#MarriedToMessiness Dr. Heavenly Kimes Questions Whether Phaedra Parks Donated $47K To The Med Gala,

#MarriedToMessiness Dr. Heavenly Kimes Questions Whether Phaedra Parks Donated $47K To The Med Gala,

Source: Phylicia J. L. Munn / Bravo

There's some Married To Medicine messiness afoot involving Dr. Heavenly Kimes and Phaedra Parks. After the dentist wondered if the attorney made good on a promise to donate $47K to Dr. Jackie's Med Gala, Phaedra released receipts, but for a different amount than what was mentioned.

On Sunday's episode of Married To Medicine, viewers saw the second annual Med Gala to raise money for 4Kira4Moms, a nonprofit centered around the Black maternal mortality rate.

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The charity bash was helmed by Dr. Jackie with Phaedra as co-chair before Dr. Heavenly was brought in as co-co-chair of the gala amid concerns about Phaedra's party planning.

Jackie said in a confessional that Phaedra had been less than helpful, but despite that said she could help her raise $100,000.

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After a live auction that included a $4,000 donation for a date with Phaedra, the gala raised $53,430, which was tremendously short of their goal.

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With that, Phaedra said she would pay the remaining $47,000 balance.

After the episode, Dr. Heavenly sent shade Phaedra Parks' way on YouTube.

According to Heavenly, Phaedra actually owes $51,000 for the gala, and because she hasn't paid, 4Kira4Moms is short of the $100K the organization was promised.

"The problem I have with anything as a professional y'all wrote this man a check for $100,000 and his check ain't good today."

She also alleged that the man who said he'd cough up $4K for a date with Phaedra was told he was just being used as a prop and demanded a refund when his card was charged the full amount.

"Phaedra just said, 'Roll with it,'" Heavenly alleges she told the suitor. "That just shows you how Phaedra moves, evidently Phaedra just used that man as a prop.

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After hearing about Heavenly's accusations, Phaedra released receipts on her Instagram, including a check she wrote for $35,006.70.

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Dr. Heavenly has since responded to Phaedra Parks releasing receipts, hit the flip for that.

The post #MarriedToMessiness Dr. Heavenly Kimes Questions Whether Phaedra Parks Donated $47K To The Med Gala, Attorney Releases Receipts appeared first on Bossip.

via: https://bossip.com/2765552/heavenly-kimes-phaedra-parks-married-to-medicine/

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