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First Lady Michelle ObamaMrs. Obama interacts with crowdR&B Group After 7 performs
Congressional Black Caucus President and CEO Dr. Elsie ScottDirector and Honoree George LucasPhoenix Awards Hosts Actress Sharon Leal and Actor/Comedian/Director Robert Townsend
George LucasCongressman John Lewis and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes NortonCongresswoman Maxine Waters
Judge Greg Mathis and his Wife Linda ReeseCongresswoman Frederica WilsonCongresswoman and Honoree Corrine Brown with her colleagues
Trayvon Martin's Mother Sabrina MartinHonoree Havey GanttCongressman Emmanuel Cleaver, Honoree George Lucas, and Actor/Director Robert Townsend
US Attorney General and Honoree Eric HolderHosts Sharon Leal and Robert TownsendActress and Phoenix Awards Host Sharon Leal
Phoenix Awards CrowdCNN's Roland MartinActor/Comedian Chris Tucker and Rev. Al Sharpton
Congressional Black Caucus MembersFirst Lady Michelle Obama



2012 Congressional Black Caucus Phoenix Awards

CNN's Roland Martin

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CNN's Roland Martin


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