comptonchronicles's Blog platform that will allow people around the world see all the various sides of Compton. Focusing on the unseen good side that the main stream media seems to over look.en-uscomalonzo@comptonentchamber.orghttp://Comptonentchamber.orgTheComptonEntChamberof CommerceComptonEntChamber115968ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/9421626631ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/2209705332ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/2209705332ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3163694353ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3163694353ca-app-pub-5614911574263464/3568931435
12/30/1899 12:00:00 AMNNNNNNN City Legend (Digital Version) by comptonchronicles0, 31 Jul 2024 22:59 GMT<a href="" target="_blank"></a>328540hubcity,,Compton,,newspaper,,digitalblogs/7-2024/328540-hubcity-compton-a--s.jpgN.W.A. Not Without Alonzo by comptonchronicles0, 31 Jul 2024 22:55 GMTPremiere Fri August 9th at Compton Hub City International Film Festival at Compton college.&nbsp;328539Compton,,Alonzo,,film,festival,,NWA,blogs/7-2024/328539-compton-alonzo-a-17-s.jpgPost Office Dedication August 7th by comptonchronicles0, 31 Jul 2024 22:53 GMTnull328538Anderson,,Compton,,post,office,,dedicationblogs/7-2024/328538-anderson-compton-a--s.jpgHub City International Film Festival by comptonchronicles0, 31 Jul 2024 22:51 GMTnull328537movie,,documentary,,film,,Compton,,festivalblogs/7-2024/328537-movie-documentary--s.jpgOne Compton Bringing Hoods Together by comptonchronicles0, 31 Jul 2024 22:47 GMTnull328536Mike,Gipson,,father's,,dad's,,cal,state,Dominguez,hillsblogs/7-2024/328536-mike-gipson-a-13775-s.jpgBrothers For Kamala by comptonchronicles0, 31 Jul 2024 22:44 GMTnull328535Kamala,,election,,Compton,blogs/7-2024/328535-kamala-election-a--s.jpgSign up For Free Subscription by comptonchronicles0, 20 Apr 2024 03:23 GMTDon't miss out on the latest happenings in Compton! Subscribe now to the Hub City Legend community newspaper for free and stay up-to-date with the most important news. Share the link with your family and friends, and help us in our mission to bridge the communication gap in Compton one issue at a time.309591hubcity,,subscribe,,free,blogs/4-2024/309591-hubcity-subscribe--s.jpgHome Sellers Wanted by comptonchronicles0, 26 Mar 2024 21:46 GMTIf you are looking to sell your home. Here is a person to call.305885home,,buyers,,Compton,,sellersblogs/3-2024/305885-home-buyers-a-6153-s.jpgCompton Entertainment Channel by comptonchronicles0, 15 Feb 2023 00:41 GMTComing soon the Compton entertainment channel a tv channel dedicated to providing information to the shareholders of Compton. The Compton entertainment channel will be an easy source of news and information on and about the city of Compton. Advertising will be available for businesses and events. The channel will be on all streaming channels Roku, Apple TV, Amazon TV, and more also live streaming of events such as Townhall meetings and special events will be available. Although launching soon 15 days or so the website is currently available for early free VIP sign ups. ComptonEntChannel.com263140tv,,roku,,live,streaming,,video,,firestick,,Apple,tvblogs/2-2023/263140-tv-roku-a-1442592-s.jpgPromoting Peace In The Hood by comptonchronicles0, 4 Aug 2022 07:57 GMTIn an effort to bring more business to the city of Compton the Compton Entertainment Chamber of commerce is proposing an idea that is a win win for everyone, the citizens and the business community. That idea is a city wide promotion of Hood Peace where yard signs, flyers and posters promoting the idea of peace just like you would a city election. The concept is the brain child of the CECC president Lonzo Williams as a promoter of concerts, clubs and events he feels that if put it on peoples minds hopefully you can put it in there hearts. And a safer city is good for businesses and everyone involved.&nbsp; theirhearts.&nbsp;</li></ol>251343hood,peace,,save,lives,,bring,business,blogs/8-2022/251343-hood-peace-a-173730-s.jpgJJ Fad gets street named after them by comptonchronicles0, 16 Jun 2022 04:29 GMT80's girl rap group JJ Fad are the first west coast hip hop artist to have a home town street renamed after their group. On Saturday June 11th the city of Rialto renamed a well traveled street in the city to "JJ Fad way" after the home town rap queens. The event was well attended by family and supporters of the group including "Supersonic" producer Arabian Prince, NWA member DJ Yella and Cli N Tel and Lonzo the Godfather of west coast hip hop. The groups song Supersonic was the first single and album to go platinum on the Compton based label Ruthless records founded by the late Easy E.246937jj fad, hip hop, ruthless records, easy e, west coast, street renamed, Rialto, Comptonblogs/6-2022/246937-jj-fad-hip-hop-ruth-s.jpg