are. Begin by asking yourself this question, who am I really? Write down everything. The good, the bad and the ugly. Being brutally honest with yourself will allow you the opportunity to self-examine from a pure place. It will reward you the chance to set some things in order in your life. The one thing I have learned over time is that no matter if we choose to correct ourselves or not, People are going to eventually see who we really are. They will begin to see if our actions match up with what we are saying. If the two doesn't add up.....well what more can I say? Filed under: <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Unapologetic</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Improvement</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self-Discovery</a> Tagged: <a href="''" target="_blank">Lifestyle</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Living Life</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self Examination</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Self-Motivation</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Standards</a>, <a href="''" target="_blank">Transition</a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image2"><img id="bvimg2" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image3"><img id="bvimg3" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image4"><img id="bvimg4" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image5"><img id="bvimg5" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image6"><img id="bvimg6" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image7"><img id="bvimg7" src="" title="" /></div> </a> <div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image8"><img id="bvimg8" src=";blog=118013551&#038;post=3025&#038;subd=keiannajohnsonsite&#038;ref=&#038;feed=1" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>85110Living Unapologetic, Self Improvement, Self-Discovery, Lifestyle, Living Life, Self Examination, Sel3 Ways To Stop Negative Self-Talk. by keianna0, 14 Sep 2017 04:01 GMTStop It Now! A little self-criticism is a good thing. It can be a reality check that encourages you to be a better person. But there is a big difference between saying " I need to exercise more" which can be the seed planted to motivate you to workout, rather than to say to yourself, "I AM FAT!" Sometimes excessive self-talk can backfire because it can cause us to focus on our failures instead of how we can improve ourselves. And over time, negative self-talk causes higher stress levels which can also lead to depression. Studies show that the average person criticizes themselves at least eight times a day, starting as early as 8 AM. And Criticisms about the way we look by far are the most common (i.e., "Another bad hair day,"&nbsp;"These jeans make my butt look fat") Would you ever say the negative things you say to yourself to someone you love? Your spouse or child, a friend or family member? Probably not. But saying them to yourself is worse. Thoughts create a vibrational energy. When you indulge in negative self-talk, you exude an energy that tells people you don't like yourself. You may not say it out loud, but others sense it. And if you have kids in your life, giving off this vibration is teaching them that it's okay to think poorly of themselves. This bad energy also tells people how you want to be treated. So how do you stop the negative self-talk and create a more positive view of yourself? It's not as hard as you may think. First, it's important to recognize when you're doing it. When you hear yourself having a negative thought, just pause for a moment and ask yourself "is that right?" Start to notice when and why you are putting yourself down. You may find that there are situations that trigger these thoughts for you. Second, practice gratitude for yourself and your body by noticing what's right instead of what's wrong. Energy flows where attention goes so shift your thoughts towards your positive characteristics, and you will start to see more of them. Third, let go of perfection. Stop comparing yourself to everyone around you. You are beautiful just the way you are. You are only human and, just like everyone else, you will make mistakes and have faults. But don't let them define you. Learn from them and move on. Above all, remember that we are all human, and none of us are perfect. We accept imperfections in our loved ones; we also need to take them in ourselves with a little empathy. What steps are you willing to take to prevent yourself from speaking of yourself negatively? via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>84735Living Unapologetic, Self Care, Self Improvement, Uncategorized, negative talk, Self Empowerment, Seblogs/9-2017/84735-keianna-3-ways-stop--s.jpgEverything Isn't Always What's Advertised. by keianna0, 7 Sep 2017 22:58 GMTSocial Media Edition. It isn't a secret that everything post onto social media doesn't always live up to its advertisement, but it sure doesn't stop many of us from trying to compete with what we see. I know you've scrolled through your timeline and saw pictures of your friends/family having the best time of their lives, while you were at home, laying in bed watching old television show reruns. Or witness the photograph of a childhood friend who purchased a home while you're still living in that&nbsp;apartment of ten years. Or you see a picture of a co-working celebrating their latest job advancement while realizing you haven't had a raise in over four years. Sometimes seeing these incredible milestone celebrations can make a person feel depleted. I know the feeling of hopelessness because I too was once smitten by the grandeur, photo brochures of my social media friends. It isn't hard to feel like life is at a standstill when those feelings are already festering on the inside. Did you catch what I said in the last sentence? The sense of depression can only show its ugly face if it is already living on the inside. So the questions then turn into Why are those feelings there? Is a sense of not progressing coming from a time in the past nothing seem to be moving forward? Or not ever been chosen first? Or are those feelings coming from a place of not having enough money to create fun memories because the bills are always due? Would it help if I told you that most of the events, situations, and smiling faces are arranged in advance? Yes, I said staged. No one person is always happy and rolling in the dough. Maybe sometimes but not always. No one is always responsible. No one is ALWAYS caught doing extraordinary things. You see this picture here? The one of me, playing basketball with my son wearing this amazing I Love Social Media T-shirt? Yup, It is all organized. I am not actually playing Basketball with my son. We are literally standing there frozen. If I hadn't told you the truth about this picture, I wonder what your thoughts would have been of me as a mother? If I could assume for a moment; I would have been viewed as the perfect mom who bonds with her son through Basketball. Again assuming, you would have beaten yourself up because you and your kid do not play Basketball together. Seeing isn't always believing. Playing Basketball? Let me tell you something real. I used to break my back trying to impress people especially when I was a teacher who then transitioned that behavior into something more as a hairstylist. What does that mean? It meant&nbsp;trying to create things for myself on a grand-scale that would allow me to gain exposure with the hopes of making more money. But let me say this. In the number of years, I have been a professional hairstylist, speaker, participated in events, traveled miles to events, &nbsp;been featured in documentaries and magazines....the only place where the money is is when my clients walk through the door, sit in my chair and allow me to style their hair. That my friend, IS the money. In the past, I would have made myself sick and sad about my position of not being chosen to speak at an event or have my face on a flyer of another random/unorganized/low attendance&nbsp;event all for the sake of "LOOKING IMPORTANT" on the outside. Been there, done that, and because I am no longer insane, I will not allow myself to run around that rodeo anymore.&nbsp;I don't&nbsp;care about any of those things that much anymore. Because I am secure. I know what is real and genuine for me. What is best for me right now is making money so I can take care of my responsibilities. Shoot, I am trying to take my family on a cruise in 2018, I don't have time to spend my money on things that just don't make sense. I write all of this to encourage you. Be steadfast. Stand with your head held high knowing what is real. One of many truths about being human is that not every day is going to be fantastic. There are going to be times where money is funny. There will be times your car is working great and then other times, not have enough money to get the oil changed. Life isn't always Awesome Sause. Knowing the facts will keep your mind and heart in line as it relates to who you are. You are not a loser. You are a hardworking person who realizes that true success takes time. You are an individual who is steadily working until God rewarded openly for the hard work you've been doing privately. Don't allow the expectations of being "SEEN" on social media leave you disappointed in the end. &nbsp; I Love Social Media T-shirt is created by Sherron Washinton. Follow her on Instagram <a href="" target="_blank">@thep3solution</a> &nbsp;<div class="content-image" id="divBlogPage_Image1"><img id="bvimg1" src="" title="" /></div> via: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>84402Living Unapologetic, Self Empowerment, Uncategorized, Depression, Growth, Living Life, true story, Eblogs/9-2017/84402-everything-isnt-alway-s.jpg