Prep N Vibe ALL Day Today

Prep N Vibe ALL Day Today

Tune In To Prep N Vibe Showcasing  The Djs Of Chicago  77.3 

While you Cooking, Don't Worry! We got you Jamming 

Check out the lineup 2pm #DjBoom3pm @cuenique 4pm @djcocoz 5pm @djmalonepro 6pm @djspauhn 7pm @djdeepoise 8pm @ooweeradioshow 10pm @djbbs443 ...READ MORE

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On Tuesday, November 11, 2023, the Mayes & Wright Media Center parking lot in Muskegon, Michigan, became a hub of excitement and generosity as WUVS 103.7 The Beat & M106.1 FM hosted their highly anticipated annual Turkeys and More Giveaway event. In its 22nd year, this event brought the community together in a spirit of [...]

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It's Time For My #JustATouchof_J 's "Mamas Gotta Drop A Dyme On You!"

Hey Kings and Queens!

Good Day Everyone!
Are you out there shining bright like the diamond that you're? Smile :)
It looks great on you.

Omg! You have to check out my new JustATouchof_J's Segment called, "Momma's Gotta Drop a Dyme on You!" on my JustATouchofJ Mobile App, Instagram's Facebook's, Tumblr, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, LinkedIn, and just to name a few! ;)

First let me start off by telling you what a Dyme is. A "Dyme" is an African American Colloquialisms for a perfect 10! It's my Vernacular Slang for, "Dropping perfect Information on your mentality." So in other words I'm giving you that excellent impeccable untarnished superb experienced wisdom and knowledge!

I'm putting it "All Out There in Pieces for You Baby" and, I'm doing it the way God tells me to.

Today's Dyme is all about...
"My BoyFriend Thing!"
31 years of me dating.
10 Boyfriends ~ 10 Different ways!

Last weeks Dyme was all about READ MORE

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The T-Quest Show with DJ ILL NINO: ELYMVNT Interview

The T-Quest Show with DJ ILL NINO: ELYMVNT Interview

Check out this incredible interview T-Quest & DJ ILL NINO had with Recording Artist ELYMVNTl! They talked about his career, his music and so much more. You can stream ELYMVNT's music on all digital platforms & make sure you follow him on Instagram @ELYMVNT

Follow us on all social media @TheTQuestShow @TQuestGLM @DJILLNINO download the T-Quest mobile app in your google play store & your app store. On the app you can hear Gotta Love Me Radio as well as WQRN RnB Radio 24/7 & check out our website  For bookings email

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