Recently, Stunna Girl took to her Instagram Story to reveal that she was shot in the chest. In a clip, she shows off the wound, which is expectedly grisly. In a subsequent post, she explains exactly where the bullet struck her. "It hit above my breast & went out my underpit," Stunna Girl wrote. She then shared a photo of a medical document, which appeared to confirm her injuries.
At the time of writing, it remains unclear exactly when Stunna Girl was shot, and who is responsible. The circumstances leading up to the shooting are also still a mystery for now. Regardless, fans are flooding her with supportive messages, and hoping that she has a speedy recovery. Fortunately, it looks like she's already well on her way.
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Stunna Girl Shows Off Her Injuries
View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Neighborhood Talk (@theneighborhoodtalk)
While fans send their prayers to Stunna Girl amid her recovery, they're reminded of another upsetting incident she encountered earlier this year at one of her shows. In April, she was onstage in New York when a male fan reached out and slapped her butt. The inappropriate gesture resulted in an all-out brawl, as her husband RichMula500 promptly confronted the man. Several punches, and chairs, were thrown. Shortly after the debacle, Stunna Girl took to Instagram Live to address the situation, revealing that the perpetrator had already broken his silence online.
"In reality, I really could have him in jail right now for sexual assault. But I ain't even put bruh in jail," she said. "And, um, not only that [but] he went on the internet, he DMed me like 50 times, popping it. Like, 'Yeah b***h, I did this, I did that.' He posted it. He posted captions, acting hard, saying what he did... Like, you can't be a gangster, pervert, rat. Like, you gotta pick one." What do you think of Stunna Girl revealing that she was recently shot? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.
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The post Stunna Girl Gets Shot In The Chest appeared first on HotNewHipHop.