Would You Like to Add Pre-rolls to Your App?  (**not that kind of pre-roll!)

A pre-roll ad is a message or jingle that plays before your audio stream starts. The listeners will hear it the first time they click Play on any radio station or podcast in your app. This audio can be up to 30 seconds and it's a great way to help boost awareness or advertise a product.

Pre-roll ads are common on Radio and Podcast apps as well YouTube and Social Media because they are widely considered to be the most effective ad format. Now, you can take advantage of this feature in your own app.

All you have to do is provide an MP3 with the audio that you want to play! Once it's setup, you can change the audio in your BV account at any time.

One-time fee to add this feature!


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Discover New Ways To Improve Your App in 2025

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If there's been a new feature that you've been considering, now is the perfect time to add it. You can get 20% off all new features until the end of January.


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