RZA Shocks Fans With Classical Music Album, "A Ballet Through Mud"

RZA has gone in a new direction with his latest album, A Ballet Through Mud, which sees him collaborating with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra as led by Christopher Dragon. Rather than a hip-hop release, RZA taps into the genre of classical music for the project. "I found my old book of lyrics that were written from the age 14 to 19, and I wanted to find a way to put music to it, so I started that as the foundation, storytelling in a way that was not just confounded to the lyrics," he told BET of the decision. "It was almost like the story started lyrically, and then I wanted to express it without having to say anything."

Speaking with PEOPLE for a new interview, RZA also revealed that Andre 3000's recent flute album, New Blue Sun, served as an inspiration for his new project. He began by recalling meeting up with the legendary rapper during the COVID-19 pandemic. "We both talked about [our albums] and went on our way and, of course, he did it. He put [New Blue Sun] out," RZA said. "And I think the beauty of his is that it didn't take as many people to translate. That's the glitch when you're dealing with an orchestra of 60 people. But when his album came out, it just inspired me to keep going. Like, 'Yo, I'm going to put mine out as well.'" Check out A Ballet Through Mud below. Be on the lookout for further updates on RZA on HotNewHipHop.

Read More: RZA Reveals Why Early Wu-Tang Clan Production Was All Done In-House

RZA Switches Genres For New Album


Aeolian Beauty
Clear Sky After Storm
A Ballet Through Mud
Winds From the West
Divine Intervention
Freedom of Movement
Soft Footsteps
Good Night 1st Movement
The Night Dances When You Least Expect It
Moving Meditation
The Lotus Arrives

Read More: Wu-Tang Clan "Once Upon A Time In Shaolin" Timeline: What Happened & What's Next?

[Via] [Via]
The post RZA Shocks Fans With Classical Music Album, "A Ballet Through Mud" appeared first on HotNewHipHop.

via: https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/838862-rza-shocks-fans-classical-music-album-a-ballet-through-mud-hip-hop-news

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