The Khaliseum Khaliseum is a one-stop destination for movie streaming, online magazines, e-commerce, and social networking. At The Khaliseum, we believe that entertainment and social connection go hand in hand. Our goal for creating this platform is to bring people together through the shared experience of movie streaming, while also providing a platform for social interaction and community building. We strive to create a dynamic and engaging online environment where users can connect with one another, discover new films and TV shows, and enjoy the best in entertainment all in one place.en-uscomgde4life@gmail.comhttp://www.TheKhaliseum.comshortyrocnyckhaliseumchannel/UCcky-B0yhv07MEsORZ-hWSwthekhaliseumshortyrocnyc5476592 Khaliseum Radio NetworkUUcky-B0yhv07MEsORZ-hWSw00 ONLYY5/1/2024 7:09:00 PMYN11NNNN1211N17E033B7-D199-40B3-A7D5-1EA48B1944ACvideochannelslinksmusicradiolistmoretab_icon_podcasttab_icon_hometab_icon_podcasttab_icon_microphonetab_icon_morePodcastNewsGDE NewsEventsMembers ONLYMoreAudio PodcastsRadioPodcastthekhaliseum Shorty Roc gets interviewed on the WE ARE FLORIDA PODCAST by thekhaliseum0, 16 Nov 2023 18:09 GMTCritiquing Today&#39;s Hip-Hop - No Substance, Lack of Structure &amp; More! Join us for an insightful conversation with King Shorty Roc as he dissects the current state of hip-hop, shedding light on the absence of substance and structure in the genre. Get ready to explore his unique perspective on the music industry and the important issues surrounding it. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that dives deep into the world of hip-hop and its evolution. Don&#39;t miss this engaging interview! <strong>CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a> 289822shorty roc,shortyrocnyc,we are florida podcastblogs/11-2023/289822-shorty-roc-shortyroc-s.jpg