Lead Pedal Bloghttps://www.blackvibes.com/leadpedalmedia/Lead Pedal Media app encompasses The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers, Lead Pedal Radio, Lead Pedal Fan Club, and Lead Pedal Store, all brands for the podcast and for people behind the wheel.en-uscomleadpedalpodcast@gmail.comhttp://linktr.ee/LeadPedalMediaTheleadpedalgroups/LeadPedalFanClubleadpedalpodcast115968ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/9421626631ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/2209705332ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3163694353ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3568931435https://www.blackvibes.com/images/bvc/208/44903-photos-tab-header-lea.jpghttps://www.blackvibes.com/images/bvc/208/44898-videos-tab-header-lea.jpghttps://www.blackvibes.com/images/bvc/208/44899-lead-pedal-media.jpg4500000000ff8e00000000289-278-7936289-278-7936B09LQDK64G12/30/1899 12:00:00 AMNNhttps://apps.apple.com/ca/app/lead-pedal-media/id1549690199NNNNNleadpedalmediahttps://www.blackvibes.com/leadpedalmedia/https://www.blackvibes.com/images/users/25114-leadpedalmedia.jpgLP984 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: Outta Gas Freightlinerhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp984-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-outta-gas-freightlinerfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp984-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-outta-gas-freigh/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp984-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-outta-gas-freigh/#commentsFri, 12 May 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: Outta Gas Freightliner Today's truck is a fun Freightliner Cabover from the Big Rigs Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Our host offers some background information on today's truck and make sure you check out the video in this truck to see it in action. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> Do you work with Private Fleets in the transportation industry? Then you need to attend the PMTC Annual Conference being held in Hamilton Ontario on June 21st-23rd 2023. This must attend event sells out every year. Get your tickets at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp984-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-outta-gas-freightliner" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp984-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-outta-gas-freightliner</a>270300LP984 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: Outta Gas Freightlinerblogs/5-2023/270300-lp984-lead-pedal-fe-s.jpgLead Pedal Media App Ends Sundayhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-media-i-1715525/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-media-i-1715525/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-media-i-1715525/#commentsThu, 11 May 2023 17:01 GMTWe will be ending the Lead Pedal Media and Lead Pedal Radio Apps this weekend. Follow Lead Pedal Radio on our new platform Mixcloud. <a href="https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/" target="_blank">https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/</a> #leadpedalmedia270182Lead,Pedal,Media,App,blogs/5-2023/270182-lead-pedal-media-i--s.jpg1Fan Club Show-Friday at Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-821215/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-821215/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-821215/#commentsThu, 11 May 2023 16:57 GMTFan club draw tomorrow on the fan club show at noon. Join us on Mixcloud. <a href="https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/" target="_blank">https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/</a> #leadpedalfanclub #leadpedalradio270181Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,blogs/5-2023/270181-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP983 What do I do in trucking after my driving time? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp983-what-do-i-do-in-trucking-after-my-driving-time-lead-pedal-q-and-features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp983-what-do-i-do-trucking-after-my-driving-time-lead-pe/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp983-what-do-i-do-trucking-after-my-driving-time-lead-pe/#commentsThu, 11 May 2023 08:00 GMTWhat do I do in trucking after my driving time? Lead Pedal Q and A What do you do after you've finished driving in the transportation industry? This is a common question from listeners and something that many of us struggle with after years behind the wheel. Host Bruce Outridge offers some general advice on this issue on this Lead Pedal Q and A episode. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp983-what-do-i-do-in-trucking-after-my-driving-time-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp983-what-do-i-do-in-trucking-after-my-driving-time-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>270221LP983 What do I do in trucking after my driving time? Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/5-2023/270221-lp983-what-do-i-do-s.jpgLP982 Understanding Agricultural Electronic Logging Devices with David Lady of GeoSpace Labshttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp982-understanding-agricultural-electronic-logging-devices-with-davidfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp982-understanding-agricultural-electronic-logging-devices/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp982-understanding-agricultural-electronic-logging-devices/#commentsWed, 10 May 2023 08:00 GMTUnderstanding Agricultural Electronic Logging Devices with David Lady of GeoSpace Labs The trucking industry has many different industries within it and some of those operate under different exemptions and regulations. It can be very confusing as to which regulation applies to your operation. Today we talk David Lady about Agricultural ELD's and how they can benefit drivers working in that industry. Learn why the electronic logging device you use may improve your trucking operation. You can learn more about GeoSpace Labs at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.geospacelabs.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp982-understanding-agricultural-electronic-logging-devices-with-david-lady-of-geospace-labs" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp982-understanding-agricultural-electronic-logging-devices-with-david-lady-of-geospace-labs</a>270140LP982,Understanding,Agricultural,Electronic,Logging,Devices,with,David,Lady,of,GeoSpace,Labsblogs/5-2023/270140-lp982-understanding-s.jpg3LP981 When did the Flatbed Trailer Come into Existence: Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp981-when-did-the-flatbed-trailer-come-into-existence-turnback-tuesdafeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp981-when-did-flatbed-trailer-come-existence-turnb/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp981-when-did-flatbed-trailer-come-existence-turnb/#commentsTue, 9 May 2023 08:00 GMTWhen did the Flatbed Trailer Come into Existence? Turnback Tuesday Episode Flatbed trailers are a staple of the trucking industry but when were they developed. We talk about the origin of Flatbed Trailers in this history episode. Turnback Tuesday Episodes showcase the history of our great transportation industry helping people understand the beginnings of the trucking industry. #turnbacktuesday #history #transportation This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp981-when-did-the-flatbed-trailer-come-into-existence-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp981-when-did-the-flatbed-trailer-come-into-existence-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>270055LP981 When did the Flatbed Trailer Come into Existence: Turnback Tuesday Episodeblogs/5-2023/270055-lp981-when-did-flat-s.jpgClosing Lead Pedal App-May 13thhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-83585/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-83585/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-83585/#commentsMon, 8 May 2023 16:41 GMTWe have been making some big changes and we are announcing another big one. We have decided to cancel using our app as of May 13th 2023. As we move our radio station to a new platform we have found there is no longer a need for the app as Mixcloud has it's own app. Please follow the radio station on Mixcloud at <a href="https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/" target="_blank">https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/</a> Thank you Team Lead Pedal269935Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Lead,Pedal,Apps,blogs/5-2023/269935-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg1LP980 Quiet the Truck Noise With Soundskinshttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp980-quiet-the-truck-noise-with-soundskinsfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp980-quiet-truck-noise-with-soundskins/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp980-quiet-truck-noise-with-soundskins/#commentsMon, 8 May 2023 08:00 GMTQuiet the Truck Noise With Soundskins Do you have a lot of noise coming through your truck interior. Are you have trouble listening to our podcast, Lol? Today we have a conversation with Maile Fok and Randy Martin of Soundskins on their new product that can be installed on a truck to reduce truck noise coming into the cab. Learn more about Soundskins at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.soundskinsglobal.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp980-quiet-the-truck-noise-with-soundskins" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp980-quiet-the-truck-noise-with-soundskins</a>269979LP980 Quiet the Truck Noise With Soundskinsblogs/5-2023/269979-lp980-quiet-truck-n-s.jpgLead Pedal Radio On New Platform-Mondayhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-992555/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-992555/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-992555/#commentsSun, 7 May 2023 14:57 GMTOn Monday May 8th we make the switch on our platform for Lead Pedal Radio. You will now be able to fond us on Mixcloud for future shows. Here is the link to follow us. <a href="https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/" target="_blank">https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/</a> Next show is Monday fir Trivia night at 7:00PM Eastern. #leadpedalradio #radioshows269867Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/5-2023/269867-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg1Jiggs Dinner With Roland Skinner-Today At 5pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1073495/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1073495/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1073495/#commentsSun, 7 May 2023 14:53 GMTJoin Roland Skinner on Lead Pedal Radio for the Jiggs Dinner Show today at 5:00PM #leadpedalradio #radioshows269863Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/5-2023/269863-radio-shows-i-10734-s.jpg2Sofx Radio Show On Today At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-467595/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-467595/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-467595/#commentsSat, 6 May 2023 14:58 GMTSofx Radio Show on today at noon today. Listen in on Lead Pedal Radio. #leadpedalradio #radioshows269808Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Sofx,Radios,Show,,,blogs/5-2023/269808-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2Special Announcements On Fan Club Show Today-noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-204165/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-204165/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-204165/#commentsFri, 5 May 2023 14:46 GMTNew announcements on the fan club show today-new format and all. Join us on the show. #leadpedalradio #radioshows269722Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,blogs/5-2023/269722-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP979 Lead Pedal Featured Truck: Thandi Kenworthhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp979-lead-pedal-featured-truck-thandi-kenworthfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp979-lead-pedal-featured-truck-thandi-kenworth/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp979-lead-pedal-featured-truck-thandi-kenworth/#commentsFri, 5 May 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck: Thandi Kenworth Today's truck is a cool Kenworth from the Great Canadian Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp979-lead-pedal-featured-truck-thandi-kenworth" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp979-lead-pedal-featured-truck-thandi-kenworth</a>269783LP979 Lead Pedal Featured Truck: Thandi Kenworthblogs/5-2023/269783-lp979-lead-pedal-fe-s.jpgLP978 Getting Rid of That Rejected Load: Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp978-getting-rid-of-that-rejected-load-lead-pedal-q-and-afeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp978-getting-rid-that-rejected-load-lead-pedal-q-a/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp978-getting-rid-that-rejected-load-lead-pedal-q-a/#commentsThu, 4 May 2023 08:00 GMTGetting Rid of That Rejected Load: Lead Pedal Q and A What do you do with that load of freight when it is rejected by the receiver? We answer a truck driver's question on this episode of the podcast. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp978-getting-rid-of-that-rejected-load-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp978-getting-rid-of-that-rejected-load-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>269698LP978,Getting,Rid,of,That,Rejected,Load:,Lead,Pedal,Q,and,Ablogs/5-2023/269698-lp978-getting-rid--s.jpg3LP977 Debunking Electric Truck Myths with CALSTARThttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp977-debunking-electric-truck-myths-with-calstartfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp977-debunking-electric-truck-myths-with-calstart/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp977-debunking-electric-truck-myths-with-calstart/#commentsWed, 3 May 2023 08:00 GMTDebunking Electric Truck Myths with CALSTART Niki Okuk of CALSTART joins Bruce on the show today to talk about the environment and electric trucks. Learn why electric trucks are on the forefront of the environmental war and why the myths we've thought about electric trucks may not be warranted. Learn more about CALSTART at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.calstart.org</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp977-debunking-electric-truck-myths-with-calstart" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp977-debunking-electric-truck-myths-with-calstart</a>269611LP977,Debunking,Electric,Truck,Myths,with,CALSTARTblogs/5-2023/269611-lp977-debunking-ele-s.jpg3LPR Live Wednesday At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1897445/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1897445/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1897445/#commentsTue, 2 May 2023 21:33 GMTLPR Live Wednesday at Noon. Join us on our new platform - <a href="https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/" target="_blank">https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/</a> #lprlive #leadpedalradio269512Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/5-2023/269512-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP976 When did logbooks start in trucking? Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp976-when-did-logbooks-start-in-trucking-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp976-when-did-logbooks-start-trucking-turnback-tuesday-e/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp976-when-did-logbooks-start-trucking-turnback-tuesday-e/#commentsTue, 2 May 2023 08:00 GMTWhen did logbooks start in trucking? Turnback Tuesday Episode Logbooks have been a staple of the trucking industry for decades and a sore spot for some. When did they start and why? We tell you about it in this episode. Turnback Tuesday Episodes showcase the history of our great transportation industry helping people understand the beginnings of the trucking industry. #turnbacktuesday #history #transportation This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp976-when-did-logbooks-start-in-trucking-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp976-when-did-logbooks-start-in-trucking-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>269526LP976 When did logbooks start in trucking? Turnback Tuesday Episodeblogs/5-2023/269526-lp976-when-did-logb-s.jpgLead Pedal Trivia Tonight At 7:00PMhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-52775/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-52775/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-52775/#commentsMon, 1 May 2023 19:56 GMTJoin us on our Facebook Page for trivia Monday at 7:00pm.est. Listen on Lead Pedal Radio #leadpedalradio #radioshows #triviagames269430Trivia,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/5-2023/269430-trivia-lead-i-52775-s.jpg2LP975 What's New on the Lead Pedal Podcast - May 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp975-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-may-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp975-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-may-2023/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp975-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-may-2023/#commentsMon, 1 May 2023 08:00 GMTWhat's New on the Lead Pedal Podcast - May 2023 There are a ton of changes coming to Lead Pedal Radio starting in May. The Lead Pedal Podcast is also coming up on a major milestone. We talk about all of these things on the episodes today along with bringing you up to date on guests this month and events in the trucking industry. Subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. Lead Pedal Transportation Events Calendar Disclaimer These Events were current at the time of publication. Please note they are subject to change without notice. Listen to the first main episode of the month for an explanation. The Events Calendar is updated monthy. Hamilton Transportation Club - Spring Address -May 4th - Waterfront Banquet Centre - Hamilton Ontario - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.hamiltontransportationclub.com</a> Large Cars & Guitars Truck Show - May 6th - Kodak Tennessee - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://largecarsguitars.com</a> International Roadcheck - May 16th-18th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cvsa.org</a> Expocam Quebec - St Hyacinthe, Quebec -May 25th-27th, 2023 - <a href="https://www.expoccam.ca" target="_blank">www.expoccam.ca</a> Woodstock Truck Show - May 27th, 2023 - Woodstock ON- <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.woodstocktruckshow.ca</a> PMTC Spring Golf Tournament - May 30th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> Ontario Antique Trucks spring show June 3rd 2023. Hosted this year by NCH Carriers and Cam Hiltz In Queensville , Ont. CITT Conference - June 4th-6th 2023 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - The early bird deadline for Canada's Logistics Conference is April 17! Read the program details and register now to join your peers from across Canada at the best rate: <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://citt.ca/conference</a> PMTC Annual Conference - Hamilton Ontario - June 21st-23rd, 2023 - <a href="https://www.pmtc.ca" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> The Trucking Network Big Rig Expo and Job Fair - June 24th, 2023 - Calgary Alberta - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Antique Spring Truck Show - TBA - Teeswater Fairgrounds, Teeswater ON River City Truck Show -Grand Valley On - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/events/388937886565237</a> Clifford Truck Show - Clifford Ontario - July 1st-3rd, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.greatlakestruckclub.com</a> 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show - Mono ON - July 7-th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.519loudnproud.com</a> Burlington Car Show -Burlington City Hall - TBA - Burlington ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.burlingtoncarshow.ca</a> Wolcott Truckers Jamboree - Wolcott Iowa - July 13th - 15th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://iowa80truckstop.com/trucker-jamboree/</a> Great Canadian Truck Show -Grand Bend On - July 22nd - 23rd - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/greatcanadiantruckshow</a> - Grand Bend Motorplex Rodeo du Camion - Notre Dame du Nord QC - August 3rd -4th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://elrodeo.com/en/festival/online-store/40th-anniversary-ticket/</a> Grey County Truck Show - Southgate Ontario - August 11-13th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://facebook.com/events/s/grey-county-truck-show-2023/606696817555269/</a> Athen Truck Show - Antique Truck Club of America- August 25th-26th 2023- Brockville ON- <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.antiquetruckclub.org</a> St.Thomas Big Rig Nationals- St. Thomas On-August 18th-19th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">http://www.sttracewaypark.com</a> Truck Driver Appreciation Week - Canada - September 5th -10th 2023 Truck Driver Appreciation Week - United States - September 12th -17th, 2023 Seaforth Truck Show - TBA - Ontario Special Olympics Ontario Truck Ride - September 16th 2023 -Paris, ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.truckride.ca</a> The Trucking Network Mega Job Fair - September 23rd, 2023 - Pearson Convention Centre - Brampton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Bridging the Barrier Event - Mississauga, ON - September 25th - 26th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.womenstruckingfederationofcanada.net</a> PMTC Fall Golf Tournament - September 26th, 2023 - www.pmtc.ca TenFourDC -Truck Display - September TBA - National Monument - Fredericksburg Virginia - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.tenfourdc.org</a> DriverCheck Fitness for Duty Summit - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> Fleet Safety Council - Friday October 27th, 2023 - Brampton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.fleetsafetycouncil.com</a> Atlantic Truck Show - - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.atls.ca</a> ISBMEE Biz and Breakfast - TBA - Milton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.isbglobalservices.com</a> Bordertown Working Truck Show and Shine - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/MRPsWorkingTruckShownShine/</a> Road Today Job Fair - TBA, Toronto International Centre - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.trucknews.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp975-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-may-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp975-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-may-2023</a>269459LP975,What's,New,on,the,Lead,Pedal,Podcast,-,May,2023blogs/5-2023/269459-lp975-whats-new-i--s.jpg3Hamilton Transportation Club Holds Dinner Eventhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-lead-i-1017174/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-lead-i-1017174/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-lead-i-1017174/#commentsSun, 30 Apr 2023 13:51 GMTThe Hamilton Transportation Club will be holding their Spring Address Event on May 4th. Get your tickets at <a href="https://www.hamiltontransportationclub.com/events.html#id=101&cid=1676&wid=601&type=Cal" target="_blank">https://www.hamiltontransportationclub.com/events.html#id=101&cid=1676&wid=601&type=Cal</a> #transportationevents #trucking #leadpedalmedia269335Events,,Lead,Pedal,Media,,Transportation,blogs/4-2023/269335-events-lead-i-10171-s.jpg5Tropical Daze show On At 2:00PMhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radios-shows-i-927534/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radios-shows-i-927534/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radios-shows-i-927534/#commentsSun, 30 Apr 2023 13:45 GMTJoin us for the Tropical Daze Show today at 2pm. Join us on our new platform at <a href="https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/" target="_blank">https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/</a> #tropicaldazeshow #leadpedalradio269334Radios,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/269334-radios-shows-i-9275-s.jpg2SoFX Radio Show Today At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-sofx-radio-i-75454/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-sofx-radio-i-75454/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-sofx-radio-i-75454/#commentsSat, 29 Apr 2023 13:39 GMTRobert Mayor Jr talks to interesting musicians and showcases new music on the SoFX Radio Show Saturday at noon on Lead Pedal Radio. #leadpedalradio #radioshows #leadpedalradio #sofxradioshow269278Sofx,Radio,,Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/269278-sofx-radio-i-75454-s.jpg2LP974 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: 1929 Ford A Panel Delivery Truckhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp974-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-month-1929-ford-a-panel-deliverfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp974-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-1929-ford-pane/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp974-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-1929-ford-pane/#commentsFri, 28 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Month: 1929 Ford A Panel Delivery Truck Today's truck is a cool panel van from the Motors and Music Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp974-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-month-1929-ford-a-panel-delivery-truck" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp974-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-month-1929-ford-a-panel-delivery-truck</a>269267LP974,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week:,1929,Ford,A,Panel,Delivery,Truckblogs/4-2023/269267-lp974-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3LP973 How many months will it take to become a professional truck driver? Lead Pedal Q & Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp973-how-many-months-will-it-take-to-become-a-professional-truck-drivfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp973-how-many-months-will-it-take-become-professional/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp973-how-many-months-will-it-take-become-professional/#commentsThu, 27 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTHow many months will it take to become a professional truck driver? Lead Pedal Q & A In this episode Bruce answers a question from a listener on how long it will take to become proficient as a truck driver? This will be different for every driver but Bruce outlines the timeframe it takes for most new drivers. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp973-how-many-months-will-it-take-to-become-a-professional-truck-driver-lead-pedal-q-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp973-how-many-months-will-it-take-to-become-a-professional-truck-driver-lead-pedal-q-a</a>269190LP973,How,many,months,will,it,take,to,become,a,professional,truck,driver?,Lead,Pedal,Q,&,Ablogs/4-2023/269190-lp973-how-many-i-12-s.jpg3LP972 Hot Topics in Trucking: April 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp972-hot-topics-in-trucking-april-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp972-hot-topics-trucking-april-2023/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp972-hot-topics-trucking-april-2023/#commentsWed, 26 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTHot Topics in Trucking: April 2023 In this episode Bruce talks about some of the topics being talked about in the trucking industry this month. Topics include changing truck routes, air brake testing regulations, and having the proper credentials as a driver. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp972-hot-topics-in-trucking-april-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp972-hot-topics-in-trucking-april-2023</a>269120LP972,Hot,Topics,in,Trucking:,April,2023blogs/4-2023/269120-lp972-hot-topics-i--s.jpg3LP971 When did trucking become an industry? Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp971-when-did-trucking-become-an-industry-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp971-when-did-trucking-become-industry-turnback-tuesday/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp971-when-did-trucking-become-industry-turnback-tuesday/#commentsTue, 25 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTWhen did trucking become an industry? Turnback Tuesday Episode In this Turnback Tuesday episode Bruce talks about the start of the trucking industry and who got it started. It's always important to know where our roots began. Turnback Tuesday Episodes showcase the history of our great transportation industry helping people understand the beginnings of the trucking industry. #turnbacktuesday #history #transportation This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp971-when-did-trucking-become-an-industry-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp971-when-did-trucking-become-an-industry-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>269045LP971,When,did,trucking,become,an,industry?,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/4-2023/269045-lp971-when-did-i-65-s.jpg3Lead Pedal Trivia- Monday At 7pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-145884/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-145884/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-145884/#commentsMon, 24 Apr 2023 21:37 GMTJoin us for trivia tonight on our Facebook Page. Tonight at 7pm. #triviagames #leadpedalradio268954Trivia,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/268954-trivia-lead-i-14588-s.jpg2LP970 Lease to Own Programs - Real or Not?http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp970-lease-to-own-programs-real-or-notfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp970-lease-own-programs-real-not/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp970-lease-own-programs-real-not/#commentsMon, 24 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTLease to Own Programs - Real or Not? In this episode Bruce breaks down Lease to Own Programs and whether they worth looking into as a driver that doesn't have the money for a traditional downpayment. Many have been around for years with many names describing their evaluations from drivers. Bruce breaks down the programs and also chats with Kevin Awde of Scotlynn about the program for truck drivers. This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp970-lease-to-own-programs-real-or-not" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp970-lease-to-own-programs-real-or-not</a>268976LP970,Lease,to,Own,Programs,-,Real,or,Not?blogs/4-2023/268976-lp970-lease-to-i-75-s.jpg3Sofx Radio Show In At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-895204/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-895204/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-895204/#commentsSat, 22 Apr 2023 14:57 GMTThe SoFX Radio Show is on today at noon. Have a listen! #leadpedalradio #radioshows #sofxradioshow268790Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,,Sofx,blogs/4-2023/268790-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP969 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week-Canada Pickuphttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp969-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-canada-pickupfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp969-lead-pedal-featured-truck-weekcanada-pickup/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp969-lead-pedal-featured-truck-weekcanada-pickup/#commentsFri, 21 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week-Canada Pickup Today's truck is a strange dedication to Canada in the form of a pickup truck from the Motors and Music Car Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp969-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-canada-pickup" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp969-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-canada-pickup</a>268770LP969,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week-Canada,Pickupblogs/4-2023/268770-lp969-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3Fan Club Show Friday At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-626504/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-626504/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-626504/#commentsThu, 20 Apr 2023 22:44 GMTJoin us for the Fan club show on our new platform Mixcloud. <a href="https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/" target="_blank">https://www.mixcloud.com/Leadpedalradio/</a> We'll be testing out the program and playing some of your favourite trucking tunes. #leadpedalradio #radioshows268681Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/4-2023/268681-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP968 What is the Best Class of License to Attain as a New Driver? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp968-what-is-the-best-class-of-license-to-attain-as-a-new-driver-leadfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp968-what-is-best-class-license-attain-as-new-d/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp968-what-is-best-class-license-attain-as-new-d/#commentsThu, 20 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTWhat is the Best Class of License to Attain as a New Driver? Lead Pedal Q & A A listener asked the question as to which class of license is best as a truck driver? Could you be hurting yourself by just taking the next step? We talk about it on this Lead Pedal Q and A episode of The Lead Pedal Podcast. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp968-what-is-the-best-class-of-license-to-attain-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp968-what-is-the-best-class-of-license-to-attain-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>268697LP968 What is the Best Class of License to Attain as a New Driver? Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/4-2023/268697-lp968-what-is-best-s.jpgLP967 Improving Fleet Safety with the Fleet Safety Councilhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp967-improving-fleet-safety-with-the-fleet-safety-councilfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp967-improving-fleet-safety-with-fleet-safety-council/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp967-improving-fleet-safety-with-fleet-safety-council/#commentsWed, 19 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTImproving Fleet Safety with the Fleet Safety Council Safety is critical to any trucking company. The Hamilton Niagara Chapter of the Fleet Safety Council had their Spring Seminar focusing on a number safety items such as brakes, lights, and tires. On the podcast today we recap the event for you and offer you some information to help you get through Road Check and how you can improve your safety as an owner operator or fleet. Learn more about Fleet Safety Council Chapters at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.fleetsafetycouncil.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp967-improving-fleet-safety-with-the-fleet-safety-council" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp967-improving-fleet-safety-with-the-fleet-safety-council</a>268608LP967,Improving,Fleet,Safety,with,the,Fleet,Safety,Councilblogs/4-2023/268608-lp967-improving-fle-s.jpg3LP966 How Long Have Dump Trucks Been Around? Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp966-how-long-have-dump-trucks-been-around-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp966-how-long-have-dump-trucks-been-around-turnback-tuesday/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp966-how-long-have-dump-trucks-been-around-turnback-tuesday/#commentsTue, 18 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTHow Long Have Dump Trucks Been Around? Turnback Tuesday Episode Dump Trucks are quite different today from earlier models, but when was the first one? We give you a quick history lesson about when the dump truck came to be on the episode today. Have a listen. Turnback Tuesday Episodes showcase the history of our great transportation industry helping people understand the beginnings of the trucking industry. #turnbacktuesday #history #transportation This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp966-how-long-have-dump-trucks-been-around-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp966-how-long-have-dump-trucks-been-around-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>268530LP966,How,Long,Have,Dump,Trucks,Been,Around?,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/4-2023/268530-lp966-how-long-i-16-s.jpg3Trivia Tonight At 7pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1559574/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1559574/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1559574/#commentsMon, 17 Apr 2023 22:03 GMTJoin us for trivia tonight on our Facebook Page268416Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/4-2023/268416-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP965 How to Protect Your Trucks from Cyber Crime with Terry Reinerthttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp965-how-to-protect-your-trucks-from-cyber-crime-with-terry-reinertfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp965-how-protect-your-trucks-cyber-crime-with-terry/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp965-how-protect-your-trucks-cyber-crime-with-terry/#commentsMon, 17 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTHow to Protect Your Trucks from Cyber Crime with Terry Reinert As we include technology into our vehicles it creates amazing new features but also opens us up to increased exposure to crime. We talk with cyber expert Terry Reinert of Fleet Defender to learn how we can protect our trucks and fleets in this important podcast episode. It may amaze you. Learn more about Fleet Defender at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.fleetdefender.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp965-how-to-protect-your-trucks-from-cyber-crime-with-terry-reinert" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp965-how-to-protect-your-trucks-from-cyber-crime-with-terry-reinert</a>268439LP965 How to Protect Your Trucks from Cyber Crime with Terry Reinertblogs/4-2023/268439-lp965-how-protect-y-s.jpgTropical Daze Show On Today At 2:00pm Esthttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-tropical-daze-show-i-274314/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-tropical-daze-show-i-274314/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-tropical-daze-show-i-274314/#commentsSun, 16 Apr 2023 11:47 GMTListen to the best reggae, soca, and country on our themed show today. Our show them today is horse racing. Join us for the Tropical Daze Show today at 2pm. #tropicaldazeshow #reggae #soca #country #leadpedalradio268307Tropical,Daze,Show,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/268307-tropical-daze-show--s.jpg2Sofx Radio Show Today At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1163554/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1163554/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1163554/#commentsSat, 15 Apr 2023 14:40 GMTThe SoFX Radio Show is on at noon today on Lead Pedal Radio #leadpedalradio #radioshows #newmusicians #sofxradioshow268250Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/268250-radio-shows-i-11635-s.jpg2Fan Club Show Today At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1198514/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1198514/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1198514/#commentsFri, 14 Apr 2023 14:43 GMTImportant announcement on the fan club show today at noon. Talk soon!268155Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/268155-lead-pedal-fan-i-11-s.jpg2LP964 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: GMC Pickuphttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp964-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-gmc-pickupfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp964-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-gmc-pickup/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp964-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-gmc-pickup/#commentsFri, 14 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: GMC Pickup Today's truck is a cool pickup from the Motor and Music Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp964-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-gmc-pickup" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp964-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-gmc-pickup</a>268225LP964,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week:,GMC,Pickupblogs/4-2023/268225-lp964-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3TransRep Symposium-April 27thhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-recruiting-retention-i-1782444/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-recruiting-retention-i-1782444/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-recruiting-retention-i-1782444/#commentsThu, 13 Apr 2023 16:30 GMTTransRep is having their Symposium for recruiters on April 27th in Brampton Ontario. Lead Pedal Media will be there. They are almost sold out so get your tickets. Transrep.ca #recruiting #retention #leadpedalmedia268113Recruiting,,Retention,,Lead,Pedal,Events,blogs/4-2023/268113-recruiting-retentio-s.jpg5LP963 How do I gain experience as a new driver? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp963-how-do-i-gain-experience-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-afeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp963-how-do-i-gain-experience-as-new-driver-lead-pedal-q/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp963-how-do-i-gain-experience-as-new-driver-lead-pedal-q/#commentsThu, 13 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTHow do I gain experience as a new driver? Lead Pedal Q and A How do I gain experience as a new driver? This is a question that has been around since the beginning of time and something that all drivers go through. Bruce answers a listener's question on this episode of the podcast. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp963-how-do-i-gain-experience-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp963-how-do-i-gain-experience-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>268114LP963 How do I gain experience as a new driver? Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/4-2023/268114-lp963-how-do-i-gain-s.jpgLP962 Trucking Network Mega Job Fair Recap-March 2023 Eventhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp962-trucking-network-mega-job-fair-recap-march-2023-eventfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp962-trucking-network-mega-job-fair-recapmarch-2023-event/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp962-trucking-network-mega-job-fair-recapmarch-2023-event/#commentsWed, 12 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTTrucking Network Mega Job Fair Recap-March 2023 Event Lead Pedal Media was on hand to cover the recent Trucking Network Job Fair in Brampton Ontario. Find out who we talked to and what the organizers had to say about the event. Bruce talks with various carriers on the floor and even covers attendees winning cash prizes. Watch for future events from The Trucking Network at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp962-trucking-network-mega-job-fair-recap-march-2023-event" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp962-trucking-network-mega-job-fair-recap-march-2023-event</a>268085LP962,Trucking,Network,Mega,Job,Fair,Recap-March,2023,Eventblogs/4-2023/268085-lp962-trucking-netw-s.jpg3LP961 When was the first electric truck? Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp961-when-was-the-first-electric-truck-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp961-when-was-first-electric-truck-turnback-tuesday-epi/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp961-when-was-first-electric-truck-turnback-tuesday-epi/#commentsTue, 11 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTWhen was the first electric truck? Turnback Tuesday Episode When was the first electric truck? It's funny we have come full circle with electric vehicles, but they have been around longer than you think. Find out when the first vehicle came on the market on this Turnback Tuesday episode. Turnback Tuesday Episodes showcase the history of our great transportation industry helping people understand the beginnings of the trucking industry. #turnbacktuesday #history #transportation This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp961-when-was-the-first-electric-truck-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp961-when-was-the-first-electric-truck-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>267978LP961,When,was,the,first,electric,truck?,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/4-2023/267978-lp961-when-was-i-19-s.jpg3Trivia Game Monday At 7pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-865464/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-865464/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-865464/#commentsMon, 10 Apr 2023 22:26 GMTLead Pedal Trivia is on tonight at 7:00pm. See you online. #leadpedalradio267848Trivia,Games,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/267848-trivia-games-i-8654-s.jpg2LP960 Truckstop Platform for Owner Operators with Brent Huttohttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp960-truckstop-platform-for-owner-operators-with-brent-huttofeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp960-truckstop-platform-owner-operators-with-brent-hutt/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp960-truckstop-platform-owner-operators-with-brent-hutt/#commentsMon, 10 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTTruckstop Platform for Owner Operators with Brent Hutto When you hear Truck Stop you probably think of your favourite restaurant, but on this podcast we are talking about the Truckstop platform. The platform helps owner operators operate their businesses successfully through a number of programs from freight to operations. Bruce talks with Brent Hutto about how the platform works and why owner operators need to keep up with technology. You can learn more about the Truckstop Platform at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.truckstop.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp960-truckstop-platform-for-owner-operators-with-brent-hutto" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp960-truckstop-platform-for-owner-operators-with-brent-hutto</a>267865LP960,Truckstop,Platform,for,Owner,Operators,with,Brent,Huttoblogs/4-2023/267865-lp960-truckstop-pla-s.jpg3Jiggs Dinner Show-Sundays At 5:00pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-i-187174/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-i-187174/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-i-187174/#commentsSun, 9 Apr 2023 13:03 GMTJoin Roland Skinner on the Jiggs Dinner Radio Show as he plays the best music from Newfoundland. Sundays at 5:00pm after the Tropical Daze Show. #leadpedalradio #jiggsdinner267716Jiggs,Dinner,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/267716-jiggs-dinner-i-1871-s.jpg2Kelly Mack McCoy Wins April Fan Club Drawhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-fan-club-i-1588474/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-fan-club-i-1588474/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-fan-club-i-1588474/#commentsSun, 9 Apr 2023 12:58 GMTFan club member and author of the Rough Way to the High Way won our April Friday Fan Club Draw. Kelly won two tickets to the Highway to Hope Concert y St.Christophers Trucker Relief Fund. Congrats Kelly. #leadpedalfanclub267715Fan,Club,,Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,blogs/4-2023/267715-fan-club-i-1588474-s.jpg4Sofx Radio Show Saturday At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1408314/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1408314/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-1408314/#commentsSat, 8 Apr 2023 13:50 GMTRobert Mayor Jr talks with new musicians and showcases their music on the SoFX Radio Show every Saturday at noon EST. #leadpedalradio #radioshows #sofxradioshow267647Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/267647-radio-shows-i-14083-s.jpg2Fan Club Draw Today At Noon On Fan Club Showhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-230564/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-230564/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-230564/#commentsFri, 7 Apr 2023 13:52 GMTFan club show today at noon with our fan club draw around 12:30pm. Who will win today? #leadpedalfanclub267557Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,,Fan,Club,Show,blogs/4-2023/267557-lead-pedal-fan-i-23-s.jpg2LP959 Lead Pedal Featured Truck: Triple 7 Peterbilthttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp959-lead-pedal-featured-truck-triple-7-peterbiltfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp959-lead-pedal-featured-truck-triple-7-peterbilt/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp959-lead-pedal-featured-truck-triple-7-peterbilt/#commentsFri, 7 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck: Triple 7 Peterbilt Today's truck is a cool Peterbilt from the Big Rig Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp959-lead-pedal-featured-truck-triple-7-peterbilt" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp959-lead-pedal-featured-truck-triple-7-peterbilt</a>267629LP959,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck:,Triple,7,Peterbiltblogs/4-2023/267629-lp959-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3LP958 Why should I care about Map Reading? Lead Pedal Q and A Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp958-why-should-i-care-about-map-reading-lead-pedal-q-and-a-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp958-why-should-i-care-about-map-reading-lead-pedal-q-a/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp958-why-should-i-care-about-map-reading-lead-pedal-q-a/#commentsThu, 6 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTWhy should I care about Map Reading? Lead Pedal Q and A Episode Why should I care about maps? This question came from a student in class over the last few weeks and host Bruce Outridge has an issue with relying totally on technology. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp958-why-should-i-care-about-map-reading-lead-pedal-q-and-a-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp958-why-should-i-care-about-map-reading-lead-pedal-q-and-a-episode</a>267533LP958,Why,should,I,care,about,Map,Reading?,Lead,Pedal,Q,and,A,Episodeblogs/4-2023/267533-lp958-why-should-i--s.jpg3Trucking Safety Show On Thursday 11:00amhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1214464/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1214464/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1214464/#commentsWed, 5 Apr 2023 23:14 GMTRadio show is on Thursday at 11:00am as host Chris Harris talks about safety for the trucking industry. Have a listen! #leadpedalradio267408Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Trucking,Safety,blogs/4-2023/267408-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2Latest Lead Pedal Newsletter April 2023https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-news-i-242284/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-news-i-242284/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-news-i-242284/#commentsWed, 5 Apr 2023 23:07 GMTLatest episode of The Lead Pedal Podcast is out. Check out what's coming up on the podcast. #leadpedalmedia #theleadpedalpodcast #leadpedalradio <a href="https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Latest-News-from-Lead-Pedal-Media-April-2023.html?soid=1104663239495&aid=K95fhe5iO8w" target="_blank">https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Latest-News-from-Lead-Pedal-Media-April-2023.html?soid=1104663239495&aid=K95fhe5iO8w</a>267407Lead,Pedal,News,,Lead,Pedal,Podcast,blogs/4-2023/267407-lead-pedal-news-i--s.jpg1LP957 The End of Trucker Radio With Stan Campbellhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp957-the-end-of-trucker-radio-with-stan-campbellfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp957-end-trucker-radio-with-stan-campbell/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp957-end-trucker-radio-with-stan-campbell/#commentsWed, 5 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTThe End of Trucker Radio With Stan Campbell Trucker Radio has been a staple in the Canadian trucking industry for the last 16 years. Host Stan Campbell has been on the mic for over 50 years and is an industry veteran in radio. He has decided to close the show and we sit down with Stan to learn what comes next for the former host and why he is closing the show. Trucker Radio has been a part of the Lead Pedal Radio family for over two years. This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp957-the-end-of-trucker-radio-with-stan-campbell" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp957-the-end-of-trucker-radio-with-stan-campbell</a>267417LP957,The,End,of,Trucker,Radio,With,Stan,Campbellblogs/4-2023/267417-lp957-end-i-1841234-s.jpg3Julia Matthews Talks Road Safety Tomorrow On Lead Pedal Radiohttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1632594/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1632594/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1632594/#commentsTue, 4 Apr 2023 20:07 GMTJulia talks road safety, entertaining and much more on her show along with great music. It airs at 2am, 6am, 11am, and 4pm tomorrow. Have a listen! #leadpedalradio267290Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/4-2023/267290-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LPR Live On Today At 11:00am An 4:00pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lpr-live-i-101384/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lpr-live-i-101384/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lpr-live-i-101384/#commentsTue, 4 Apr 2023 11:33 GMTListen to the premier episode at 11:00am and the replay at 4pm. #leadpedalradio267241Lpr,Live,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/267241-lpr-live-i-101384-s.jpg2LP956 Who was the first women truck driver? Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp956-who-was-the-first-women-truck-driver-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp956-who-was-first-women-truck-driver-turnback-tuesday/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp956-who-was-first-women-truck-driver-turnback-tuesday/#commentsTue, 4 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTWho was the first women truck driver? Turnback Tuesday Episode Who was the first women truck driver? There is a big push in the trucking industry for more women, but they have been part of our industry for longer than you think. Turnback Tuesday episodes showcase the history of the transportation industry in North America. Each Tuesday we showcase a different aspect of the industry. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp956-who-was-the-first-women-truck-driver-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp956-who-was-the-first-women-truck-driver-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>267318LP956 Who was the first women truck driver? Turnback Tuesday Episodeblogs/4-2023/267318-lp956-who-was-first-s.jpgWow Show On Today On Lead Pedal Radiohttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-wow-show-i-727214/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-wow-show-i-727214/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-wow-show-i-727214/#commentsMon, 3 Apr 2023 14:27 GMTCheck out the Wow Show airing today at 11:00am and again at 4:00pm on Lead Pedal Radio. #leadpedalradio267148Wow,Show,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/267148-wow-show-i-139884-s.jpg2LP955 What's New on the Lead Pedal Podcast - April 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp955-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-april-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp955-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-april-2023/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp955-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-april-2023/#commentsMon, 3 Apr 2023 08:00 GMTWhat's New on the Lead Pedal Podcast - April 2023 Learn about changes to the podcast, the Lead Pedal Tour for 2023, and changes to Lead Pedal Radio. Find out what guests will be on the podcast this month and learn about events coming up in the trucking industry. Transportation Events Mentioned in This Episode Lead Pedal Transportation Events Calendar Disclaimer These Events were current at the time of publication. Please note they are subject to change without notice. Listen to the first main episode of the month for an explanation. The Events Calendar is updated monthy. National Recruiting and Retention Symposium - April 27th, 2023 - Brampton ON. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> Hamilton Transportation Club - Spring Address -May 4th - Waterfront Banquet Centre - Hamilton Ontario - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.hamiltontransportationclub.com</a> Large Cars & Guitars Truck Show - May 6th - Kodak Tennessee - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://largecarsguitars.com</a> International Roadcheck - May 16th-18th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cvsa.org</a> Woodstock Truck Show - May 27th, 2023 - Woodstock ON- <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.woodstocktruckshow.ca</a> PMTC Spring Golf Tournament - May 30th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> PMTC Annual Conference - Hamilton Ontario - June 21st-23rd, 2023 - <a href="https://www.pmtc.ca" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> The Trucking Network Big Rig Expo and Job Fair - June 24th, 2023 - Calgary Alberta - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Antique Spring Truck Show - TBA - Teeswater Fairgrounds, Teeswater ON River City Truck Show -Grand Valley On - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/events/388937886565237</a> Clifford Truck Show - Clifford Ontario - July 1st-3rd, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.greatlakestruckclub.com</a> 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show - Mono ON - July 7-th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.519loudnproud.com</a> Burlington Car Show -Burlington City Hall - TBA - Burlington ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.burlingtoncarshow.ca</a> Wolcott Truckers Jamboree - Wolcott Iowa - July 13th - 15th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://iowa80truckstop.com/trucker-jamboree/</a> Great Canadian Truck Show -Grand Bend On - July 22nd - 23rd - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/greatcanadiantruckshow</a> - Grand Bend Motorplex Rodeo du Camion - Notre Dame du Nord QC - August 3rd -4th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://elrodeo.com/en/festival/online-store/40th-anniversary-ticket/</a> Grey County Truck Show - Southgate Ontario - August 11-13th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://facebook.com/events/s/grey-county-truck-show-2023/606696817555269/</a> Athen Truck Show - Antique Truck Club of America-TBA- Brockville ON- <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.antiquetruckclub.org</a> St.Thomas Big Rig Nationals- St. Thomas On-August 18th-19th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">http://www.sttracewaypark.com</a> Truck Driver Appreciation Week - Canada - September 5th -10th 2023 Truck Driver Appreciation Week - United States - September 12th -17th, 2023 Seaforth Truck Show - TBA - Ontario Special Olympics Ontario Truck Ride - September 16th 2023 -Paris, ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.truckride.ca</a> The Trucking Network Mega Job Fair - September 23rd, 2023 - Pearson Convention Centre - Brampton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Bridging the Barrier Event - Mississauga, ON - September 25th - 26th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.womenstruckingfederationofcanada.net</a> PMTC Fall Golf Tournament - September 26th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> TenFourDC -Truck Display - September TBA - National Monument - Fredericksburg Virginia - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.tenfourdc.org</a> DriverCheck Fitness for Duty Summit - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> Fleet Safety Council - Friday October 27th, 2023 - Brampton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.fleetsafetycouncil.com</a> Atlantic Truck Show - - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.atls.ca</a> ISBMEE Biz and Breakfast - TBA - Milton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.isbglobalservices.com</a> Bordertown Working Truck Show and Shine - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/MRPsWorkingTruckShownShine/</a> Road Today Job Fair - TBA, Toronto International Centre - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.trucknews.com</a> Episode Sponsors This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp955-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-april-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp955-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-april-2023</a>267221LP955,What's,New,on,the,Lead,Pedal,Podcast,-,April,2023blogs/4-2023/267221-lp955-whats-new-i--s.jpg3Tropical Daze Show Product Design Released Todayhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-103164/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-103164/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-103164/#commentsSun, 2 Apr 2023 16:22 GMTThis is the latest design in the Lead Pedal Store. This design is available on a variety of items so visit the Lead Pedal Store to see all the products. #leadpedalstore www.leadpedalradio.com267092Lead,Pedal,Store,,Lead,Pedal,Media,,Tropical,Daze,Show,blogs/4-2023/267092-lead-pedal-store-i--s.jpg6Fan Club Member Shows Off New Swaghttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-72234/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-72234/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-72234/#commentsSun, 2 Apr 2023 16:12 GMTFan club member Kevin Klein of the Great Canadian Truck Show won our fan club draw in March. The water bottle was so big he had to haul it with his truck. Thanks for the pic Kevin. Next draw April 7th. #leadpedalfanclub267091Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,,Fan,Club,Draws,blogs/4-2023/267091-lead-pedal-fan-i-72-s.jpg4Tropical Daze Show On Today At 2:00pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-35224/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-35224/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-35224/#commentsSun, 2 Apr 2023 16:08 GMTWarm up your afternoon with the Tropical Daze Show today at 2:00pm EST. #tropicaldazeshow #leadpedalradio267090Lead,Pedal,Radio.,Tropical,Daze,Show,blogs/4-2023/267090-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2SoFX Radio Show On At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-189164/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-189164/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-189164/#commentsSat, 1 Apr 2023 14:45 GMTRobert Mayor Jr is on at noon with the soFX radio show featuring new artists and conversation on music. Have a listen! #leadpedalradio #radioshows267042Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/4-2023/267042-radio-shows-i-18916-s.jpg2LP954 Lead Pedal Featured Truck: Big Blue Kenworthhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp954-lead-pedal-featured-truck-big-blue-kenworthfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp954-lead-pedal-featured-truck-big-blue-kenworth/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp954-lead-pedal-featured-truck-big-blue-kenworth/#commentsFri, 31 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck: Big Blue Kenworth Today's truck is a cool Kenworth from the 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp954-lead-pedal-featured-truck-big-blue-kenworth" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp954-lead-pedal-featured-truck-big-blue-kenworth</a>267011LP954,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck:,Big,Blue,Kenworthblogs/4-2023/267011-lp954-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3LP953 What Protection Can Truckers Carry? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp953-what-protection-can-truckers-carry-lead-pedal-q-and-afeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp953-what-protection-can-truckers-carry-lead-pedal-q-a/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp953-what-protection-can-truckers-carry-lead-pedal-q-a/#commentsThu, 30 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTWhat Protection Can Truckers Carry? Lead Pedal Q and A Our Lead Pedal Q and A question asked what protection truckers can carry on the road. We answer that question on the show today for new drivers. The answer may surprise you. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp953-what-protection-can-truckers-carry-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp953-what-protection-can-truckers-carry-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>266925LP953,What,Protection,Can,Truckers,Carry?,Lead,Pedal,Q,and,Ablogs/4-2023/266925-lp953-what-protecti-s.jpg3LP952 Hot Topics in Trucking: March 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp952-hot-topics-in-trucking-march-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp952-hot-topics-trucking-march-2023/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp952-hot-topics-trucking-march-2023/#commentsWed, 29 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTHot Topics in Trucking: March 2023 This episode recaps some of the important topics that are being discussed in the trucking industry this month. Many of these topics and more are discussed on LPR Live the weekly music and news show on Lead Pedal Radio. You can listen to the show on <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.leadpedalradio.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp952-hot-topics-in-trucking-march-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp952-hot-topics-in-trucking-march-2023</a>266830LP952,Hot,Topics,in,Trucking:,March,2023blogs/3-2023/266830-lp952-hot-topics-i--s.jpg3Great Radio Shows-Wednesdayhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-173793/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-173793/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-173793/#commentsTue, 28 Mar 2023 21:03 GMTTwo great shows on Wednesday morning. LPR Live us on at 10:00AM and Not Your Child Road Safety Show at 11:00AM. Listen on Lead Pedal Radio. #leadpedalradio266733Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/3-2023/266733-radio-shows-i-17379-s.jpg2LP951 History of the Interstate System: Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp951-history-of-the-interstate-system-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp951-history-interstate-system-turnback-tuesday-epis/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp951-history-interstate-system-turnback-tuesday-epis/#commentsTue, 28 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTHistory of the Interstate System: Turnback Tuesday Episode With the implement of GPS Units many truck drivers have stopped learning the basics of trip planning and map reading. In this Turnback Tuesday episode we explain the history of the Interstate System and why it's important to know how it works. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp951-history-of-the-interstate-system-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp951-history-of-the-interstate-system-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>266741LP951 History of the Interstate System: Turnback Tuesday Episodeblogs/3-2023/266741-lp951-history-inter-s.jpgTrivia Game Cancelled For Tonighthttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-1403173/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-1403173/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-1403173/#commentsMon, 27 Mar 2023 20:45 GMTLead Pedal Trivia cancelled fir tonight. See you next week. Next game April 3rd. #leadpedaltrivia266638Trivia,Games,,Lead,Pedal,Trivia,blogs/3-2023/266638-trivia-games-i-1403-s.jpg2LP950 Helping Truckers Save Money on Fuel With Robel Hailehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp950-helping-truckers-save-money-on-fuel-with-robel-hailefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp950-helping-truckers-save-money-fuel-with-robel-haile/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp950-helping-truckers-save-money-fuel-with-robel-haile/#commentsMon, 27 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTHelping Truckers Save Money on Fuel With Robel Haile Fuel prices are going crazy and as an owner operator it can be hard to gauge costs and those costs directly reflect on your bottom line. Today we talk with Robel Haile of Portland Fuel about their fuel program that allows fuel pricing to be a fixed cost for owner operators and fleets. Find out how to manage your fuel costs and improve the cash in your pocket. You can learn more about Portland Fuels at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.portland-fuel.ca</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp950-helping-truckers-save-money-on-fuel-with-robel-haile" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp950-helping-truckers-save-money-on-fuel-with-robel-haile</a>266649LP950,Helping,Truckers,Save,Money,on,Fuel,With,Robel,Haileblogs/3-2023/266649-lp950-helping-truck-s.jpg3Jiggs Dinner Show-Sundays At 5:00pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-with-i-1787223/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-with-i-1787223/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-with-i-1787223/#commentsSat, 25 Mar 2023 23:35 GMTJoin Roland Skinner as he hosts the Jiggs Dinner Show playing the best music from the East Coast. Sundays at 5:00pm est. #leadpedalradio266515Jiggs,Dinner,With,Roland,Skinnerblogs/3-2023/266515-jiggs-dinner-with--s.jpg2Highway To Hope Benefit Concerthttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-highway-hope-i-562423/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-highway-hope-i-562423/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-highway-hope-i-562423/#commentsSat, 25 Mar 2023 23:31 GMTSt. Christophers Truckers Relief Find is having their second benefit concert in April. Last year it was a great concert. Www.truckersfund.org266514Highway,To,Hope,,Benefit,Concerts,blogs/3-2023/266514-highway-hope-i-5624-s.jpg5SoFX Radio Show-Saturday At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-365513/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-365513/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-radio-shows-i-365513/#commentsSat, 25 Mar 2023 12:37 GMTJoin Robert Mayor for the SoFX Radio Show Saturdays at noon. New artists-new music.266484Radio,Shows,,Sofx,Radio,Show,blogs/3-2023/266484-radio-shows-i-36551-s.jpg2Fan Club Show Today At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1103513/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1103513/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1103513/#commentsFri, 24 Mar 2023 14:32 GMTFan club show on Friday at noon. Fan club members have picked their best trucking tunes. Join us! #leadpedalfanclubshow266415Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/3-2023/266415-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP949 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: White / Blue Western Starhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp949-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-white-blue-western-starfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp949-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-white-blue-weste/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp949-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-white-blue-weste/#commentsFri, 24 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: White / Blue Western Star Today's truck is a cool Western Star from the 519 Loud n Proud Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp949-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-white-blue-western-star" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp949-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-white-blue-western-star</a>266460LP949,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week:,White,/,Blue,Western,Starblogs/3-2023/266460-lp949-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3New Song Showdown On Tonight At 8pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-new-songs-i-1201103/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-new-songs-i-1201103/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-new-songs-i-1201103/#commentsThu, 23 Mar 2023 14:48 GMTNew song showdown is on tonight at 8pm. We'll be featuring new music. #leadpedalradio266321New,Songs,,New,Artists,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/3-2023/266321-new-songs-i-1201103-s.jpg2LP948 What tips would professional drivers offer the general motoring public? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp948-what-tips-would-professional-drivers-offer-the-general-motoring-features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp948-what-tips-would-professional-drivers-offer-general/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp948-what-tips-would-professional-drivers-offer-general/#commentsThu, 23 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTWhat tips would professional drivers offer the general motoring public? Lead Pedal Q and A Our listener question today was asking for tips for the motoring public from professional truck drivers. What would be your tip? Listen to learn what we said. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp948-what-tips-would-professional-drivers-offer-the-general-motoring-public-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp948-what-tips-would-professional-drivers-offer-the-general-motoring-public-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>266376LP948,What,tips,would,professional,drivers,offer,the,general,motoring,public?,Lead,Pedal,Q,and,Ablogs/3-2023/266376-lp948-what-tips-i--s.jpg3LP947 Human Trafficking and How to Notice It!http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp947-human-trafficking-and-how-to-notice-itfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp947-human-trafficking-how-notice-it/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp947-human-trafficking-how-notice-it/#commentsWed, 22 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTHuman Trafficking and How to Notice It! Human trafficking is a top crime in North America and possibly the World. In this episode we listen to a panel discussion led by Shelley Walker of the Women's Trucking Federation of Canada and four women from the industry that work for various companies and what they are doing to raise awareness to help battle human trafficking in their companies. This panel discussion was from the TTSAO 7th Annual Conference. This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp947-human-trafficking-and-how-to-notice-it" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp947-human-trafficking-and-how-to-notice-it</a>266289LP947,Human,Trafficking,and,How,to,Notice,It!blogs/3-2023/266289-lp947-human-traffic-s.jpg3LPR Live-Wednesday At 10:00amhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-81333/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-81333/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-81333/#commentsWed, 22 Mar 2023 00:36 GMTLpr Live with Bruce Outridge-tomorrow at 10:00am266223Lead,Pedal,Radio,,,Radio,Shows,,Lpr,Live,blogs/3-2023/266223-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP946 History of Dayton Wheels: Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp946-history-of-dayton-wheels-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp946-history-dayton-wheels-turnback-tuesday-episode/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp946-history-dayton-wheels-turnback-tuesday-episode/#commentsTue, 21 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTLP946 History of Dayton Wheels: Turnback Tuesday Episode In this Turnback Tuesday Episode we look back on the Dayton Wheel for trucks. What happened to this staple of the industry? Have a listen to find out. Turnback Tuesday Episodes take a look at the history of the trucking industry. Listen to more history on the transportation industry by selecting our Turnback Tuesday link on the podcast page. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp946-history-of-dayton-wheels-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp946-history-of-dayton-wheels-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>266204LP946,History,of,Dayton,Wheels:,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/3-2023/266204-lp946-history-of-i--s.jpg3Lead Pedal Trivia-Monday At 7:00PMhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-609313/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-609313/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-609313/#commentsMon, 20 Mar 2023 19:24 GMTJoin us for Lead Pedal Trivia tonight at 7:00pm #leadpedaltrivia266100Trivia,,Lead,Pedal,Trivia,blogs/3-2023/266100-trivia-lead-i-60931-s.jpg2LP945 Michael Morgan Wins Instructor of the Yearhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp945-michael-morgan-wins-instructor-of-the-yearfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp945-michael-morgan-wins-instructor-year/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp945-michael-morgan-wins-instructor-year/#commentsMon, 20 Mar 2023 08:00 GMTMichael Morgan Wins Instructor of the Year Every year the Truck Training School Association of Ontario chooses an Instructor of the Year. We take a look at who won for 2023 and some of the past Instructors in this episode. You can learn more about the instructors through the interviews below: <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://theleadpedalpodcast.com/lp309-instructor-of-the-year-with-joe-teixeira-of-rosedale-transport</a> <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://theleadpedalpodcast.com/lp463-interview-with-instructor-of-the-year-doug-degrow</a> <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://theleadpedalpodcast.com/lp834-instructor-of-the-year-doug-graves</a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp945-michael-morgan-wins-instructor-of-the-year" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp945-michael-morgan-wins-instructor-of-the-year</a>266117LP945 Michael Morgan Wins Instructor of the Yearblogs/3-2023/266117-lp945-michael-morga-s.jpgKevin Klein Wins March Fan Club Drawhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1988573/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1988573/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1988573/#commentsSun, 19 Mar 2023 16:19 GMTCongratulations to Kevin Klein of the Great Canadian Truck Show for winning our Friday Fan Club Draw. Kevin won a cool stainless Water Bottle with our latest design. #leadpedalfanclub #leadpedalmedia266001Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,,Lead,Pedal,Media,blogs/3-2023/266001-lead-pedal-fan-i-19-s.jpg4Tropical Daze show Today At 2:00pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-337563/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-337563/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-337563/#commentsSun, 19 Mar 2023 16:16 GMTJoin us for the Tropical Daze Show on Lead Pedal Radio. Today at 2:00pm, also join our new fan page for the group. #tropicaldazeshow266000Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/3-2023/266000-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg1LP944 Lead Pedal Featured Truck: Peterbilt Caboverhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp944-lead-pedal-featured-truck-peterbilt-caboverfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp944-lead-pedal-featured-truck-peterbilt-cabover/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp944-lead-pedal-featured-truck-peterbilt-cabover/#commentsFri, 17 Mar 2023 09:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck: Peterbilt Cabover Today's truck is a cool Peterbilt Cabover from the 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp944-lead-pedal-featured-truck-peterbilt-cabover" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp944-lead-pedal-featured-truck-peterbilt-cabover</a>265900LP944,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck:,Peterbilt,Caboverblogs/3-2023/265900-lp944-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3Fan Club Show Friday At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1464263/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1464263/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1464263/#commentsFri, 17 Mar 2023 00:10 GMTLead Pedal Fan Club Show tomorrow at noon. We'll be doing the draw around 12:30pm. Talk soon. #leadpedalradio #radioshows265827Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/3-2023/265827-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP943 How far from my job should I live as a truck driver? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp943-how-far-from-my-job-should-i-live-as-a-truck-driver-lead-pedal-qfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp943-how-far-my-job-should-i-live-as-truck-driver-le/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp943-how-far-my-job-should-i-live-as-truck-driver-le/#commentsThu, 16 Mar 2023 09:00 GMTHow far from my job should I live as a truck driver? Lead Pedal Q and A In this Lead Pedal Q and A episode we answer a listener question about how far away should a person live from their terminal? The answer may surprise you! Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp943-how-far-from-my-job-should-i-live-as-a-truck-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp943-how-far-from-my-job-should-i-live-as-a-truck-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>265810LP943,How,far,from,my,job,should,I,live,as,a,truck,driver?,Lead,Pedal,Q,and,Ablogs/3-2023/265810-lp943-how-far-i-175-s.jpg3LP942 The Importance of Your Truck Driver Medicalhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp942-the-importance-of-your-truck-driver-medicalfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp942-importance-your-truck-driver-medical/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp942-importance-your-truck-driver-medical/#commentsWed, 15 Mar 2023 09:00 GMTThe Importance of Your Truck Driver Medical Bruce talks about why you want to take getting your driver medical seriously. What you may want to watch out for and why you should not be waiting to get your medical done. Medicals are a big part of the commercial licence and not something to be taken lightly. Find out why in this episode. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp942-the-importance-of-your-truck-driver-medical" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp942-the-importance-of-your-truck-driver-medical</a>265716LP942,The,Importance,of,Your,Truck,Driver,Medicalblogs/3-2023/265716-lp942-importance-i--s.jpg3Trucking Network Job Fair-March 25thhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-job-i-1501503/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-job-i-1501503/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-job-i-1501503/#commentsTue, 14 Mar 2023 23:43 GMTThe next Trucking Network Job Fair is on March 25th in Brampton Ontario. They give away free cash at these events but you gave to attend to win. Come and say hello if you see the Lead Pedal Team roaming around. See you there! #truckingevents #theleadpedalpodcast <a href="https://www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca" target="_blank">https://www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a>265628Events,,Job,Fairs,,Lead,Pedal,Events,blogs/3-2023/265628-events-job-i-150150-s.jpg5Latest design available In The Lead Pedal Storehttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-858273/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-858273/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-858273/#commentsTue, 14 Mar 2023 23:37 GMTOur March t-shirt design is now available in the Lead Pedal Store. Who else is "Too Cool for School!" #leadpedalstore #leadpedalmedia265622Lead,Pedal,Store,,Lead,Pedal,T-shirt,blogs/3-2023/265622-lead-pedal-store-i--s.jpg6Next Fan Club Draw-March 17thhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1175563/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1175563/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1175563/#commentsTue, 14 Mar 2023 23:33 GMTNext Fan Club draw this Friday on the Fan Club Show around 12:30pm. #leadpedalfanclub #leadpedalmedia265621Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,,Lead,Pedal,Media,blogs/3-2023/265621-lead-pedal-fan-i-11-s.jpg4LPR Live -Wednesday at 10:00AMhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1441473/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1441473/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1441473/#commentsTue, 14 Mar 2023 23:26 GMTJoin Brice on Wednesday mornings at 10:00am for trucking news, music, and more. Leadpedalradio265614Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Lpr,Live,,Radio,Shows,blogs/3-2023/265614-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP941 History of the Marmon Truck: Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp941-history-of-the-marmon-truck-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp941-history-marmon-truck-turnback-tuesday-episode/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp941-history-marmon-truck-turnback-tuesday-episode/#commentsTue, 14 Mar 2023 09:00 GMTHistory of the Marmon Truck: Turnback Tuesday Episode In this Turnback Tuesday episode we take a look at the Marmon Truck and what happened to these creature trucks of the highway. Take a turn back in time and remember the Marmon. Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp941-history-of-the-marmon-truck-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp941-history-of-the-marmon-truck-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>265608LP941,History,of,the,Marmon,Truck:,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/3-2023/265608-lp941-history-of-i--s.jpg3LP940 Having the Right Attitude as a Professional Driverhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp940-having-the-right-attitude-as-a-professional-driverfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp940-having-right-attitude-as-professional-driver/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp940-having-right-attitude-as-professional-driver/#commentsMon, 13 Mar 2023 09:00 GMTHaving the Right Attitude as a Professional Driver In this episode of the podcast we talk about the importance of having a good attitude as a driver. Most recruiters will tell you they hire for attitude and it can also have a direct impact on your job. We offer some tips in this podcast to help you be the best you can be. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp940-having-the-right-attitude-as-a-professional-driver" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp940-having-the-right-attitude-as-a-professional-driver</a>265499LP940,Having,the,Right,Attitude,as,a,Professional,Driverblogs/3-2023/265499-lp940-having-the-i--s.jpg3LP939 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: NATT Human Trafficking Trailerhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp939-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-natt-human-trafficking-trafeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp939-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-natt-human-traff/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp939-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-natt-human-traff/#commentsFri, 10 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: NATT Human Trafficking Trailer This week's featured truck is more about the trailer than the truck. In this episode we feature a human trafficking trailer by Northern Academy of Truck Training out of Sudbury Ontario. NATT revealed the trailer at the recent TTSAO Conference in Brampton Ontario at the end of February. Learn the signs on human trafficking - #knowhumantrafficking <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">View the Video on the Featured Truck Here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp939-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-natt-human-trafficking-trailer" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp939-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-natt-human-trafficking-trailer</a>265265LP939 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: NATT Human Trafficking Trailerblogs/3-2023/265265-lp939-lead-pedal-fe-s.jpgNew Song Showdown Tonight At 8pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-new-music-i-200413/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-new-music-i-200413/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-new-music-i-200413/#commentsThu, 9 Mar 2023 21:22 GMTJoin us tonight for the New Song Showdown to hear new artists. 8pm eastern #leadpedalradio265147New,Music,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/3-2023/265147-new-music-i-200413-s.jpg2LP938 Will they ticket me for 50LBs overweight on an axle? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp938-will-they-ticket-me-for-50lbs-overweight-on-an-axle-lead-pedal-qfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp938-will-they-ticket-me-50lbs-overweight-axle-le/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp938-will-they-ticket-me-50lbs-overweight-axle-le/#commentsThu, 9 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTWill they ticket me for 50LBs overweight on an axle? Lead Pedal Q and A Our listener question is about being overweight on an axle but legal on a truck gross weight and can you still be ticketed? We answer that question on the show today for truck drivers. Have a listen. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp938-will-they-ticket-me-for-50lbs-overweight-on-an-axle-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp938-will-they-ticket-me-for-50lbs-overweight-on-an-axle-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>265160LP938 Will they ticket me for 50LBs overweight on an axle? Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/3-2023/265160-lp938-will-they-tic-s.jpgLP937 Recap of the TTSAO 7th Annual Conferencehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp937-recap-of-the-ttsao-7th-annual-conferencefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp937-recap-ttsao-7th-annual-conference/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp937-recap-ttsao-7th-annual-conference/#commentsWed, 8 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTRecap of the TTSAO 7th Annual Conference In this episode we recap the 7th Annual TTSAO Conference which celebrated 30 years for the Truck Training School Association of Ontario as they got back on track with their regularly scheduled conference. The conference was a two day event and we recap it for you on the show today. Learn more about the TTSAO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.ttsao.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp937-recap-of-the-ttsao-7th-annual-conference" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp937-recap-of-the-ttsao-7th-annual-conference</a>265066LP937,Recap,of,the,TTSAO,7th,Annual,Conferenceblogs/3-2023/265066-lp937-recap-of-i-58-s.jpg3LP936 History of the Cartage Card: Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp936-history-of-the-cartage-card-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp936-history-cartage-card-turnback-tuesday-episode/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp936-history-cartage-card-turnback-tuesday-episode/#commentsTue, 7 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTHistory of the Cartage Card: Turnback Tuesday Episode In this Turnback Tuesday episode we take a look at what happened to the cartage card for truck drivers. Cartage cards were a staple in the industry in the 60s and 70s and went away in the late 70s. We talk about what happened to this industry standard. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp936-history-of-the-cartage-card-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp936-history-of-the-cartage-card-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>264962LP936,History,of,the,Cartage,Card:,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/3-2023/264962-lp936-history-of-i--s.jpg3Trivia game On tonighthttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-1127523/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-1127523/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-1127523/#commentsTue, 7 Mar 2023 00:11 GMTTrivia game on at7pm264863Trivia,,Lead,Pedal,Trivia,blogs/3-2023/264863-trivia-lead-i-11275-s.jpg2LP935 Cognitive Testing for Road Tests with Chris Wilkinsonhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp935-cognitive-testing-for-road-tests-with-chris-wilkinsonfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp935-cognitive-testing-road-tests-with-chris-wilkinson/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp935-cognitive-testing-road-tests-with-chris-wilkinson/#commentsMon, 6 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTCognitive Testing for Road Tests with Chris Wilkinson Cognitive Testing has been around for a while in the trucking industry and has made some remarkable discoveries in medical conditions that truck drivers weren't even aware of before the test. They are now looking to bring that testing and integrate it with road tests for drivers. On this episode Chris Wilkinson talks about why cognitive testing is important for truck drivers before they get out on the road. Wilkinson works with Impirica a leader in cognitive testing. You can learn more about the company at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.impirica.ca</a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp935-cognitive-testing-for-road-tests-with-chris-wilkinson" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp935-cognitive-testing-for-road-tests-with-chris-wilkinson</a>264862LP935 Cognitive Testing for Road Tests with Chris Wilkinsonblogs/3-2023/264862-lp935-cognitive-tes-s.jpgTropical Daze Show Today At 2:00pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-tropical-daze-show-i-212213/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-tropical-daze-show-i-212213/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-tropical-daze-show-i-212213/#commentsSun, 5 Mar 2023 17:06 GMTJoin us for the Tropical Daze Show at 2pm Sunday on Lead Pedal Radio. #leadpedalradio #radioshows #tropicaldazeshow264749Tropical,Daze,Show,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/3-2023/264749-tropical-daze-show--s.jpg2Lead Pedal Newsletter For Marchhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-newsletter-lead-i-430483/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-newsletter-lead-i-430483/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-newsletter-lead-i-430483/#commentsSat, 4 Mar 2023 23:27 GMTThe March edition of the Lead Pedal Newsletter is now available. Find out what's coming this month on the podcast. <a href="https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0KSc749fWBbMKQ3Nc66W1A3f7vXxpBigNMSZoEfEeNpWkR6j8vsLJL45n5Ud8tbCPl&id=100037191266338" target="_blank">https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0KSc749fWBbMKQ3Nc66W1A3f7vXxpBigNMSZoEfEeNpWkR6j8vsLJL45n5Ud8tbCPl&id=100037191266338</a> Enjoy264706Newsletter,,Lead,Pedal,Media,blogs/3-2023/264706-newsletter-lead-i--s.jpg1LP934 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week - Knight Veteran Truckhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp934-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-knight-veteran-truckfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp934-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-knight-veteran-t/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp934-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-knight-veteran-t/#commentsFri, 3 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week - Knight Veteran Truck Today's truck is a cool veteran truck from the Mid America Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp934-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-knight-veteran-truck" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp934-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-knight-veteran-truck</a>264639LP934,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week,-,Knight,Veteran,Truckblogs/3-2023/264639-lp934-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3LP933 What is the best carrier to drive for as a new driver? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp933-what-is-the-best-carrier-to-drive-for-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedalfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp933-what-is-best-carrier-drive-as-new-driver/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp933-what-is-best-carrier-drive-as-new-driver/#commentsThu, 2 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTWhat is the best carrier to drive for as a new driver? Lead Pedal Q and A In this episode Bruce answers a listeners question about where to get a job as a young a new driver? Find out what type of carriers can hire you. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp933-what-is-the-best-carrier-to-drive-for-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp933-what-is-the-best-carrier-to-drive-for-as-a-new-driver-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>264538LP933 What is the best carrier to drive for as a new driver? Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/3-2023/264538-lp933-what-is-best-s.jpgLPR Live Today At 10:00AMhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-944573/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-944573/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-944573/#commentsWed, 1 Mar 2023 14:43 GMTJoin us for the show starting at 10:00am264375Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,,Lpr,Live,blogs/3-2023/264375-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP932 What's New on the Lead Pedal Podcast - March 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp932-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-march-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp932-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-march-2023/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp932-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-march-2023/#commentsWed, 1 Mar 2023 10:00 GMTWhat's New on the Lead Pedal Podcast - March 2023 Today's episode we lay out what's happening on the podcast, guests, and bring you up to date with events in the industry. We have some great shows coming up this month, so subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Lead Pedal Events - March 2023 We talk about these events on the podcast-Times and Dates Subject to Change Without Notice Women with Drive Event - March 8th - Toronto Ont - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.truckinghr.com</a> The Trucking Network Mega Job Fair - March 25th, 2023 - Pearson Convention Centre - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Hamilton Niagara Fleet Safety Council Spring Seminar- March 30th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.fleetsafetycouncil.com</a> Mid America Truck Show - March 30th - April 1st, 2023 - Louisville Kentucky - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.truckingshow.com</a> International Roadcheck - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cvsa.org</a> National Recruiting and Retention Symposium - April 27th, 2023 - Brampton ON. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> Woodstock Truck Show - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.woodstocktruckshow.ca</a> Large Cars & Guitars Truck Show - May 6th - Kodak Tennessee - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://largecarsguitars.com</a> PMTC Spring Golf Tournament - May 30th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> PMTC Annual Conference - Hamilton Ontario - June 21st-23rd, 2023 - <a href="https://www.pmtc.ca" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> The Trucking Network Mega Job Fair - June 30th, 2023 - Kitchener ON - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Antique Spring Truck Show - TBA - Teeswater Fairgrounds, Teeswater ON River City Truck Show -Grand Valley On - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/events/388937886565237</a> Clifford Truck Show - Clifford Ontario - July 1st-3rd, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.greatlakestruckclub.com</a> 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show - Mono ON - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.519loudnproud.com</a> Burlington Car Show -Burlington City Hall - TBA - Burlington ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.burlingtoncarshow.ca</a> Wolcott Truckers Jamboree - Wolcott Iowa - July 13th - 15th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://iowa80truckstop.com/trucker-jamboree/</a> Great Canadian Truck Show -Grand Bend On - July 22nd - 23rd - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/greatcanadiantruckshow</a> - Grand Bend Motorplex Rodeo du Camion - Notre Dame du Nord QC - August 3rd 2023 - <a href="https://elrodeo.com/en/festival/online-store/40th-anniversary-ticket/" target="_blank"> https://elrodeo.com/en/festival/online-store/40th-anniversary-ticket/</a> Athen Truck Show - Antique Truck Club of America-TBA- Brockville ON- <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.antiquetruckclub.org</a> St.Thomas Big Rig Nationals- St. Thomas On-TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">http://www.sttracewaypark.com</a> Truck Driver Appreciation Week - Canada - September 5th -10th 2023 Truck Driver Appreciation Week - United States - September 12th -17th, 2023 Seaforth Truck Show - TBA - Ontario Special Olympics Ontario Truck Ride - September 16th 2023 -Paris, ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.truckride.ca</a> The Trucking Network Mega Job Fair - September 23rd, 2023 - Pearson Convention Centre - Brampton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> Bridging the Barrier Event - Mississauga, ON - September 25th - 26th 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.womenstruckingfederationofcanada.net</a> PMTC Fall Golf Tournament - September 26th, 2023 - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.pmtc.ca</a> TenFourDC -Truck Display - September TBA - National Monument - Fredericksburg Virginia - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.tenfourdc.org</a> DriverCheck Fitness for Duty Summit - TBA - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> Fleet Safety Council - TBA - Mississauga ON- <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.fleetsafetycouncil.com</a> Atlantic Truck Show - - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.atls.ca</a> ISBMEE Biz and Breakfast - TBA - Milton ON - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.isbglobalservices.com</a> Bordertown Working Truck Show and Shine - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/MRPsWorkingTruckShownShine/</a> Road Today Job Fair - TBA, Toronto International Centre - <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.trucknews.com</a> This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 DriverCheck is a leader in drug and alcohol, cognitive, and workplace testing helping employers have a safe workplace for their staff. Learn how DriverCheck can help you be safe at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.drivercheck.ca</a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp932-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-march-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp932-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-march-2023</a>264436LP932 What's New on the Lead Pedal Podcast - March 2023blogs/3-2023/264436-lp932-whats-new-lea-s.jpgLP931 When did DeRegulation start? Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp931-when-did-deregulation-start-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp931-when-did-deregulation-start-turnback-tuesday-episode/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp931-when-did-deregulation-start-turnback-tuesday-episode/#commentsTue, 28 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTWhen did DeRegulation start? Turnback Tuesday Episode We go back in time in this episode to learn about DeRegulation in the trucking industry and when it started and more importantly why it started. Join us on this Turnback Tuesday episode on the podcast. This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp931-when-did-deregulation-start-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp931-when-did-deregulation-start-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>264326LP931,When,did,DeRegulation,start?,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/3-2023/264326-lp931-when-did-i-16-s.jpg3LP930 What Was That Like with Scott Johnsonhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp930-what-was-that-like-with-scott-johnsonfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp930-what-was-that-like-with-scott-johnson/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp930-what-was-that-like-with-scott-johnson/#commentsMon, 27 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTWhat Was That Like with Scott Johnson If you are a lover of real people in amazing life stories then the What Was That Like Podcast with Scott Johnson may be for you. On the show today we talk with host / producer Scott Johnson about why he started the show and the amazing people he talks with on the podcast. You can learn more about the show at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.whatwasthatlike.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp930-what-was-that-like-with-scott-johnson" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp930-what-was-that-like-with-scott-johnson</a>264210LP930 What Was That Like with Scott Johnsonblogs/2-2023/264210-lp930-what-was-that-s.jpgJiggs Dinner -tonight at 5pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-i-1046282/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-i-1046282/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-jiggs-dinner-i-1046282/#commentsSun, 26 Feb 2023 20:18 GMTJiggs Dinner on tonight at 5pm on Lead Pedal Radio. Best of Newfoundland music on Lead Pedal Radio. #leadpedalradio #radioshows264107Jiggs,Dinner,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/2-2023/264107-jiggs-dinner-i-1046-s.jpg2Fan Club Show On Nowhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-2003162/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-2003162/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-2003162/#commentsFri, 24 Feb 2023 17:06 GMTFan club show starting now. Announcement at 12:30pm on the show. #leadpedalfanclubshow #leadpedalfanclub #radioshows263910Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/2-2023/263910-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP929 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week - Rayburn Triple Axle Dump Truckhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp929-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-rayburn-triple-axle-dump-tfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp929-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-rayburn-triple-a/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp929-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-rayburn-triple-a/#commentsFri, 24 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week - Rayburn Triple Axle Dump Truck Today's truck is a cool dump truck from the 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp929-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-rayburn-triple-axle-dump-truck" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp929-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-rayburn-triple-axle-dump-truck</a>263950LP929,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week,-,Rayburn,Triple,Axle,Dump,Truckblogs/2-2023/263950-lp929-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3LP928 Do Jacobs Brakes have different settings? Lead Pedal Q & Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp928-do-jacobs-brakes-have-different-settings-lead-pedal-q-afeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp928-do-jacobs-brakes-have-different-settings-lead-pedal-q/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp928-do-jacobs-brakes-have-different-settings-lead-pedal-q/#commentsThu, 23 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTDo Jacobs Brakes have different settings? Lead Pedal Q & A Do Jake Brakes have different settings? Bruce answers this question about Jake Brakes on the Lead Pedal Q & A Show today. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp928-do-jacobs-brakes-have-different-settings-lead-pedal-q-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp928-do-jacobs-brakes-have-different-settings-lead-pedal-q-a</a>263867LP928,Do,Jacobs,Brakes,have,different,settings?,Lead,Pedal,Q,&,Ablogs/2-2023/263867-lp928-do-jacobs-i--s.jpg3LP927 Hot Topics in Trucking for February 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp927-hot-topics-in-trucking-for-february-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp927-hot-topics-trucking-february-2023/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp927-hot-topics-trucking-february-2023/#commentsWed, 22 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTHot Topics in Trucking for February 2023 Bruce talks about some of the hot topics in trucking for the month of February in the industry. Many of these topics are also covered on his LPR Live Show Wednesday mornings on Lead Pedal Radio. Find out what we are talking about this month. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp927-hot-topics-in-trucking-for-february-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp927-hot-topics-in-trucking-for-february-2023</a>263769LP927,Hot,Topics,in,Trucking,for,February,2023blogs/2-2023/263769-lp927-hot-topics-i--s.jpg3LP926 Black History Month - Being a Black Truck Driverhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp926-black-history-month-being-a-black-truck-driverfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp926-black-history-month-being-black-truck-driver/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp926-black-history-month-being-black-truck-driver/#commentsTue, 21 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTBlack History Month - Being a Black Truck Driver Bruce recaps his career as a black truck driver for Black History Month. Being black in today's world is just as challenging as it was years ago. As we have new immigrants coming to Canada we need to evaluate how we treat others on a bigger scale. Have a listen! This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp926-black-history-month-being-a-black-truck-driver" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp926-black-history-month-being-a-black-truck-driver</a>263667LP926,Black,History,Month,-,Being,a,Black,Truck,Driverblogs/2-2023/263667-lp926-black-history-s.jpg3Lead Pedal Trivia Tonight At 7pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-2013172/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-2013172/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-lead-i-2013172/#commentsMon, 20 Feb 2023 19:41 GMTJoin us for Lead Pedal Trivia tonight at 7pm EST on Lead Pedal Radio or be part of the fun on our Facebook Page. See you tonight! #triviagames #trivia #leadpedaltrivia263537Trivia,,Lead,Pedal,Trivia,blogs/2-2023/263537-trivia-lead-i-20131-s.jpg2LP925 Owner Operator Success Tips from Johanne Couturehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp925-owner-operator-success-tips-from-johanne-couturefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp925-owner-operator-success-tips-johanne-couture/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp925-owner-operator-success-tips-johanne-couture/#commentsMon, 20 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTOwner Operator Success Tips from Johanne Couture Johanne Couture joins us on the show as we play an interview done with our friends at Trucker Radio on a former tour stop. Johanne is a veteran owner operator hauling hazardous materials across North America and offers tips for business owners and drivers alike. Have a listen! This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp925-owner-operator-success-tips-from-johanne-couture" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp925-owner-operator-success-tips-from-johanne-couture</a>263570LP925,Owner,Operator,Success,Tips,from,Johanne,Coutureblogs/2-2023/263570-lp925-owner-operato-s.jpg3SoFX Radio Show-sat At Noonhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-sofx-radio-i-742402/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-sofx-radio-i-742402/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-sofx-radio-i-742402/#commentsSat, 18 Feb 2023 14:11 GMTJoin Robert Mayor Jr on the SoFX Radio Show today at noon.263381Sofx,Radio,,Radio,Shows,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/2-2023/263381-sofx-radio-i-742402-s.jpg2LP924 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: Poele Peterbilthttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp924-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-poele-peterbiltfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp924-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-poele-peterbilt/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp924-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-poele-peterbilt/#commentsFri, 17 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: Poele Peterbilt Today's truck is a cool Peterbilt from the 519 Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp924-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-poele-peterbilt" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp924-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-poele-peterbilt</a>263358LP924,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week:,Poele,Peterbiltblogs/2-2023/263358-lp924-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3New Song Showdown- Tonight At 8pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-348212/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-348212/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-348212/#commentsThu, 16 Feb 2023 23:29 GMTNew songs tonight on the show. Join us at 8pm.263285Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/2-2023/263285-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP923 Is it okay hold back pay for equipment damage? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp923-is-it-okay-hold-back-pay-for-equipment-damage-lead-pedal-q-and-afeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp923-is-it-okay-hold-back-pay-equipment-damage-lead-ped/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp923-is-it-okay-hold-back-pay-equipment-damage-lead-ped/#commentsThu, 16 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLP923 Is it okay hold back pay for equipment damage? Lead Pedal Q and A Is it okay to hold back an employees pay for equipment damage? We answer this question on our Lead Pedal Q and A and you may be surprised at the answer given by the host. Have a listen! Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp923-is-it-okay-hold-back-pay-for-equipment-damage-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp923-is-it-okay-hold-back-pay-for-equipment-damage-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>263286LP923 Is it okay hold back pay for equipment damage? Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/2-2023/263286-lp923-is-it-okay-ho-s.jpgNew Design Launched Feb 2023https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-91462/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-91462/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-store-i-91462/#commentsWed, 15 Feb 2023 19:08 GMTThis is the February design from Lead Pedal Media. The original design had Peterbilt on it and we had to change it due copyright issues. Check out the Lead Pedal Store. #leadpedalstore #theleadpedalpodcast263173Lead,Pedal,Store,,Lead,Pedal,Media,blogs/2-2023/263173-lead-pedal-store-i--s.jpg6LP922 Success Tips from Women Leadershttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp922-success-tips-from-women-leadersfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp922-success-tips-women-leaders/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp922-success-tips-women-leaders/#commentsWed, 15 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTSuccess Tips from Women Leaders In this episode Bruce talks with two women leaders that have been on the show before. Susie DeSousa and Kierra Henderson offer some great tips to hiring the right people and helping both underprivileged and women get started in the transportation industry. Both women are successful and have individual episodes listed below to learn more. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://theleadpedalpodcast.com/lp761-employing-women-in-transportation-with-susie-desousa</a> <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank"> https://theleadpedalpodcast.com/-lp848-becoming-a-trucking-guru-with-kierra-henderson</a> This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp922-success-tips-from-women-leaders" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp922-success-tips-from-women-leaders</a>263201LP922,Success,Tips,from,Women,Leadersblogs/2-2023/263201-lp922-success-tips--s.jpg3LP921 History of the CAT Engine: Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp921-history-of-the-cat-engine-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp921-history-cat-engine-turnback-tuesday-episode/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp921-history-cat-engine-turnback-tuesday-episode/#commentsTue, 14 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTHistory of the CAT Engine: Turnback Tuesday Episode On today's Turnback Tuesday we talk about one of the most popular engines in trucking and where it began. It may or may not surprise you that the truck was not the first place this engine began. Have a listen to learn more. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp921-history-of-the-cat-engine-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp921-history-of-the-cat-engine-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>263128LP921,History,of,the,CAT,Engine:,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/2-2023/263128-lp921-history-of-i--s.jpg3LP920 Conversations With the Team at Bison Transport in Mississaugahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp920-conversations-with-the-team-at-bison-transport-in-mississaugafeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp920-conversations-with-team-bison-transport-miss/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp920-conversations-with-team-bison-transport-miss/#commentsMon, 13 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLP920 conversation With the Team at Bison Transport in Mississauga If I said names like Maverick or Sherminator you might think that I am talking about the latest movie release or superhero film. The truth is these are just some of the people behind the scenes at Bison Transport in Mississauga Ontario. We chat with the team about what they do and how they keep one of the largest fleets on the road moving safely across North Americas highways. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://www.bisondriving.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp920-conversations-with-the-team-at-bison-transport-in-mississauga" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp920-conversations-with-the-team-at-bison-transport-in-mississauga</a>263058LP920 Conversations With the Team at Bison Transport in Mississaugablogs/2-2023/263058-lp920-conversations-s.jpgLP919 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week -Coulton Freightliner Caboverhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp919-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-coulton-freightliner-cabovfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp919-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-coulton-freightl/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp919-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-coulton-freightl/#commentsFri, 10 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week -Coulton Freightliner Cabover Today's truck is a cool cabover from the 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp919-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-coulton-freightliner-cabover" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp919-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-coulton-freightliner-cabover</a>262891LP919 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week -Coulton Freightliner Caboverblogs/2-2023/262891-lp919-lead-pedal-fe-s.jpgLP918 Do we need a Truckers Bathroom Act -Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp918-do-we-need-a-truckers-bathroom-act-lead-pedal-q-and-afeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp918-do-we-need-truckers-bathroom-act-lead-pedal-q-a/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp918-do-we-need-truckers-bathroom-act-lead-pedal-q-a/#commentsThu, 9 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLP918 Do we need a Truckers Bathroom Act -Lead Pedal Q and A Are they telling truckers when to go to the bathroom? Find out if we need a Truckers Bathroom Act on this episode of the Lead Pedal Q and A. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp918-do-we-need-a-truckers-bathroom-act-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp918-do-we-need-a-truckers-bathroom-act-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>262819LP918 Do we need a Truckers Bathroom Act -Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/2-2023/262819-lp918-do-we-need-tr-s.jpgLP917 A Look at Training With Rita Smithhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp917-a-look-at-training-with-rita-smithfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp917-look-training-with-rita-smith/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp917-look-training-with-rita-smith/#commentsWed, 8 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLP917 A Look at Training With Rita Smith Rita Smith joins Bruce on the show to talk about training between the trucking industry and the taxi industry. Find out what she found out as she works with the training industry of Toronto. Rita Smith is the owner of Road Warrior News a publication that covers all things transportation. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.roadwarriornews.com </a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp917-a-look-at-training-with-rita-smith" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp917-a-look-at-training-with-rita-smith</a>262797LP917,A,Look,at,Training,With,Rita,Smithblogs/2-2023/262797-lp917-look-i-162-s.jpg3LP916 History of the Jacobs Brake -Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp916-history-of-the-jacobs-brake-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp916-history-jacobs-brake-turnback-tuesday-episode/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp916-history-jacobs-brake-turnback-tuesday-episode/#commentsTue, 7 Feb 2023 11:00 GMTLP916 History of the Jacobs Brake -Turnback Tuesday Episode Wonder where the "Jake Brake" came from and how long it's been around? Listen to this Turnback Tuesday episode and we'll let you in on the details. Turnback Tuesday episodes offer a view back in time of the legacy of the transportation industry. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp916-history-of-the-jacobs-brake-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp916-history-of-the-jacobs-brake-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>262768LP916,History,of,the,Jacobs,Brake,-Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/2-2023/262768-lp916-history-of-i--s.jpg3LP915 A Chat With Bison Transport's Jeff Prieshttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp915-a-chat-with-bison-transports-jeff-priesfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp915-chat-with-bison-transports-jeff-pries/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp915-chat-with-bison-transports-jeff-pries/#commentsMon, 6 Feb 2023 11:00 GMTA Chat With Bison Transport's Jeff Pries Bruce chats with Jeff Pries of Bison Transport in Mississauga to learn more about the employees at the terminal. Lead Pedal Radio did a radio show live from the terminal for National Trucking Week and many fellow employees dropped into say hello. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp915-a-chat-with-bison-transports-jeff-pries" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp915-a-chat-with-bison-transports-jeff-pries</a>262751LP915,A,Chat,With,Bison,Transport's,Jeff,Priesblogs/2-2023/262751-lp915-chat-i-834142-s.jpg3TTSAO 7th Annual Conference- Feb 21-22, 2023https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-trucking-i-1306192/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-trucking-i-1306192/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-events-trucking-i-1306192/#commentsSat, 4 Feb 2023 22:36 GMTThe Truck Training School Association of Ontario is holding their annual conference on Feb 21-22, 2023. Learn more and register at www.ttsao.com. #ttsao2023262719Events,,Trucking,Events,,Conferences,blogs/2-2023/262719-events-trucking-i--s.jpg5Jiggs Dinner With Roland Skinnerhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-383142/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-383142/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-383142/#commentsSat, 4 Feb 2023 22:32 GMTListen to the best music from Newfoundland on the Jiggs Dinner Radio Show Sundays at 5PM EST. Why not tune in at 2pm for the Tropical Daze Show.262718Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/2-2023/262718-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2Check Out All The Stuff Happening In February With Lead Pedal Mediahttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-92312/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-92312/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-92312/#commentsSat, 4 Feb 2023 22:26 GMTHave you seen all the cool episodes happening in February. We may be away but the shows keep coming. <a href="https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Latest-News-from-Lead-Pedal-Media-February-2023.html?soid=1104663239495&aid=VC2dXZLpvCA" target="_blank">https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Latest-News-from-Lead-Pedal-Media-February-2023.html?soid=1104663239495&aid=VC2dXZLpvCA</a>262717Lead,Pedal,Radio,,The,Lead,Pedal,Podcast,,Lead,Pedal,Media,blogs/2-2023/262717-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg1LP914 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: MAD Expresshttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp914-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-mad-expressfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp914-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-mad-express/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp914-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-mad-express/#commentsFri, 3 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: MAD Express Today's truck is a cool cabover from the 519 Loud n proud Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp914-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-mad-express" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp914-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-mad-express</a>262706LP914,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week:,MAD,Expressblogs/2-2023/262706-lp914-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3LP913 Can I Carry a Knife in My Truck? Lead Pedal Q and Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp913-can-i-carry-a-knife-in-my-truck-lead-pedal-q-and-afeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp913-can-i-carry-knife-my-truck-lead-pedal-q-a/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp913-can-i-carry-knife-my-truck-lead-pedal-q-a/#commentsThu, 2 Feb 2023 10:00 GMTCan I Carry a Knife in My Truck? Lead Pedal Q and A Can I carry a knife in my truck as a truck driver? That is the questions we answer on our Lead Pedal Question and Answer Session for this week. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp913-can-i-carry-a-knife-in-my-truck-lead-pedal-q-and-a" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp913-can-i-carry-a-knife-in-my-truck-lead-pedal-q-and-a</a>262659LP913 Can I Carry a Knife in My Truck? Lead Pedal Q and Ablogs/2-2023/262659-lp913-can-i-carry-k-s.jpgTruck Report Geeks-Friday At 10:00amhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-151662/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-151662/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-151662/#commentsWed, 1 Feb 2023 17:27 GMTListen as Jim Morrison evaluates the trucks of the day on Truck Report Geeks-Friday at 10am est. #leadpedalradio #radioshows #truckreportgeeks262632Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Radio,Shows,blogs/2-2023/262632-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2LP912 What's New on The Lead Pedal Podcast - News, Guests, Events - Feb 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp912-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-news-guests-events-feb-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp912-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-news-guests-events/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp912-whats-new-lead-pedal-podcast-news-guests-events/#commentsWed, 1 Feb 2023 09:00 GMTWhat's New on The Lead Pedal Podcast - News, Guests, Events - Feb 2023 Find out what's new on the podcast with guests, news, and events. We have lots of stuff on the go for you in February. The best way to keep up to date is through our App called Lead Pedal Media or subscribe to the podcast on your favourite podcast platform This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! &nbsp; You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://www.bisondriving.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> TransRep is an Ontario based company specializing in services for companies involved in the transportation industry looking for services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Recruitment, Consulting Services, and Business Development. You can learn more about TransRep at <a href="http://www.transrep.ca" target="_blank">www.transrep.ca</a>&nbsp; About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://www.theleadpedalpodcast.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a>&nbsp; , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB &nbsp;<a href="http://www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a>&nbsp; LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://www.LeadPedalRadio.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a>&nbsp; The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://www.theleadpedalpodcast.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a>&nbsp; What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://www.theleadpedalpodcast.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a>&nbsp; Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a>&nbsp; via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp912-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-news-guests-events-feb-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp912-whats-new-on-the-lead-pedal-podcast-news-guests-events-feb-2023</a>262640LP912 Whats New on The Lead Pedal Podcast - News Guests Events - Feb 2023blogs/2-2023/262640-lp912-whats-new-lea-s.jpg5LP911 The History of the Truck Stop -Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp911-the-history-of-the-truck-stop-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp911-history-truck-stop-turnback-tuesday-episode/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp911-history-truck-stop-turnback-tuesday-episode/#commentsTue, 31 Jan 2023 10:00 GMTThe History of the Truck Stop -Turnback Tuesday Episode In this Turnback Tuesday episode Bruce takes a look at the Truck Stop and where they've started and the changes that we see today. Every Tuesday is a history topic from the transportation industry. This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp911-the-history-of-the-truck-stop-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp911-the-history-of-the-truck-stop-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>262617LP911,The,History,of,the,Truck,Stop,-Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/2-2023/262617-lp911-history-i-250-s.jpg3Trivia Live Tonight From South Beachhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-871351/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-871351/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-games-i-871351/#commentsMon, 30 Jan 2023 21:38 GMTThe trivia game tonight will be online and in person from South Beach Hotel Patio Bar. See you at 7pm EST- 8pm Bajan Time. #leadpedaltrivia #triviagames262590Trivia,Games,,Live,Trivia,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/1-2023/262590-trivia-games-i-8713-s.jpg2LP910 Convoy Update - One Year Later With Rita Smithhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp910-convoy-update-one-year-later-with-rita-smithfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp910-convoy-update-one-year-later-with-rita-smith/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp910-convoy-update-one-year-later-with-rita-smith/#commentsMon, 30 Jan 2023 10:00 GMTConvoy Update - One Year Later With Rita Smith In this episode Rita Smith from Road Warrior News joins Bruce on the show to offer an update and behind the scenes look at the Ottawa Convoy and what happened behind the scenes. Road Warrior News covers top stories within the trucking industry from taxis to trucks. Learn more about them at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.roadwarriornews.com</a> This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp910-convoy-update-one-year-later-with-rita-smith" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp910-convoy-update-one-year-later-with-rita-smith</a>262593LP910 Convoy Update - One Year Later With Rita Smithblogs/1-2023/262593-lp910-convoy-update-s.jpgJiggs Dinner Show-Sundays At 5pmhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1210121/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1210121/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-radio-i-1210121/#commentsSat, 28 Jan 2023 21:13 GMTBest music from Newfoundland. Sunday nights at 5pm #jiggsdinner #leadpedalradio262558Lead,Pedal,Radio,,Jiggs,Dinner,blogs/1-2023/262558-lead-pedal-radio-i--s.jpg2Wayne Binkley Wins January Drawhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-768361/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-768361/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-768361/#commentsSat, 28 Jan 2023 21:08 GMTWayne Binkley was the latest winner of our fan club draw winning this cool Cabover Crazy Mug. #leadpedalfanclub #leadpedalradio262557Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club.,Friday,Fan,Club,Draws,blogs/1-2023/262557-lead-pedal-fan-i-76-s.jpg4LP909 Lead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: Molson Mack Superlinerhttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp909-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-molson-mack-superlinerfeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp909-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-molson-mack-supe/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp909-lead-pedal-featured-truck-week-molson-mack-supe/#commentsFri, 27 Jan 2023 10:00 GMTLead Pedal Featured Truck of the Week: Molson Mack Superliner Today's truck is a cool Mack Superliner with a Molson Trailer from the 519 Loud n Proud Truck Show. Each week Bruce picks a cool truck from the many truck shows he attends. Hearing about them is one thing, seeing them is another. Check out this cool ride! <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">Check out the video on this featured truck by clicking here</a> Enter Your Truck to be a Featured Truck of the Week To get your truck entered into the Lead Pedal Featured Trucks email photos of your truck and a write up about and why it supposed to be part of these amazing trucks. Email <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com</a> Chrome Supply Warehouse has the best selection of chrome and truck parts in Ontario Canada. Located in Belleville Ontario on the North side of the Highway with lots of truck parking. Stop in for a break or to check on their Deal of the day. Learn more online at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.chromesupplywarehouse.com </a> This episode is sponsored by Bison Transport with many opportunities for truck drivers in their fleet across Canada. Bison has significantly increased our base rates for Teams! We have a wide variety of Canada only dedicated team positions available for folks to choose from! Bison has significantly increased our base rates for Owner-Operators!! Owner-Operators running Canada Only can earn up to 185K per year Owner-Operator Teams can earn up to $360,000 per year Company Team Drivers can earn up to $120,000 per year (per driver) We have a wide variety of Canada Only positions for Owner-Operators to choose from! AND Bison has the steady freight to keep Owner-Operators moving! You can learn more about Bison and the opportunities available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.bisondriving.com</a> or call 1-800-527-5781 @BisonTransport #bisontransport This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp909-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-molson-mack-superliner" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp909-lead-pedal-featured-truck-of-the-week-molson-mack-superliner</a>262544LP909,Lead,Pedal,Featured,Truck,of,the,Week:,Molson,Mack,Superlinerblogs/1-2023/262544-lp909-lead-pedal-i--s.jpg3Fan Club Draw Friday On Lunch Showhttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1069491/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1069491/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lead-pedal-fan-i-1069491/#commentsThu, 26 Jan 2023 20:26 GMTHey Guys Who are my cabiver lovers? Hope you're having a good week. We'll be doing a fan club draw tomorrow at noon EST with our Reggae show lunch. Who is going to win one of our new coffee mugs? See you then! #leadpedalfanclub #leadpedalradio262522Lead,Pedal,Fan,Club,,Lead,Pedal,Radio,blogs/1-2023/262522-lead-pedal-fan-i-10-s.jpg4LP908 How to Search for Jobs overseas? Lead Pedal Q&Ahttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp908-how-to-search-for-jobs-overseas-lead-pedal-qafeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp908-how-search-jobs-overseas-lead-pedal-qa/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp908-how-search-jobs-overseas-lead-pedal-qa/#commentsThu, 26 Jan 2023 10:00 GMTHow to Search for Jobs overseas? Lead Pedal Q&A How to search for jobs from overseas? This is the Lead Pedal Q&A for today. Bruce answers the question in this episode and shares some information on the best way to start the search. Disclaimer: If you have a question about business or careers in the transportation industry email your question to leadpedalpodcast@gmail.com . Please note answers are general in nature and the opinion of the host or guest of the show. Please seek professional expertise before making any decisions. This episode is sponsored by Rosedale Transport offering career opportunities for truck drivers with their large network. You can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rosedalegroup.com</a> Have you heard of RS2000 Tax Services offering accounting services throughout Ontario? The firm specializes in truck drivers, owner operators, and farm based businesses. Work with people who know exactly what operators in your industry require to be profitable. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.RS2000tax.com</a> or call 1-800-304-3986 via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp908-how-to-search-for-jobs-overseas-lead-pedal-qa" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp908-how-to-search-for-jobs-overseas-lead-pedal-qa</a>262526LP908 How to Search for Jobs overseas? Lead Pedal Q&Ablogs/1-2023/262526-lp908-how-search-jo-s.jpgLP907 Hot Topics in Trucking: Jan 2023http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp907-hot-topics-in-trucking-jan-2023features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp907-hot-topics-trucking-jan-2023/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp907-hot-topics-trucking-jan-2023/#commentsWed, 25 Jan 2023 10:00 GMTLP907 Hot Topics in Trucking: Jan 2023 In this episode of the Hot Topics being discussed this month are ELDs (Electronic Logging Devices), Quitting Your Job, Human Trafficking, and our special guest. These are the topics being discussed this month. The Hot Topics Show us taken from the LPR Live weekly show on Wednesday mornings. This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.rimstransport.com</a> DriverVerified is an online platform that allows you to keep a profile that can be found by potential employers, sent directly to insurance professionals, or updated with documents that help you stand out from other applicants. You can learn more about DriverVerified at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.driververified.com</a> Set up your free profile today. This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.otds.com</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp907-hot-topics-in-trucking-jan-2023" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp907-hot-topics-in-trucking-jan-2023</a>262498LP907,Hot,Topics,in,Trucking:,Jan,2023blogs/1-2023/262498-lp907-hot-topics-i--s.jpg3LP906 The History of the Diesel Engine: Turnback Tuesday Episodehttp://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp906-the-history-of-the-diesel-engine-turnback-tuesday-episodefeatures/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp906-history-diesel-engine-turnback-tuesday-epis/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-lp906-history-diesel-engine-turnback-tuesday-epis/#commentsTue, 24 Jan 2023 10:00 GMTThe History of the Diesel Engine: Turnback Tuesday Episode In this Turnback Tuesday episode we take a look at the diesel engine and where it all began along with some funny stories from your host. This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.cat.ca</a> or call 1-800-363-5313 This episode is also sponsored by The Trucking Network which holds mega job fairs across the Country. You can learn about all the upcoming events at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.thetruckingnetworkevents.ca</a> About the Show LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening JOIN THE LEAD PEDAL PODCAST FAN CLUB <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.TheLeadPedalPodcastFanClub.com</a> LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.LeadPedalRadio.com</a> The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn't know about many of these topics. Are you enjoying the show? If so we would appreciate you leaving us a rating and review on iTunes or on your favourite podcast platform. <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcast.com</a> Join The Lead Pedal Podcast Fan Club where are loyal fans get first chance at specials, discounts on merchandise and much more.The club is free to join and you can learn more at <a href="http://blackvibes.com" target="_blank">www.theleadpedalpodcastfanclub.com</a> via: <a href="http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp906-the-history-of-the-diesel-engine-turnback-tuesday-episode" target="_blank">http://sites.libsyn.com/67821/lp906-the-history-of-the-diesel-engine-turnback-tuesday-episode</a>262470LP906,The,History,of,the,Diesel,Engine:,Turnback,Tuesday,Episodeblogs/1-2023/262470-lp906-history-i-691-s.jpg3Lead Pedal Media Launches New Shirt Design For Cabover Lovershttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-cabovers-trucks-i-72941/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-cabovers-trucks-i-72941/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-cabovers-trucks-i-72941/#commentsMon, 23 Jan 2023 23:08 GMTWe are happy to announce our Latest T-shirt design now available on the Lead Pedal Store, specifically for cabover lovers. The design is available on shirts and mugs. <a href="https://www.zazzle.com/z/6uhqi2zq" target="_blank">https://www.zazzle.com/z/6uhqi2zq</a> #leadpedalstore262456Cabovers,,Trucks,,Tshirts,,Clothing,blogs/1-2023/262456-cabovers-trucks-i--s.jpg6Lead Pedal Online Only Tonighthttps://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-leadpedaltrivia-i-789131/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-leadpedaltrivia-i-789131/Posted by leadpedalmedia0https://www.blackvibes.com/features/blogs/leadpedalmedia-trivia-leadpedaltrivia-i-789131/#commentsMon, 23 Jan 2023 19:56 GMTLead Pedal Trivia on tonight online only. 7:00pm #leadpedaltrivia #triviagames262454Trivia,,Leadpedaltrivia,blogs/1-2023/262454-trivia-leadpedaltri-s.jpg2