Dwayne Collins

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Dwayne Collins

Basic Information
Location:Las Vegas, NV
Birthday:Jan 15
Short Desc:Writter and owner
Description:I am an INSPIRED Writer and the author of Sunrise From The Waters and The Salvation Of Sunrise From The Waters. I'm one who never gives up on improving myself and the things that I represent through GOD'S INSPIRED WORDS.

I don't exalt anything but YAHWEH, GOD and CREATOR OF ALL THAT EXISTS. I would LOVE to be in a position that can help others to excel into the excellence of their purpose for living.

I would like to commit myself to helping Married Couples to find the lifestyle that serves them best. I would like to (from the profits of my movies) bring forth We Really Care Productions Homeless Shelter, Drug Rehabilitation Center and Career Center for Married Couples.

At this center we will provide Married couples with all they need to rid themselves of unwanted lifestyles while allowing them to get to know TRUTH and withdraw from the instilled lies of their past.

Through my INSPIRED WRITINGS I will always give Inspiration to all who are in need of uplifting. YAHWEH is always good and will provide me with the right words to INSPIRE those who have been downtrodden with repeated failures. With my WORDS FROM GOD I will supply them with the needed ammunition to defend them and their purpose for life.

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