@blazeprowrestling Show announcement for this year along with a new home!

@blazeprowrestling Show announcement for this year along with a new home! Where? 445 Tissot St. "The St. Louis Centre" on Feb 28th 2025 you'll see stars like BPW's Provincial Champion "The Zombie Killer" Mentallo, The Outlaw Adam Knight, and The Steel Stud and so many more Get your tickets online today at www.blazeprowrestling.com or from your nearest BPW crew member #blazeprowrestling #blazeprowrestlingclub #winnipeg #winnipegwrestling #noregrets #stlouiscentre #theparlortattoo #toro494security #me-diancreditunion #turnbucklepad #foodfarewpg @foodfarewpg @theparlortattoos @mediancreditunion @mentallothezombiekiller @djdisspare
