Heightened Cancer Risks For Black Women Under 50: Here Is What To Know And Do About It

Black women are at an elevated risk of cancer, with specific types of the disease showing significant increases among women in their 30s.

A 2023 report by the JAMA Network highlighted a concerning trend: early-onset cases of breast, thyroid and colorectal cancer are increasing in adults under 50, especially among women in their 30s. Data from the medical journal uncovered alarming rates of these cancers emerging among young adults, prompting researchers to analyze a cohort of 562,145 individuals with early-onset cancer in the U.S.... Read more

via: https://kmojfm.com/wp/2024/06/heightened-cancer-risks-for-black-women-under-50-here-is-what-to-know-and-do-about-it/

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